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A Cautionary Tale

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Great is the battle, small the victory when all that is won is lost to mankind - in this war of worlds its great casualty is the fallen consciousness in our mind. From spear tip and arrowhead to smart bomb or Ptolemy to Hubble looking glass, Luxor hieroglyphs to CD Rom - from the Bronze to Silicon Age we pass. Primeval footprint, genetic blueprint, sandstone castles under canyons of steel - gone are the Caesars and Pharaohs extinct and there’s a cautionary tale so real. Civilisations that with hubris act fall a ruin, a remnant, an artifact. Written: August 2004

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/18/2024 7:24:00 PM
So true. Western Civilization is the 'Living Dead.' You have written it so well here. And in hundreds of pages less than Arnold Toynbee, to boot! Bravo! ~ Gershon
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/20/2024 4:31:00 AM
It has all been prophesied. The end days are near.
Date: 7/17/2024 3:11:00 PM
Keith, Your entire poetry collection is excellent, and this sonnet is no exception. I have sifted through most of your works and there’s no doubt. But, your prose is second to none. It exposes an inner warmth and sincerity that you keep hidden beneath a tough, outer shell. You have a prose style that reminds me of F. Scott…it flows like wine. I can’t express it any better than that. Your prose is a gift to PS.
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/18/2024 4:36:00 AM
And Max the wonder dog is living his best life. He really landed on his feet when I showed up at the animal rescue shelter.
Trestrail Avatar
Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/18/2024 4:33:00 AM
Mate, you can stop by anytime. High praise indeed from easily one of the finest, if not the finest, weaver of words on this site. Your opinion means a lot. Take care, champion.
Massey Avatar
Mark Massey
Date: 7/17/2024 3:47:00 PM
P.S. I hope Magical Max is doing OK…
Date: 7/16/2024 9:27:00 PM
Finely worded historical look at the fall of civilization, Keith. It is hard to see the downfall of a great country..God help us! Great poetry!
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/17/2024 4:01:00 AM
It ain’t over yet, Laura. Keep the faith. Hugs.
Date: 7/16/2024 6:49:00 PM
The literature documenting where we've been and where we're headed is unassailably clear. Read it and weep or hold fast and watch Eden renew. Nothing new under the Sun. :o//
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/17/2024 3:59:00 AM
Yep, there’s only one kingdom that matters. Cheers.
Date: 7/15/2024 9:58:00 AM
Civilizations come and go like a passing cloud, the only thing constant is our love for killing and it's what we'll do until we are no more like the rest of the creatures that have gone's nothing to get excited about, besides the only reason we are here is to supply the plants with carbon dioxide
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/15/2024 11:00:00 PM
Yep, I agree. The clock is ticking. Nice to see ya, Frederic.
Date: 7/15/2024 9:58:00 AM
It is cautionary times. Humans are on top of the evolutionary scale and don't know what to do. I fear we will be toppled by AI. I thank you for bravely bringing up this subject.
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/15/2024 10:57:00 PM
It is a worry when you look at western civilisation now. We are in rapid decline. Thanks Hilda.
Date: 7/15/2024 6:14:00 AM
So true Keith. The Bible foretold the rise and fall of six empires, and the seventh is headed for the greatest fall of all. Awesome sonneteering, though I'd love to see you post one in true iambic pentameter
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Keith D Trestrail
Date: 7/15/2024 6:29:00 AM
The only meter I can get my head around is a parking meter. Appreciate the visit. Next time call first! If there’s no answer it’s because I have my iamb stuck in my mouth.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things