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A Brain Freezer

Two days have gone by and no new poems What's happening to this silly old geezer Am I having one of those damn writer's blocks Those famous deadly brain freezers Surely there's a bunch more stuff inside It just isn't making itself known Usually I'm a very patient old son of a gun Hope this old mind hasn't blown All those poems I had stored up for months Getting near the end of the pile Kinda frightened like a little kid, I am My reputation's gonna be defiled Think I'll lie down for a couple of days To let my old bean-o recharge Then I'll be back to my prolific old self Sure feel like an absolute retard They say it can happen to the best of us guys Thought I was above all that stuff So much for that “holier that thou” attitude You guy's have seen through my bluff

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/5/2022 5:01:00 PM
So glad you came back Jack, I have enjoyed so many or your masterpieces since then. ( this one included).
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Jack Ellison
Date: 10/5/2022 5:11:00 PM
Masterpieces??? Wow! Much appreciated my sweet! Love, Happy Jack XOX
Date: 8/3/2022 12:29:00 PM
Jack, trust me, it does happen to all of us. Some days I could write a poem if my life depended on it. Other days I can't write them fast enough. I can't account for this at all. Good luck, my friend.
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Jack Ellison
Date: 8/3/2022 12:53:00 PM
Written approximately 2,000 poems since 2,012 Yikes!
Date: 8/3/2022 6:19:00 AM
Don't worry Jack when your brain thaws you'll be writing like no tomorrow. Tom
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Jack Ellison
Date: 8/3/2022 6:33:00 AM
Have no fear, I'll be back before you know it (I hope) happy day Sir Tom!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things