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Earth's final dayZ

I awoke feeling imprisioned in the abyss, whose decision was this? And why did this dimension exist? Then I look towards the moon and saw the sky fill with a thick, black mist...The earth was eclipsed...A thunderous voice shouted, "So begins two million years of Darkness!!!", this is how The Apocalypse started...Mystic demons departed from their thrones drapped in tarnished garments that were covered in brimstones, I watched as they discarded lost souls into a universe unknown...In a blink of an eye the earth was transformed into a firey catacomb, I glanced in every direction and the ground was littered with battered bones, I could distinctly hear the scattered moans in the distance from screaming infants buried deep beneath shattered homes, the Apocalypse had just begun and already the earth was covered with tattered drones...The massacar was pro-longed for so long, it seemed to go on endlessly, I fell to my knees trying to brace myself through the intensity, but the continous death to all of my loved ones immediately brought tears to me...I could'nt understand why God was allowing such villany! I was praying that at any moment HE would appear in all of his divinity, yielding a holy sword and shield to save us with his chivalry...Or if not He, Then deliver me! Bless me to descend as a heavenly angel and I could lead us out of this mysery! Then, mysticaly, a cloaked man rode pass on horseback, he tossed me a crystal sword and told me this war was now my responsibility, I had just wished for this opportunity and God had just given it to me! So I stood up and closed my eyes as the flames came forth, I clutched my fists and screamed from the pain I absorbed! Then I fell to my knees and cursed the name of the Lord! I'm not waiting for God, so I picked up my sword and engaged in the war! I'm not taking this pain anymore! I killed a dozen demons but I knew Satan contained many more...But I could'nt do this alone, I needed an army, So I climbed to the highest point of my village and screamed, "We have to do something to change the ending of this ancient prophecy! So I need everyone in this colony to pick up their weapons and follow me!!" Day 2 The towns-people had gathered their weapons and willingly helped me combat Satans' villany...I watched as they fell by the hundreds but not even that could instill fear in me...In a matter of seconds I realize that my companions have parrished and there is no one here with me...My God...With so many people dying I'm starting to doubt if our victory is really meant to be, I turn around and there I am...Face To Face with the enemy...Feeling exhausted from this war I dropped my sword and waited for the beast to put an end to me, as I prepared to die my life flashed before my eyes with imagery of peaceful memories, while in this trance I suddenly remebered thee biblical crystal sword that GOD had created and sent to me! I realized if I died here mankind would be doomed and cease to be eventually! I quickly came to my senses' and dodged the death blow by inches! But I was astounded by how quickly the situation compounded, and before I could pick up my sword every beast, demon, and creaton had me totally surrounded, I looked in every direction and there were more than could be counted so I assume there had to be thousands! My mind was over-crowded with uncertainty...Then, from out of the crowd, a mysterious warrior stepped forward and challenged me personally...This was the first dual for eternity...I watched him cautiously as he paced back and forward through the thick mist, his legions of demons disappeared giving us room to go one on one in this Abyss...The unknown being stood there with a bold stare, clutching his battle-axe in the cold air, he has a definite size advantage but I don't care, I yearn to attack first but I won't dare, Any false judgement and this situation could turn repugnant with great swiftness, I'd be better suited to wait for him to close the distance and use that opportunity to defeat him with my quickness...I picked up my sword and pointed it toward his direction...I gave him a choice between leaving this earth alive or severely brutalized...Ofcourse he chose to get aggressive and screamed out a monsterous battlecry as he charged at me with full throttle, I was expecting him to get hostile so I raised my blade as quickly as possible before he made contact, I felt his mighty impact but I remained intact...As we stood face to face, sword to axe...I immediately counter-attacked, he underestimated my composure so I left a deep gash in his shoulder for challenging God's soldier...He backed off and clutched his flesh wound, he was too wounded to react and realized he was out-matched...He dropped his battle-axe and in a frenzied panic attempted to escape, I chased him down and before I could deliver the Death Blow...