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The year of 2020 has come to an end. It has been a rough one for sure Covid-19 caused a problem for most. A virus without a cure Early on in the year we all had hope of what this year would bring When you could go to church if you chose and heard the school bells ring Hurricanes, floods and tornadoes swept across the land Protests, riots and looting, falsely in the name of justice for a man politics this year have been a nightmare and a joke Politicians doing underhanded things trying to persuade the vote Our country was locked down this year. Many businesses had to close. Many different places require a mask covering your mouth and nose Things are so much different now. Things have Changed a lot in one short year During these uncertain times Our future seems quite unclear 2021 gives us all a chance to start this year anew My hope and prayer this year will be that it's the best one yet for you. 1/1/2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/1/2021 10:47:00 AM
..and YOU! Aloha! Rico
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