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A Blessing If You Would Learn

The heart when young, so blissful and knows no sin the mind's ego knows no bounds, its strength within The earth, sound and steep, its fruits the soul entice the taste of spice great! to every slice a price The eyes rain and the mouth would savour its pain when dry is your land, sow no seed, reap no grain Valiant steps fear no edge nor the burn of sands wish die for the glory of walking God's Lands Specks of dust make souls blind can turn lives to dust just a spark of deep Faith heralds paths to trust Ascend and observe, gems in you aim to earn What seems as harm, a blessing if you would learn God for you paves paths and lends many a hand a deep well of Love granted to flood your land Those warm drops of Love and Life, in time of birth brought heaven under your feet, mothers of earth Peace and joy in voice of heart to God raise praise light in soul, a power with beauty would blaze Brushes and pens paint and a language translate the soul ebb and flow beyond language and state.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 6/9/2020 9:46:00 AM
Youth is unbelievable even having lived it...Congratulations Besma on POTD...and the connection with God so satisfying...
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 6/10/2020 4:03:00 PM
No wonder, Spring season is so charming! Thank you so much, Arturo, for your lovely feedback! So honoured and pleased! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 6/8/2020 9:03:00 PM
Wow! Accept my belated congratulations. This is well deserved, top-notch with lines having life. Great piece of work here.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 6/10/2020 4:01:00 PM
Always an honour and an immense pleasure to receive so sincere congratulations and so generous a compliment from my fellow poet! Thank you so much, Funom, for your graceful presence and honouring feedback.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 6/3/2020 8:27:00 AM
My belated Congrats!! dear friend...I've been ill lately, so in and out of consciousness...superb write dear & hugs...^WW^
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 6/4/2020 9:44:00 AM
Always a great delight, honour and a blessing to have you read and appreciate my humble work! Thank you so much for being here, for your warm and sincere words! Thank you so much! My warmest regards and blessings.
Date: 6/3/2020 4:41:00 AM
A warm Congratulation on your POTD, dear Besma.. I am in complete awe! Your beautiful masterpiece opens my heart and fills it with love. A reminder of the love the Creator is.. A Glorious gem you created, dear Poetess! This is a fav for me! Many blessings and stay safe, my friend..
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 6/4/2020 9:40:00 AM
What a wonderful and rewarding feedback, dear Robertina! So happy my humble work could touch your very heart in such a beauty! Blessed to have sensitive poets with a deep insight and humility, read and appreciate my humble work! Thank you so much, dear Robertina for the great pleasure and honour! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/31/2020 10:36:00 AM
How many of his favours can you deny...We have so much to be grateful for. Your poem is full of wisdom... Congratulations on potd.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 6/1/2020 10:22:00 AM
We live in the grace of God's infinite beauty and blessings, if we could know! Thank you so much, Silent One, for the honour of your visit and the beauty of your words.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/31/2020 10:01:00 AM
A belated congrats to you, Beata! Reading your inspirational words was a lovely way to start my Sunday! Have a blessed day, xx Rhonda
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 6/1/2020 10:18:00 AM
I am so glad my humble work brought you pleasure, dear Rhonda! Happier having you here to read and generously appreciate my poetry! Thank you so much! My deepest regards and blessings. Love and hugs.
Date: 5/31/2020 4:20:00 AM
My Dearest friend and soul sister Besma what a stupendous poem of love grace and God and with the elegance of your style of writing made this a poem of absolute poetic perfection. Congratulations dear Besma on POTD a wonderful achievement and honor. Blessings, hugs and kisses, Jennifer.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 6/1/2020 10:16:00 AM
Dear Jenny, how elated I am by your sweet presence and with your so warm and kind words! You are of beauty and grace, soul sister! Thank you so much for being here, I'm so humbled and blessed.. warmest wishes. Love and hugs.
