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100 Years Lest We Forget

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Written to pay respect to all military personell who have fallen especially as it's 100 years since the end of world war one "the war to end all wars" and to show younger generation the meaning of the poppy and what it does for veterans
One hundred years since the end No veterans left to befriend A war that saw many losses We now remember with poppy crosses They fought in trenches side by side Even fought as their comrades died Over the top when the whistle blew Hoping today, God was with you! Through wire and craters and exploding shell No man's land must have been hell Keep marching on showing true grit Hoping that you were not hit A British Tommy with a gun Fighting for freedom against the hun Some were only in their teens Seeing things that shouldn't be seen Death and the use of mustard gas How long did this war last 4 years 3 months and 14 days Many soldiers learnt to pray Over 8 million soldiers met their end 21 million injured or round the bend 250000  were too young too serve This is not what children deserve   Fight for freedom they did delve The youngest being a mere twelve 28 june nineteen fourteen Catalyst for a war to begin The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Creating unrest on this fair land 28 July war was declared Between other countries but Britain cared The Great War or World War One This war in Europe would be long From tannenberg to cambrai Lots more battles I cannot lie Many other battles during these years Lots of fatalities and thousands of tears I doth my hat to those that fell For the younger generation this I tell They gave their lives so you could live For the poppy appeal spare change please give The money goes to those who've served in need No matter what colour, Religion or creed Many wars have happened in the last 100 years Millions and millions of people's tears The poppy fund was created for this cause To help every serviceman/women returning from wars So in November on the eleventh day At 11 A M bow your head and say One simple word it's easy to do That simple word is  "THANKYOU"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 9/23/2019 9:37:00 AM
"Thank you" every day... to those that gave everything for others... Wonderful Write. Ann
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