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Promise of Marriage

The large dining hall is bathed in yellow lights coming from lanterns. The seats are a crimson color which disguises any spill of red wine showing upon them. The party is hosted by the Avitus family. They are the most important family in this part of the Great Roman Empire. Any woman marrying into the Avitus family lifts her father's social standing. This is a once in a lifetime chance as the current head of the Avitus family is now a widower. Marrying Quintus Avitus will make any woman the envy all other women in Libya.

"The most likely female is Herminia Hilarius. Of all the young woman of high social status, Herminia is favored by Quintus. She is the one other women envy," Nero Avitus says, "But with your uncanny appearance to Quintus' late wife she'll be nothing but a passing thought."
Nero looks at the young woman before him. She has the desired figure in Roman society and her face is lovely. Nero is impressed with the Cassianus family. They had managed to groom Cassia to act just like Quintus' late wife. Even the slight nod is strikingly similar.

"I wish to speak with Herminia myself. I must know that I'm the one Quintus will choose," Cassia says in a soft hiss.

"Of course my dear! And once you and Quintus are together-" Cassia interrupts him, "You will get more say in the Avitus family business."

Nero laughs off Cassia's behavior, "Be careful Cassia, the late misses wasn't rude. I'll let it slide since you are more beautiful." Cassia is put in a better mood because of the compliment. Looking around the large dining hall Nero spots Herminia Hilarius.
Offering his arm, Nero guides Cassia to her competition. Cassia takes hold of Nero's hairy arm. A small frown comes onto her face. Herminia is beautiful however her hair is an undesirable color. She also doesn't have flawless skin as Cassia can spot a few freckles on her. In terms of looks, Herminia comes second to her. The Hilarius family is a prominent one and the Cassianus are just up and coming. Hopefully, Quintus will choose her and the Cassianus family will move above the Hilarius. Now so close to Herminia, Cassia switches to a gentle smile.

"Oh lovely Herminia, I wish to introduce you to Cassia Cassianus. As you must be aware the Cassianus family is coming up in our society. Like you Cassia is looking to be married," Nero says.

Herminia takes a good look at Cassia and nearly drops her drink. Her self-control is the only thing keeping her from being rude and touching Cassia without her permission. Who stands before her, has to be a ghost.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Herminia," Cassia sounds just like that woman.

"I agree. I'm happy to meet you as well. I don't want to be rude but you look an awful lot like,"

Herminia shakes her head no and continues, "Nevermind. You are also looking for a husband?"

"I'll just leave you two alone," Nero leaves the two woman and goes off to get more wine.

"Yes, I am. I'm hoping Quintus would be interested in courting me," Cassia places her hand in a way that would hide a blush of embracement.

Herminia can't help but feel uneasy. Cassia even possesses her movements. Rolling back her shoulders and taking a breath Herminia focuses on what Cassia said.

"I see. Quintus is looking for a new wife since his previous wife died before having any children," Herminia says.

"I'm sorry, I know you too, must be hoping that Quintus will choose you. After all, the Avitus and Hilarius families are close," Cassia says. Herminia can clearly read Cassia's opinion about her and Quintus relationship. Herminia acknowledges that Cassia might act, sound, and look like Quintus' late wife but there is a bitterness within her.
Putting on a charming smile Herminia changes the subject, "Let's leave that subject. How do you feel about theatre?" Herminia catches Cassia's smug look before she goes back to a gentle smile.

"I usually prefer dramas over tragedy. Such great men shouldn't be punished in such horrible ways," Cassia says.

"You think so? While I too don't like to be brought down, I feel that no matter how great a man is, they will always face a consequence. Whether that consequence is good or bad depends on the actions of all the characters," says Herminia, "However, it always comes down to the performance for me. I remember watching the same play twice; it was a tragedy. The first time I watched the play, the performer in the lead role made me believe that his punishment was just; however, the second time I saw the play it starred a different performer playing the lead role. This performer made me feel as if he was unjustly punished."

"Maybe the first performer wasn't that talented as the second?" says Cassia.

"No, he was a seasoned performer," Herminia takes a sip from her cup.

"Are you sure you saw the same play twice? Maybe you're mixing up your memories?" Cassia puts on a face of concern. She really could be the ghost of that woman.
"My memory is fine, thank you for your concern. I believe the difference comes from the performers," Cassia crosses her arms the same way as her too.

"How would that work? The performers are playing the same character!" the barely concealed frustration is visible.

