A Barren Antelope
____A Barren Antelope (Unedited)____
A barren antelope
Visits the world of the living
She is searching for the Messiah’s hands
To bless her womb with living
Kids, kids, everywhere, she
Wants to bear her own,
She wants to be a mother
And be called mother antelope
She cry and cry and cry over the Kilimanjaro
And Everest
She weep across the Atlanta searching for
Messiah’s hands.
She want it, she want it
She want a good image
A bad image to be buried
To be buried and a good image to live on.
She wants a life to live
She wants a heart of her own
Who will help her out
Now that the rumour have
Spread that the Messiah
Had gone…
Gone for life
To another life
Shadowy and deep
Yet to be know by Many.
Yet to be visit by all .
A berry paradise
A cherry light.
For: Worst poem contest
Sponsor by: PD
Copyright © Abdulhafeez Oyewole | Year Posted 2013
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