Daily Poetry #71, April 9, 2017
Word: Onomatopoeia
With one whiff, I smell that it's undesirable,
And with a taste, it's completely rotten.
Cla-clang, cla-clang, the bell rings out again,
And I something I had said is forgotten.
Crack! Snap! What could have echoed this time?
Tell me what you think, for I can't see.
The scent of iron is weak, take another pill,
But I can't read the label, what could it be?
Clap! Clap! Another loony bin buddy laughs,
Their smile wide even when they cry.
Alone, alone, alone once again in solitary,
"You should feel better," what a blind lie.
Tap! Tap! A repeating beat of footsteps,
They echo down the hall here everyday.
The bell doesn't ring; where has she gone?
So soon, has she really gone away?
Pitter pat! I hear the next one stepping along,
Oh, I'm so envious, but I can't see their face.
The door shuts behind, leaving another day,
Like the Bell, that person is leaving this place.
Hahahahaha! The next one laughs out yet again,
Spilling such a sweet iron syrup everywhere.
Just the scent makes my mouth water for more,
The Batter purifies them without a single care.
Ching! Ching! The Judge makes his visit once again,
His slitted eyes peering through and searching around.
He smiles his toothy smile and purrs dangerously,
Knowing the Batter left him a treat on the ground.
Squeak! Squeak! Old metal makes a sound,
And it's cold as I peer through them like before.
Everything is clear, now that I can see,
So I laugh, "Lalalalala!" for I don't care anymore.
Snap! Snap! The Batter swings his bat once again,
The sweet iron syrup flows down from my head.
I laugh and laugh as the Judge scrutinizes me,
Smiling until I can't see, I remember what I said!
Copyright © Frisk Carris | Year Posted 2017
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