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Barney the School Bus

Monday morning, and the village children from, were

waiting as usual at the bus stop. It was past eight o’clock,

and Barney was late! That was most unusual, he may

have been rather an old and slow single-decker bus, but

Barney was ALWAYS on time. Not this morning.

‘Look!’ shouted one little boy. All the children stared.

Gliding down the road was a brand new, double - decker


‘Come along,’ said the driver, as the bus opened its

doors. ‘Look sharp or you will be late for school.’ No

one moved. ‘What’s the matter?’ asked the driver.

‘We’re waiting for Barney and Mr Gubbins,’ chorused the children.

‘Who?’ exclaimed the driver. ‘Do they go to school?’

The children laughed. ‘Of course not! ‘Barney is our

school bus and Mr. Gubbins is his driver,’ the children replied.

‘Well, I’m afraid you won’t be seeing anymore of them’ said the driver.

‘What!’ gasped the children.

‘Bus company can’t afford to run old buses like Barney

anymore,’ explained the driver. ‘He only makes one journey a

day, to the town, and back again. It is very difficult for other

passengers when there’s only one bus every day. Now me and

my new bus can make lots of journeys and take passengers

backwards and forwards all day long’.

Poor Barney and Mr Gubbins. They were out of a job. It

would not be the same going to school without them.

Next morning, when the bus pulled up at the bus stop, the

driver was most surprised to see what he saw. Or rather, at

what he did not see!

‘That’s funny’ he said to himself. ‘No children going to

school today? I wonder what has happened?’ And, when he

arrived at school with an empty bus, the Headteacher – Miss

Lambert – was also surprised.

‘What have you done with my children? She asked.

‘Weren’t at the bus stop this morning.’

‘Surely they can’t all be ill?’

‘No…. It is me and my new bus’, said the driver. ‘The

children do not like us. My bus is not like Barney. He is


‘Yes.’ Replied Miss Lambert. ‘I rather think he is’.

‘You see,’ said the driver, ‘me and my bus can make

many more journeys a day than Barney. He’s an old

bus and can’t be doing very much at all. If only….’

‘Yes.’ Said Miss Lambert impatiently.

‘Well, if you bought Barney from the bus company,

you could run your own bus service’.

‘What a good idea! I will telephone the bus company

right away.’

And that’s exactly what Miss Lambert did. The man at the

bus company was very pleased.

‘Yes,’ Miss Lambert. ‘That is a splendid idea. Of course,

you can buy Barney’

The next morning the children were at the bus stop as

usual. They couldn’t stay away from school just because they

didn’t like the new bus and his driver. It was exactly eight


‘Look!’ shouted one little girl. All the children stared.

Chugging and sputtering down the road was Barney.

On the way to school, Barney and Mr Gubbins, excitedly

explained to the children how Miss Lambert had bought

Barney and was running her own bus service. The children

were absolutely delighted! They had got Barney and Mr

Gubbins back. The other passengers were happy too. They

had a brand-new double decker bus and a regular bus service.

And, of course, Barney and Mr. Gubbins were also happy

because they were working again.


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Book: Reflection on the Important Things