Date: 5/30/2020 10:30:00 PM
Dear Besma, your heart is filled with so much love. Tenderness and peace. Your thoughts caress the page with elegance and grace. Beauty. Thank you for being here, for being You. Congratulations my dear friend, on Poem of the Day. I am smiling along with you. : ) Brandy
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/31/2020 3:23:00 AM
You see the Love within me with the sensitive spirit of your Heart.. and so happy I am we do connect in the purest of beauty! Thank you so much, dear sweet Brandy for the wealth of your sentiments and words.. deeply humbled and touched by your sincerity.. warmest wishes. Regards and blessings. Love and hugs.
Date: 5/30/2020 9:53:00 PM
What a lovely poem from a humble and loving spirit from yourself. God is good and his light will always shine and we are always accepted from our loving savior. God Bless you and congratulations for POTD. Daniel
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/31/2020 3:18:00 AM
Following the graceful and holy path of God and seeking His Light, Love, Beauty.. hoping ever to be empowered by an unshakable Faith.. May God bless us and lead us to what is best for us.. God bless you, Daniel.. thank you so much for your so beautiful and sincere words.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 9:19:00 PM
Beautiful work!
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/31/2020 3:09:00 AM
My pleasure! Thank you so much, Morgana, for appreciating my humble work! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 6:04:00 PM
Besma, congratulations on POTD with this wonderful poem, enjoy the honor _Constance
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/31/2020 3:07:00 AM
Dear Constance, I deeply acknowledge your beauty and your grace.. reading and generously spilling your kindness and warmth means a lot to me! Thank you so much! Warmest wishes and regards. Blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 1:25:00 PM
Beautiful faith poem.congratulations on your POTD.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/31/2020 3:02:00 AM
My honour and delight, JC! Thank you so much for your so appreciated compliment! Looking forward to reading your poetry.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 12:43:00 PM
Such a beautiful love and such a beautiful poem. Congratulations on POTD, Besma. It is well deserved. All the best~ Warren
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/31/2020 2:59:00 AM
Such beautiful soul! Such a remarkable humility and generosity! Your visit and your great words are highly valued, Warren.. thank you so much for the honour and great pleasure! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 12:09:00 PM
Congratulations on POTD with this beautiful spiritual write with such an impact in life, Besma. God is very generous and humans so foolish.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 7:24:00 PM
God is very generous blessing me with beautiful souls that touch my heart and enlighten my mind.. You are a lady of beauty and a poetess of depth.. thank you so much, dear Eve, for sharing my great joy! My warmest wishes and regards. Blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 12:04:00 PM
Love that last couplet especially but the entire is a work of penned art. Congrats on a fabulous POtD
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 7:20:00 PM
So graceful presence! So beautiful feedback! I would like to thank you so much from the depth of my heart, dear Jeanne! You honour my humble work.. Looking forward to reading your poetry.. Best regards and blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 10:50:00 AM
Besma, Such a lovely piece! Have a blessed day! Tamanna
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/31/2020 2:56:00 AM
I thought you would like calling you Ferdous, we have this name for girls, here in Tunisia.. and it means paradise! We are but souls of God, hoping to get an aota of His grace and a scent of His paradise! We seek higher ranks in his Almighty Beauty! So pleased to meet you, Keka!
Ferdous Avatar
Tamanna Ferdous
Date: 5/30/2020 7:35:00 PM
Dear Besma, I do not go by my last name. Ferdous is the highest ranked heaven , I am an ordinary person. I hope you will accept me . I have a nickname, "Keka". In Bengali it means the call of a peacock. You can call me by that name.
Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 6:27:00 PM
Dear Ferdous, how pleased and honoured by your visit and sweet feedback! Blessed be always! Thank you so much for your Beauty! Best regards. Love and hugs.
Date: 5/30/2020 10:20:00 AM
This lovely poem reveals your true humble spirit guided by God Besma. Congratulations on having this inspiring poem honored with POTD! Blessings xxoo
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 6:24:00 PM
We always seek God's grace and guidance.. His blessings are infinite, just we have to be aware of them and not take them for granted.. showing deep gratitude, the least we can do.. dear Connie, I am so glad to see you and read your wonderful feedback! Thank you so much for being here! That's my reward! Warmest wishes and regards. Blessings. Love and hugs.
