The world trade towers,
The pentagon and the white house.
Attack THEM, they are evil.
The government that protects the oil corps.
The American Government uses its military to steal oil.
Socialize the losses and privatize the profits.
Stupid, confused, Americans.
Israel is an American military base
Control the oil, control the future.
Truman, cemented America as a superpower.
Israel: Expanding settlements, stealing land.
In trade for keeping the oil in the hands of corps.
Oil traded in dollars: no Euros allowed,,,
Or we beat the war drums, evoke fear.
America and its Zionist military base.
Topple democracies, replace them with dictators,
No taxing the rich to feed the people in the middle east.
Socialism is evil.
We worship greed, AKA: Capitalism
The people want to tax the oil companies and get a check,
The way they do in Alaska
Sarah Palin, The American socialist, who is too ignorant to know it.
If this is not the history you know…
Either I am ignorant or you are….
Oh, my voice is like nails on chalkboard, it cant be true can it?
My propaganda of anti-Americanism
I love this country, my friends and enemies tell me to leave it,
But this is my country and I am here to change it.
I will go down with my ship
Copyright © Michael Harman | Year Posted 2010
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