"I think that has to do with how each performer interprets their character. I've seen enough plays to know when a well-trained performer is before me. Especially those who take the mannerisms of a well-known individual," Herminia doesn't break eye contact as she says that last sentence.

Turning to her, Cassia plays with her hair a bit while saying, "I'll keep in mind about the performance bit next time I see a play. It's always good to take advice from my elders." Cassia gives Herminia a sweet smile.

"I don't believe I qualify as an elder. We are about the same age after all," Herminia returns the smile.

"Excuse me ladies but I hope that you will give Quintus and me a chance to speak with you both," Nero gestures to his cousin Quintus.

While Nero is a bearded and rugged looking man, Quintus is bared face and clearly built. Cassia can already picture herself in his arms. That she and Quintus will make a great couple. She already knows she bears a resemblance to his late wife. Though Cassia believes she'll fit Quintus better than his first wife.

"Thank you for inviting me to your party Quintus," Herminia says. She can't help but notice that Quintus hasn't taken his eyes off Cassia. She wonders if he'll answer her.

"It's always a pleasure Herminia. And this lovely woman is?" Quintus says.

"She's Cassia Cassianus. I told you she was a looker," Nero smiles knowingly at Quintus.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Quintus," the way Cassia looks down and back to meet his eyes is just like his late wife.

Cassia seems to have a lot in common with his late wife. Quintus fears that she may be haunting him from the grave. He has to know how much she resembles his late wife.

"Cassia do you mind coming with me to get some air?" Quintus says.

"Not at all. I would enjoy that very much," Cassia takes hold of Quintus' arm and the two walk off to a less populated area in the party.

"It must be hard for you being replaced that easily. Don't worry Herminia. I'm sure there's a man who won't mind taking Quintus' second choice," says Nero.

Before answering Nero, Herminia finishes her wine and gestured for a servant to take the empty cup. The female servant starts to give Herminia another cup of wine but Herminia tells her that she's fine. Acknowledging this, the servant takes her leave.

Calmly Herminia answers Nero, "Cassia's likeness to Quintus' late wife is amazing. It must have been easy for you to help the Cassianus family train her so well. Her very movements remind me of her."

"I'm sure Quintus will be happy to have his wife basically back from Hades," says Nero.

"I wonder about that. Please excuse me. There are some other ladies I wish to speak to," without waiting for an answer Herminia bowed out of the conversation.

A group of well dress ladies makes room for Herminia to join the conversation. The women talk about the recent political climate to the Olympics and finally to Cassia.

"Can you believe the nerve of the Cassianus family! They're just coming up in our society and they dare challenge you!" said Helen.

"Well if you were blessed with a face that Quintus was yearning for, you'd be that confident too," says Juliana.

Augusta replies, "What's truly unnerving is that Cassia speaks and acts like that woman. I feel that witchcraft was used."

"It wasn't witchcraft my dear Augusta. The Cassianus family merely had Cassia trained to be that way," Herminia says.

"But her face and body is something given to her by the gods. I fear that Quintus may fall for her like he did her predecessor," Flavia says with a mocking smile towards Herminia.

"And if it was just her face I would be worried; however, Cassia's training will be her downfall I believe," Herminia said.

"Whatever to make you feel better Herminia," Flavia continues.
Helen, wishing for all of them to continue being friends, changes the topic to something else. It is no secret that Flavia once wanted Quintus to court her, only to be brushed off for Herminia. While it was not Herminia's fault that this happened, Flavia never did fully get over the incident. If Herminia is replaced by Cassia, Flavia feels that she can forgive Herminia for what happened.

On the far left of the dining hall, a few members of the Cassianus family confront a small number of Hilarius members. The two families create an atmosphere that is hostile. Although all those within the conversation kept their voices low. It's easy to see a clear dislike between the two families. Both sides wish for Quintus to choose their daughter after all.
Re-entering into the main part of the dining hall, Quintus leaves Cassia to speak with Herminia. Cassia regroups with her family that isn't having a tense conversation with the Hilarius. She's confident that at the height of the party, Quintus will announce that he's interested in marrying her. Quintus spots Herminia speaking with a group of her friends and he interrupts their conversation.

"I can't believe Julian spoke that way," Flavia stops mid-sentence as Quintus moves to stand near Herminia.

"Please excuse me, ladies. I wish to speak with Herminia in private," Quintus holds out his arm for Herminia to take. Taking his arm, Herminia excuses herself from the conversation. Her friends, with the exception of Flavia, hope that whatever the two talk about will end well for Herminia.

