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A Candle In the Window of Desire

She sits thinking, How wonderful it would be, To have her love, her destiny. What unfolds in her life, makes it all worthwhile. To be with that man, that extra mile. Her tree has it’s birds, butterflies too, That visit each day, making things new. Her garden does grow, Bringing beauty all around, Flowers in a row, Some so profound. She gazes at her walkway, That leads to her door, And imagines him there, just as before. Such a good time they had, In this beautiful land, Always good, never bad, As they would walk, hand in hand. Now he has gone back, To the land of his birth, But their love did not lack, It gave life such worth. A candle in the window, Her desires all around, The light does glow, For the love she has found.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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