*He Vanished Without A Trace*... Day 3 ...My opponent had managed to escape the wrath of my rage...But after that day, I was known for my immortality when carrying my blade, as I walked across the desolate terrain, mutilated bodies of the slain and the stinch of flesh being burned in flames was all that remained...This is the third day of his reign and I can still here battlecries in the distance, another person has become a feast for a beast because he was fighting for our existance...God I feel so conflicted, you blessed me with this mission and so far I have failed to defeat Satan and protect the earths' citizens...Millions of civilians have died in the trenches, and God if you want to win this war, i'm going to need your divine assistance...I'll admit it...You're "chosen warrior" sat down and cried a minute, the people were fighting with so much passion so the holy side could win it, and it's incredibly sad because I can still remeber how they were slaughtered in the worst way and burned beyond recognition, ever since that acursed day I've been getting angrier by the minute! I have built-up enough rage to conjure a cataclysmic earthquake and rid the planet of this sickness! I bore witness as the earth fell in ruins so I have finaly concluded, the day that Satan rises from the depths of Hell I will personally see to it that he is severely executed! In a blink of an eye the earth became so dark it appeared as if it was being smothered in shadows...The time was upon us for the mother of battles...People dropped their weapons and ran for cover in chapels...The Lost Oracle spoke of an Apocalypse that would disband man and span across the continents...The Legend is true...The time has come for The Beast to unleash his ominous...I was a little short on confidence as I stood alone awaiting Satan's demonic artillery, I firmly gripped the crystal sword that was given to me as I stood in the presence of tyranny, these unearthly savages may have terrified the inhabitants, but I would'nt let them get to me, out of all of the people on this earth, this moment was meant for me, God needed a new Messiah, and chose to deliver me, Evil is a poison eating away at the earth, and my sword is the remedy...My heart began to race as I stepped forward timidly...Then something magical happened, the Gates Of Heaven opened and out came heavens symphony...Then, almost instantly, the mysterious warrior I defeated from the previous day appeared in a devious way, peering at me with a mischevious gaze as he stood at the side of the Anti-Christ and the King of Flames...I realized it was now three against one and I had little chance of survival, if I were to lose this war I know for sure God would hold me liable, I needed devine assistance so I picked up two strange books that were mysteriously titled, "The Holy Q'uran" and "The Holy Bible"...I used them both to summons Jesus and Moses to be my deciples Day 4 I successfully summonsed Jesus and Moses assist me against our rivals, I was extremely grateful that they both agreed to be my holy deciples...I looked over at the prophet Moses, he glared back at me, I peered over at Jesus and he was in prayer on his knees as we prepared ourselves for Armegeddon against Hell's force...We were told to behold The Pale Horse...From the spirit of a dead corpse, we watched the animal gallope pass as the people of earth bled more, then The Seven Angels of the Apocalypse fell forth out of the gates of Heaven with intentions to spread war...They were drinched in the blood of the lamb and carried a Golden Seal equipped with a red sword...As we watched this it seemed as if all time had frozen and we became overwhelmed with the emotion of sadness, and as I stood shoulder to shoulder with the prophets, we knew what madness was about to happen...The First Angel paused for a moment before he took action to see the people of earth reactions, then violently released his seal and caused all of the oceans to blacken...This occurrance was like something directly out of Revelations and without hesitation The Second Angel grinned at us, released her seal, and dried up all of the vegitation...No amount of preparations could have prepared the planet for such unparrelled devistation...It was imperative we escape this desolate terrain...The Third Angel released his seal with a firey gaze and filled the earth with pestilence and plague...Thousands of The Devils' men were slayed by the elements of flames...The Fourth Angel came, floating upon a flame, his seal was filled with an amount of water so massive it could not be contained...He released it, and water dispursed, enough to cover 1/4 of the earth...Ofcourse we were hurt, but we managed to find a safe place to witness this event take place throughout the planets' surface...Then a thunderous trumphet blew that we could'nt see, but we definetley heard it...It was The Fifth Angel released her seal and