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3rd Child

My story is quite simple My husband and I had been faithfully Correctly using birth control for almost 13 years We’d forgotten it only once Resulting in the birth of our second child in 2005 However, in spite of proper use Birth control failed again in 2015 After learning I was pregnant for the 3rd time My husband and I sat down to discuss our options What a new child would mean for our family Money was tight, our marriage was struggling, and at nearly 40 I didn’t feel that I could handle another pregnancy and childbirth At the end of our discussion My husband said, “We’ve never considered this before, but do you want this child?” I replied simply, “No.” He said he didn’t either, but that he’d support any decision I made. At the end of our discussion Even though it was his child He recognized that the decision was ultimately mine Living in Nevada, we didn’t have to deal with unreasonable restrictions There were no protesters to meet us at the clinic The only obstacle we faced No providers in the area took my insurance We had to pay the $500 out of pocket I made the appointment for that Thursday So that I wouldn’t miss any work Less than a week after discovering I was pregnant At the clinic I received a trans-l ultrasound to verify how far along I was: 4 weeks. The blastocyst was about the size of a sesame seed Exactly what it looked like At such an early stage A medical abortion was my only option I took the first pill at the clinic Was told most women don’t start bleeding heavily Until after taking the second pill the next day I’m not most women Started bleeding heavily enough I had to leave work early Friday The pain didn’t start until after I took the second pill It hurt, but was no worse than cramps amplified by food poisoning I was glad for the pain medication the doctor had prescribed me Then, it was over I bled for about 3 weeks and then everything returned to normal. I admit some initial doubt that we were making the correct decision Was willing to accept that doubt After about a year, that doubt has disappeared During the process I didn’t feel alone because my husband was right there with me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 10/8/2023 10:04:00 AM
Difficult personal decisions we make to keep what is safe now from what may be. Well written.
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Date: 10/8/2023 7:18:00 AM
Captivating, unapoligetically honest and personal. Thank you for sharing you're experience.
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