Date: 5/30/2020 9:03:00 AM
Into my glossary I'm looking for the finest of words to render what I am feeling now.. receiving such an honour.. such a bliss.. acknowledging precious a time granted to read my humble work.. recognising the effort, willingness to connect with the spirit of my poetry and generously give support, encouragement, admiration and respect.
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Date: 5/30/2020 9:03:00 AM
I highly appreciate what you have been adding to my very soul.. I am deeply indebted to all of you, dear fellow poets and friends for the beauty, the joy, the honour you bestow upon me.. thank you so much for your great support and sincere congratulations! So happy! So humbled! So touched.. still, unable to reach with my words my true feelings.. thank you so much dear fellow poets and friends.. blessed to walk along with you so wonderful a path of fine poetry.. My deepest regards and blessings.
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Date: 5/30/2020 7:35:00 AM
A work of beauty, Congratulations from~ Panagiota xoxo
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 6:17:00 PM
Dear Panagiota, how sweet and generous of you to shine on my page and honour my humble work! Thank you so much! My deepest regards and blessings. Love and hugs.
Date: 5/30/2020 6:01:00 AM
Back with congrats Besma on poem of the day..a well deserved recognition for your poetry and message.
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 5:46:00 PM
Deeply thankful for your generosity and kindness, dear Vijay.. your great support, I highly appreciate and cherish. Thank you so much! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 5:05:00 AM
Great work! Belated Eid Mubarak, Besma, and a soul offering indeed. Congrats on POTD. I just love the deep PURITY and faith in this poem. Yes, our Creator knows what a body does, and is, yet sees it for all His beautiful artwork. ameen
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 4:29:00 PM
So kind of you to bid me Happy celebration of Eid Fetr! Eid Mubarak to you too, Anil! So glad my deep gratitude, veneration to the Almighty Creator reached your soul.. so happy reading your beautiful thoughts and rewarding feedback! Thank you so much! My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/30/2020 5:03:00 AM
As always I am in awe of your poetry my dearest friend Besma. It comes straight from the Soul. The light is brilliant. So wonderful to see this gem of a poem get the recognition it deserves. Brilliantly written, a big congratulations ...Maria Love and Hugs
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Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 4:16:00 PM
Sweet Maria, I still remember "The True Night" when I first got to know you as a great soul and a gifted poetess.. so grateful to you for showing care for my so humble words I started to spill here on PS.. thank you so much for your beauty and Love.. Your appreciative feedback I highly cherish.. warmest wishes.. Blessings.. Love and hugs.
Date: 5/30/2020 2:40:00 AM
Back to say congratulations Besma on the honour of POTD. Well deserved. Tom
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 8:56:00 AM
Into my glossary I'm looking for the finest of words to render what I am feeling now.. receiving such an honour.. such a bliss.. acknowledging precious a time granted to read my humble work.. recognising the effort, willingness to connect with the spirit of my poetry and generously give support, encouragement, admiration and respect.. I highly appreciate what you have been adding to my very soul.. I am deeply indebted to all of you, dear fellow poets and friends for the beauty, the joy, the honour you bestow upon me.. thank you so much, Tom for your great support and sincere congratulations! So happy! So humbled! So touched.. still, unable to reach with my words my true feelings.. thank you so much dear fellow poets and friends.. blessed to walk along with you so wonderful a path of fine poetry.. My deepest regards and blessings.
Date: 5/29/2020 7:36:00 PM
My friend, your poetry awes me. As it without any doubt is born from a true poet's heart and soul. So much life wisdom in it and so much appreciation for the Art of Poetry and its gifts given unto the world, mankind and our daily walks through life! Always beautiful and relevant. God bless..A fav....
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Riabi Dziri Avatar
Besma Riabi Dziri
Date: 5/30/2020 12:42:00 PM
I am in awe too, Robert, of your so wonderful appreciation! I highly value your great words of praise and support.. thank you so much for your beauty and generosity.. deepest regards and blessings.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry