15 Year Sentence My Fight For Freedom
15 years I have been a prisoner
I was the victim of identity theft
Who I was, that person was stolen,
And it was I who had to do the time
Despite not being the culprit of the crime
Half my life was taken away from me
and i couldn't do anything about it
apart from spending my every waking moment every ounce of energy all of my will and brain power saying every prayer to anyone upstairs trying hoping crying fighting for freedom
Then the day came freedom was on the horizon
My shackles were removed the doors were finally open
My exoneration had been granted I was a free women
My fight for freedom had finally been won
The golden gates to life were unlocked lifted they had been opened
My eyes thought it a mirage of lies,
My brain believed it bate being dangled for me to bite
Another humans cruel joke a sick sense of humour
My heart heaving believing it false nothing but lies
Yet it yearned to believe it was truly true
My hope had been broke so many times before it couldn't cope with it even once more
I couldn't believe it was all finally finished
Over done fineto
The fight was over and I was the Victor
Victorious yet I still felt like a prisoner
The doors opened yet I was stuck stationary
Everything I had spent 15 years fighting for
Was just over the threshold of that door
It was easily within my grasp but it wasn't that easy
I couldn't just step through to freedom
Although the pain from my chronic illness had stabilized
More damage had been done than anyone had realised
My mind was a mindbogglingly mental mess that I was left to address
This was something I hadn't even considered or even processed
So I then had to acknowledge my freedom fight wasn't over yet
A new battle has now begun an invisible fight against my own mental state
A mind set born from 15 years of imprisonment, addiction anguish and pain
it isn't a positive thought process that Ive been left with and have now gained
I think it's safe to say many more battles to fight in this war are up ahead,
Me against I my against me and that Is what I truly fear and dread the enemies are inside my own head.
Copyright © Sarah Cope | Year Posted 2023
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