Moving to an empty part in the giant dining hall, Quintus turns to look out of a floor level window. His shoulders are tense and Herminia sees that the subject he wishes to talk about makes him uneasy. She hopes that Quintus isn't going to leave her for Cassia. Quintus turns around and faces Herminia. Looking at her, Quintus seems to relax.

"I wasn't the only one who found it strange that Cassia was like the reincarnation of my late wife?" Quintus said.

Herminia lets a soft smile graced her lips, "It is not strange. Cassia seems to be trained to act like her. I felt uneasy when I first saw her. When we engaged in conversation, Cassia's answers and actions only brought up old memories. I almost thought I was talking to a ghost."
Quintus takes hold of Herminia's hands. Herminia blushes at the bold action. He can't help but let a charming smile graced his lips.

"Even with an excellent double of my late wife before me; no one can replace you, my dear. Your intelligence, beauty, and grace have long since captured my heart. It was my former marriage and your honor that kept me from making you, my mistress. Now that I'm a widower I can make you my wife," Quintus stares into her eyes and Herminia has to keep herself from kissing him when there are so many people around.

"How I wish to be yours right now Quintus," she says.

"It will be soon my dear. No, it will be tonight. My mind is made up I shall make the announcement at this banquet," Quintus places one of Herminia's hands on his arm. The two make way to the head table. All of the guests bring their conversations to a whisper then silence. The host of the party is going to be making an announcement to them all. Seeing that Herminia is standing with him brings joy to the Hilarius family and dread to the Cassianus family.

Speaking in a loud and proud voice Quintus gets all of his guests to come closer to the head table to hear his announcement.

"My friends, even though tonight's banquet was designed to be nothing more than a social gathering, I would like for all of you to know that I plan to marry Herminia Hilarius. I hope that you all will give us your blessings," Quintus says with a humble tilt of his head.
Herminia looks over to a huddle of Cassianus members. An older woman looks flush with anger. A short plump man has become ashen. Cassia herself can barely keep her mouth from hanging open from shock. She really must have believed that one party with Quintus was going to make him drop Herminia as if she had leprosy. The Cassianus family really should have thought out their plan more.

Nero's eyes bug out of his skull. How could his plan not work? Cassia was perfect for Quintus! Herminia must've said something that hurt Cassia's chances of winning Quintus' affections. No matter, he simply has to move to his other plan. Making eye contact with Cassia, Nero nudges his head to meet him outside. Seeing this, Cassia nods in a yes answer and makes her way from the crowd of cheering guests. Quintus catches sight of his cousin leaving the dining hall to go to the nearest outside garden.

Once Cassia catches up to Nero in the garden, the two have a talk. A female guest walks into the garden to get some fresh air in her system. A guard stands not too far from her to make sure she's all right. The guard notices Nero give a wine jug to a woman. He can't tell who she is but she might be a servant. The female guest comes back to the guard, now that she is less tipsy. The guard escorts the woman back to the dining hall.

"Now remember this carefully. Turn the bead on the handle of the jug to a darker blue color to pour wine with poison in it. Turn the bead back to a lighter blue for the wine to be safe to drink again. Herminia will drop dead in a few hours," Nero turns the bead to the darker blue.
Cassia smiles at Nero, "Thank you for your help, Nero. Once I'm married to Quintus, I'll be sure to recommend you for further family business. Too bad for Herminia, this is her best and last day on Earth. Hades will soon have her."

Taking the wine jug with her inside, Cassia motions for a young male servant to bring her two cups. He quickly does this and Cassia has the boy follow her as she goes to look for Herminia. Nero himself reenters the dining hall a few minutes after Cassia. He spots Cassia doing as he instructed in offering Herminia a drink.

"Congratulations Herminia. I hope you know that I was only doing what my family wanted," Cassia offers Herminia a cup of wine. Turing the bead on the jug a light shade of blue, Cassia pours herself a cup of wine. She gives the servant that followed her the wine jug and waves him away.

Herminia takes a swing from her cup, "It's not a problem. I'm aware that family sometimes pushes one too far."

"You have no idea," says Cassia. The tone of her voice made Herminia lift an eyebrow.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Herminia said. Cassia drinks more of her wine. Cassia figures since Herminia is going to die in a few hours she might as well tell her one of her biggest fears.

"When my family saw that I looked a lot like Quintus' wife, they started training me to imitate her. I repeatedly had to look in the mirror and forced my face to copy her's. I got to the point where every time I look in the mirror, I don't see myself, I see her," tears cling to Cassia's bottom eyelashes. She never admitted the pressure was too much for her.
Hearing what Cassia has gone through, Herminia places a comforting hand on her arm. Cassia pulls herself together and finishes her wine. Seeing this Herminia finishes her own cup as well.

