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One Word #18 Font, Noun, The particular size, weight, and style of a typeset. An elegant font that is written out, But then when you try to read it, It’s impossible. I wonder if humans are the same way, The most beautiful things in this world, Can’t be read. Humans are distinguishable by how they write; Some people messily write in protest, As they don’t care. And others make a beautiful word, But are forced to write “normally”, So they can read. Like an onomatopoeia that can’t be heard, Cursive is a font that can’t be read, By the careless. But I wonder, even with glasses, could you read it? “I can’t see what you’re trying to write!” It’s for the best. Feelings can seemingly happen in water washes, But then your words are blurred by your tears. It’s unreadable. Having taken off my glasses, I can’t see, And I can’t understand what I’ve written. Like from the start. But with my glasses on, I now see, We were blind before we even started, Completely overlapped. Whether a font can be read or not, We are all blind to our own desires, Just another crime. Tip-tap, is that the sound of pen on paper, Or the sound of tears hitting the paper? Blurring it. With your glasses on, onomatopoeia and fonts blend, He and she join emotions in a ringing word, For it doesn’t matter.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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