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A Broken Family

Many people know the key points to having a HAPPY HOME. Many people fail to realize, the key points to maintaining a HAPPY HOME. Just because the bare necessities are being provided, does that make it a HAPPY HOME? When people are smiling on the outside, does that make the inside of the HOME HAPPY? Are the smiles, jokes, and stories, just a cover UP! For the HAPPY HOME they wish they HAD! What exactly is the definition of a HAPPY HOME? What exactly is the definition of a BROKEN HOME? In that case what is the definition for a HAPPY FAMILY? Or what is the definition for a BROKEN FAMILY? People always tell me, why fix something if it’s not BROKEN? Like there is not always needs to IMPROVE, That which people think is not IMPROVABLE. HAPPY HOMES are only made through HAPPY CIRCUMSTANCES! People that chooses to be HAPPY! Through UNHAPPY CIRCUMSTANCES! WHY? WHY? How can BROKEN HOMES, Still remain HAPPY! How come HAPPY HOMES, Still remain UNHAPPY! This must be one of the reasons, why we have BROKEN HOMES. This must be one of the reasons, why we still have BROKEN FAMILIES! Many people believe, why “fix” things if it’s not BROKEN? Why, not fix the broken family when they are “HAPPY”? Once the family is BROKEN, It will be that much harder, to make it whole AGAIN! Even THEN, The family will never be the way it WAS! Or could have been if not you WAITED. A broken family is the direct reflection of a BROKEN WILL! The direct reflection of a BROKEN SOUL! With this many things BROKEN! How easy do you think it will be to fix a BROKEN FAMILY!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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