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50 Words For Poe: Temporal

"50 Words for Poe: Temporal"
"Labyrinthine mind within chalked bones of cranium lies the vestibule and shrine of broken sacraments - absent Advent, Pentecost and an "epiphany" solely lacking The All Divine. There She lays like Iseult waiting for Dragon's tongue Black night eternal immersed vanilla amoeba floating ectoplasm transmuting in time there, keys will be found like broken pearls opalescent holding court in spectral brine and barbed-wired encircle her cobalt Amygdala marble heart the stolen sacrament kept in crumbled pieces adorned in rust of blood and essence of crushed soul breathing slowly dark opium bradycardia perfume of dead violets within vaults of The Caged A Stone Temple silent no breeze suspiria de profundis where doves hearts are kept bleeding on Ravens tongues to speak of riddles, lovers and dark palindromes Dammit, I’m Mad! Was it a Rat I Saw? Do Geese See God? mulier est hominis confusio Melita, domi adsum" ...She finished writing up her report, and thought, “best put on my gloves” time to get to work. (LadyLabyrinth/2019) "Temporal Paradox"
“Ah, reader! I would the gods had made thee rhythmical, that thou mightest comprehend the thousandth part of my labours in the evasion of cacophony.” Thomas de Quincey “All is finite in the present; and even that finite is infinite in it's velocity of flight towards death. But in God there is nothing finite...Upon a night of earthquake he builds a thousand years of pleasant habitations for man. Upon the sorrow of an infant he raises often times from human intellects glorious vintages that could not else have been.” Thomas de Quincey, Suspira de Profundis “I stood checked for a moment - awe, not fear, fell upon me - and whist I stood, a solemn wind began to blow, the most mournful that ever ear heard. Mournful! That is saying nothing. It was a wind that had swept the fields of mortality for a hundred centuries.” Thomas de Quincey, Suspira de Profundis Low - Gentle "Suspiria de Profundis”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 3/24/2019 9:54:00 PM
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:43:00 PM
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/24/2019 9:45:00 PM
mulier est hominis confusio
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/24/2019 9:44:00 PM
Melita, domi adsum
Date: 3/24/2019 9:39:00 PM
temporal 1. relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs; secular. "the Church did not imitate the secular rulers who thought only of temporal gain" 2. relating to time. "the spatial and temporal dimensions of human interference in complex ecosystems"
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/24/2019 9:40:00 PM
Date: 3/24/2019 9:24:00 PM
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:24:00 PM
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:23:00 PM
“But in the murderer, such a murderer as a poet will condescend to, there must be raging some great storm of passion—jealousy, ambition, vengeance, hatred—which will create a hell within him; and into this hell we are to look.” Thomas de Quincey, Suspiria de Profundis and Other Writings
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:22:00 PM
“The town of L— represented the earth, with its sorrows and its graves left behind, yet not out of sight, nor wholly forgotten. The ocean, in everlasting but gentle agitation, and brooded over by a dove-like calm, might not unfitly typify the mind and the mood which then swayed it. For it seemed to me as if then first I stood at a distance, and aloof from the uproar of life; as if the tumult, the fever, and the strife, were suspended;
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:21:00 PM
a respite granted from the secret burthens of the heart; a sabbath of repose; a resting from human labours. Here were the hopes which blossom in the paths of life, reconciled with the peace which is in the grave; motions of the intellect as unwearied as the heavens, yet for all anxieties a halcyon calm: a tranquility that seemed no product of inertia, but as if resulting from mighty and equal antagonisms; infinite activities, infinite repose.” Thomas de Quincey
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:20:00 PM
“Rightly it is said of utter, utter misery, that it 'cannot be remembered'; itself, being a rememberable thing, is swallowed up in its own chaos.” Thomas de Quincey, Suspira de Profundis
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:20:00 PM
“Guilt and misery shrink, by a natural instinct, from public notice: they court privacy and solitude: and even in their choice of a grave will sometimes sequester themselves from the general population of the churchyard, as if declining to claim fellowship with the great family of man; thus, in a symbolic language universally understood, seeking (in the affecting language of Mr. Wordsworth) ’ Humbly to express A penitential loneliness.” Thomas De Quincey
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:19:00 PM
“Nothing, indeed, is more revolting to English feelings than the spectacle of a human being obtruding on our notice his moral ulcers or scars, and tearing away that “decent drapery” which time or indulgence to human frailty may have drawn over them; accordingly, the greater part of our confessions (that is, spontaneous and extra-judicial confessions) proceed from demireps, adventurers, or swindlers.” Thomas de Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium Eater
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/24/2019 10:07:00 PM
hmm, interesting.
Date: 3/24/2019 9:18:00 PM
“Whilst I stood, a solemn wind began to blow—the most mournful that ear ever heard. Mournful! That is saying nothing. It was a wind that had swept the fields of mortality for a thousand centuries. Many times since, upon a summer day, when the sun is at its hottest, I have heard the same wind arising and uttering the same hollow, solemn, Memnonian, but saintly swell: it is in this world the one sole audible symbol of eternity.” Thomas de Quincey, Suspira de Profundis
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:17:00 PM
“Rarely do things perish from my memory that are worth remembering. Rubbish dies instantly. Hence it happens that passages in Latin or English poets, which I never could have read but once (and that thirty years ago), often begin to blossom anew when I am lying awake, unable to sleep.” Thomas de Quincey
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:16:00 PM
“no moment was his sense of the complete suspension and pause in ordinary human concerns so full and affecting, as at that moment when the suspension ceases, and the goings-on of human life are suddenly resumed.” Thomas de Quincey,Suspiria de Profundis and Other Writings
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Date: 3/24/2019 9:15:00 PM
“But my way of writing is rather to think aloud, and follow my own humours, than much to consider who is listening to me; and, if I stop to consider what is proper to be said to this or that person, I shall soon come to doubt whether any part at all is proper.” Thomas De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium Eater
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/24/2019 10:24:00 PM
a man after my own heart...don't take that literally...
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Lady Labyrinth
Date: 3/24/2019 10:23:00 PM
Poe & De Quincey/

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry