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~ (~) ~ Under Shelter of Campfires (Part #1 of 2)~ (~) ~

""Ricky Don't Lose-That Number, circumstantial-possibly." ""Cause and-effect; all-them-offered written around the rules of the Bible... all-of it now-ruling. Yes written around-walked on trampled upon tamped-down-deep in-within melded into the colors-of the-fabric. Stationing-us there always-leaving-us chained to the ground. It's all-Semantics; Roderick seeing the shape we're-in-today yes-what we're all reaping-now; all-of it having-now-been-sown. They've put us all in line gender-each-one-for the-other-so very and ever-more-transfixed. In-the-company of the-covering of the King-we took-yes offered it-away ... . Under campfire's joints blazing crops corn and the like, flourishing; still-setting the-examples given-them-good old boys who-still-like-their pa's-and-pa's pa always-placed them bibles right smack dead in the center of the kitchen-tables. Beers and guns and beaten wives, those many crying babies... oh the shame. They-took it out of the-schools the root of the very-struggle to learn from Him; to start each day with this illustrious principal beer cans still raised up in reference to-a time-when-an equality-through-faith based solely in Christ-made in all their hard times; nothing but a stronger and-even ever-more evolving set of principals... yes... and an-evermore enlightened; perception-of-Him... ! "And the critique's can critique but still-you-know none of us can stop our own death... ."

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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