infesting the waters with serpents, which aided the consuming flood...The Sixth Angel of the Apocalypse released his seal which caused a hurricane and painted the moon in blood...People were screaming at the top of thier lungs, the screams of horror were unbearable, and The Angels still were'nt done, there was one Angel left in this rapture...The Seventh Angel came forth with a stoutly stature, the people and demons attempted to seek refuge in the hills and caverns to escape the upcoming massacre...The Seventh Angel closed his eyes, released his seal, and the rings exploded around Saturn, stars fell from heaven and hit our planet forming an angelic pattern...The earth began to spin faster as a strong wind swept across the land...Jesus, Moses, and I were protected by The Lamb as millions of bodies parrished because they were detested by The Man...Sadly, it still was'nt over, this was just a portion of the agression that was planned...The question that's at hand, what awaits us tommorrow as we lye resting in the sand?... Final day The deafening moans of agony from the people were drowned out by a powerful silence...These last hours were timeless...Lightning striked and illuminated the night as we felt the rain from the storm come in...The prophets and I stood in the arms of the wind as we anxiuosly awaited the war to begin...Scorned were the men who managed to survive the first four days of The Apocalypse, the earth stood still as Satan appeared from out of the atmosphere with his two accomplices with intentions to accomplish his demonicness...The surviving people witnessed this from the villages all the way to the metropolise, I drew forth my sword and said a prayer before the final battle of the Apocalypse...I had to stop and sit, just to soak in what was at stake for a second...We were the golden gates only form of protection so God armed us with the power to perform miracles as our weapon, then God looked down upon us and said let us begin the War Of Armageddon...The war began with an explosion of light which froze in the night...Jesus, Moses, and I looked across the terrain waiting for our opponents to depart, as angels descended from heaven playing violens, trumphets, and harps, their angelic melodies managed to spread throughout the frightning dark...Lightning sparked and I gripped my crystal sword tighter than ever before as the prophets stood next to me, the time has come, I am ready to embrace my destiny, everything appeared to be moving in slow motion as tears fell from my eyes in the midst of Satan's treachory, I felt as if there was no breathe in me as flames enraged to the right and to the left of me, at that very moment I realised they could never get the best of me because my mind, body, and soul were heavenly, that's when the prophets and I regrouped and unleahsed our spiritual weaponry...The Anti-Christ summoned demons from the underground and they visciously attacked Jesus with a thunder cloud, I wonder how Jesus will survive since he's outnumbered now? Moses quickly aided Jesus and performed a miracle that shattered those fire-casting creatons into pieces, The Anti-Christ life was slowly taken from him as Jesus performed a miracle that encompassed his body with voltage, I called on the prophet Moses to gather a few messages from the first testament and battle Satan to stop his devilishment, that gave me time to conjure and performed various acts of mind-wizardy, I attacked that mysterious warrior intensively and he fell to his knees eventually...I walked over to him, drew the weapon from my side, looked him directly in the eyes, then I raised my blade and thrusted my sword forward through his core and watched as he died like a beast being killed, the last words that he heard were Peace Be Still...Then I drug him by his feet and dropped his body in the abyss, I look behind me and what is this?!?! I witness The Devil about to set fire to the prophet Moses! Then I quickly peer to my right and just before the abyss closes, A group of demons threw Jesus in it!! Is Jesus finished? I turned back to my left to help Moses first, I drew my cystal sword and raised it towards the sky which made lightning dispurse and strike the earth, The Devil was hurt the worse from that massive voltage burst and I barely saved Moses's life...There was another explosion of light...Wait...did Jesus survive? His body floated out of the abyss and he was immediately revived by one of Moses's miracles...The Devil regrouped himself and started casting flames galore, but we were united again in the name of the Lord, we conjured a heavenly myrical and aimed for his core and left him slain in this war...Then he was dematerialized and contained in an orb...The entire planet witnessed this and rejoiced because we had won the battle of Armegeddon...And it was thanks to my Sword.


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Book: Shattered Sighs