"It was nice talking to you. If you wish to speak with me again I'm sure I can arrange for us to meet again," says Herminia. Cassia nods her head in agreement. The two women separate from each other and enjoy the rest of the banquet. As Cassia is walking towards a group of other young women a nauseous feeling comes over her. She comes to a short pause but gets over it and continues on her way.

The party proceeds with a number of other guests congratulating Herminia on her new engagement. Herminia gives each guest that congratulated her thanks. She even politely ignores those who gave her backhanded compliments. This went on until a scream broke out of nowhere. Everyone turns their heads to where the sound came from only to see Cassia on the floor with blood coming out of her mouth.

Members of the Cassianus family rush to Cassia's corpse along with Nero. An uncounted number of guests start shaking and crying from the scene. Nero stands up from Cassia's fallen body and points toward Herminia.

"You have something to do with this don't you, Herminia!" Nero watches how shock paints over Herminia's face.

"You killed your junior because she was a threat to you! Answer me, woman!" says Nero.

"I would never-" before she can finish her sentence a male relative of Cassia's chimes in.

"I should have known that someone from the Hilarius family would stoop this low! Herminia has no right in becoming Quintus' new wife," he's followed by one of the female Cassianus members.

"To think such a vile woman would dare to harm our sweet Cassia, and at a party no less," she finishes.

A female cousin to Herminia answers back, "How dare you all to suggest that Herminia could do something like this!"

Herminia's father speaks up, "What would my daughter even gain in harming Cassia?"

"Naturally she saw Cassia as her superior and wished to get rid of her!," the female Cassianus member says.

Before the two rival families can come to a shouting match, the female guest that went out for a breather interrupts them.

"Quintus, I have some information that might help with figuring out how Cassia died!" she looks to Quintus.

Wishing to hear what she has to say Quintus nods his head, giving her his approval to answer.

"Earlier during the party, I went outside with one of the guards to get some fresh air. Once I was outside, I saw Nero and Cassia speaking in private. I didn't hear what they were talking about thou," she says, "The guard I was with, might of saw more." Hearing the last bit of information Quintus orders a male servant to find and bring the guard that was with her.

"And what were you speaking to Cassia about, Nero?" Herminia says as she walks closer to Quintus.

"Why were you with Cassia?" another Cassianus member says. More and more guests question Nero's actions. Others start debating how trustworthy all those involved with the case are. The conversations stop, however, when the guard who was with the witness came forward.

"What did you see when you escorted this woman outside?" Quintus says.

"I saw your cousin Nero and Miss Cassia having a conversation. I didn't hear anything, but I did see him hand her a wine jug, sir," the guard feels uneasy with so many people looking at him.

"I see, go tell the servants in the kitchen to find the wine jug and bring it to me," says Quintus.
Hearing his orders, the guard hurries to complete them. Two Cassianus members and Nero become visibly nervous. The rest of the Cassianus family look on with wrath as they were not aware of Nero's other plan. Most of the guests come to the conclusion of what was truly the reason for Cassia's death. The guard comes back with the wine jug. He hands it off to the servant closest to Quintus and leaves the dining hall.

Motioning for a few other Avitus members to help inspect the wine jug the find out how it works and how it killed Cassia. Quintus can't help but let out a laugh. A few guests jump at the sound. He's laughing even though there's a dead woman on the floor.

"You really do half-ass your plans don't you, Nero? Because if you actually gave a damn, you would have noticed the part that mixes the poison with the wine is reversed!" Quintus throws the wine jug on the ground and it breaks. His eyes meet Nero's. One of their family members signals for several guards to come where they are.

"Detain Nero and his accomplices in one of the bare rooms near the horses. The three of them will be brought before a court tomorrow," says Quintus, "Also I want Cassia's body removed from the dining hall and this jug kept for evidence."

The guards and servants move to get everything done. Once everything is clean, the guests at the banquet move to talk about a lighter topic. The rest of the Cassianus family try to sneak out of the party, but the rest of the guests politely look away as they leave. The party is in full swing again like it was before Cassia's untimely death.

"I would like to remind everyone that despite what happened this evening, I still plan on marrying Herminia Hilarius," Quintus announces once more while holding Herminia's hand. All the guests again applaud the news. Both Quintus and Herminia move around the dining hall as a couple. The party continues and does not end until a couple of hours before daybreak.


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things