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I would hate to see the Atmospheric River rain again

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It is Northen coastal California, Which boasted the best weather in the USA, Then came the Global warming, changing the weather all around, Never so many people suffered from Tornadoes, cyclones, fire, and flooding. When the scientists proclaimed about the dangers of Global warming, All the conservative ruling elites thought it was a lunacy of progressives, Now comes the warning of Atmospheric bomb, and Atmospheric River (AR) rain, Hunkered up in my room, I watch with fear the monstrous clouds rolling up over my head. Last year when AR came, the little hills started to slide down, The age-old trees fell everywhere, power came and went with the rain, When it comes with an Atmospheric bomb, it is a cyclone with rivers of rain, The roofs over houses blew up, trees crashed cars and houses all over, It flooded everywhere, and a few lives got lost in this deluge. I can live without this watery deluge, Would love to see past sprinkles observed by natives in awe, Would love to see birds taking a little shower, Unfortunately, everyone perishes in this deluge of AB and AR rains.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 11/24/2024 5:41:00 AM
Florida and California are subjected to nature's fury in recent times. It comes in the form of tornados and cyclones, flood, landslide and rain. So sad. Some of my close ones are in these two states. Man becomes so helpless before these natural calamities. Well written poem.
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