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Concept Quotations

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Quote Left I've also always been fascinated by weddings... those surreal performances where the audience plays an integral part -- the joy, the sadness, the passion... all unfolding firstly in a house where God is served and ultimately in a house where beer is served... the knife inserted ritually into the virginal white cake to reveal the dark fruity interior... that ugly pagan concept of the father handing over his daughter to her new master... the mothers crying because they're losing a daughter, the page boys crying because they have to wear such stupid clothes... those embarrassing speeches and drunken uncles on the dance floor... Quote Right
Quote Left I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to 'order' than to justice who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice who constantly says 'I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action' who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for someone else's freedom who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a 'more convenient season.' Quote Right
Quote Left The present-day mentality, more perhaps than that of people in the past, seems opposed to a God of mercy, and in fact tends to exclude from life and to remove from the human heart the very idea of mercy. The word and the concept of 'mercy' seem to cause uneasiness in man, who, thanks to the enormous development of science and technology, never before known in history, has become master of the earth and has subdued and dominated it. This dominion over the earth, sometimes understood in a one-sided and superficial way, seems to leave no room for mercy.... Quote Right
Quote Left We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature and living by complicated artifice, man in civilisation surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees there by a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate for having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein do we err. The animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours, they move finished and complete, gifted with extension of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth. Quote Right
Quote Left God is a concept by which we measure our pain Quote Right
Quote Left And so by the fifteenth century, on October 8, the Europeans were looking for a new place to try to get to, and they came up with a new concept: the West. Quote Right
Quote Left Germans are flummoxed by humor, the Swiss have no concept of fun, the Spanish think there is nothing at all ridiculous about eating dinner at midnight, and the Italians should never, ever have been let in on the invention of the motor car. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a concept which corrupts and upsets all others. I refer not to Evil, whose limited realm is that of ethics; I refer to the infinite. Quote Right
Quote Left Contemporary American children, if they are old enough to grasp the concept of Santa Claus by Thanksgiving, are able to see through it by December 15th. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a concept which corrupts and upsets all others. I refer not to Evil, whose limited realm is that of ethics I refer to the infinite. Quote Right
Quote Left America, meaning mostly the United States, is not an easy concept to comprehend. It may be appropriate that it was discovered by a Genoese sailor, in the service of the Spanish crown, looking for some place else and that, for the next half-century, it was treated as a geological impediment to be gotten through or around in order to reach some far more profitable other side. Quote Right
Quote Left We shall never understand the natural environment until we see it as a living organism. Land can be healthy or sick, fertile or barren, rich or poor, lovingly nurtured or bled white. Our present attitudes and laws governing the ownership and use of land represent an abuse of the concept of private property.... Today you can murder land for private profit. You can leave the corpse for all to see and nobody calls the cops. Quote Right
Quote Left The fundamental concept in social science is Power, in the same sense in which Energy is the fundamental concept in physics. Quote Right
Quote Left The concept of boredom entails an inability to use up present moments in a personally fulfilling way. Quote Right
Quote Left All your Western theologies, the whole mythology of them, are based on the concept of God as a senile delinquent. Quote Right
Quote Left Since the 1960s, we have seen the failure of the melting pot ideology. This ideology suggested that different historical, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds could be subordinated to a larger ideology or social amalgam which is America. This concept obviously did not work, because paradoxically America encourages a politics of contestation. Quote Right
Quote Left But those rare souls whose spirit gets magically into the hearts of men, leave behind them something more real and warmly personal than bodily presence, an ineffable and eternal thing. It is everlasting life touching us as something more than a vague, recondite concept. The sound of a great name dies like an echo the splendor of fame fades into nothing but the grace of a fine spirit pervades the places through which it has passed, like the haunting loveliness of mignonette. Quote Right
Quote Left But those rare souls whose spirit gets magically into the hearts of men, leave behind them something more real and warmly personal than bodily presence, an ineffable and eternal thing. It is everlasting life touching us as something more than a vague, recondite concept. The sound of a great name dies like an echo; the splendor of fame fades into nothing; but the grace of a fine spirit pervades the places through which it has passed, like the haunting loveliness of mignonette. Quote Right
Quote Left Responsiblity is a unique concept. It can only reside and inhere in a single individual. You may share it with others, but your portion is not diminished. You may delegate it, but it is still with you. You may disclaim it, but you cannot divest yourself of it. Quote Right
Quote Left Comparatively few people know what a million dollars actually is. To the majority it is a gaseous concept, swelling or decreasing as the occasion suggests. In the minds of politicians, perhaps more than anywhere, the notion of a million dollars has this accordion-like ability to expand or contract; if they are disposing of it, the million is a pleasing sum, reflecting warmly upon themselves; if somebody else wants it, it becomes a figure of inordinate size, not to be compassed by the rational mind. Quote Right
Quote Left She's got a very bright future. She's a very talented young lady who understands the game of basketball and the team concept. She understands her strengths and the strengths of the people around her. You want somebody like her out on the floor playing for you. Quote Right
Quote Left When I come up against a director who has a concept that I don't agree with, or maybe I just haven't thought of it or whatever, I'd be more prone to go with them than my own because I want to be out of control as an actor, I want them to have the control, Quote Right
Quote Left The extent to which he used the State of the Union to launch and define the 'ownership society' concept is important because if you take it to its natural extreme, the ownership society would essentially replace the 'Great Society. That's a major shift from where we've been. Quote Right
Quote Left exposing their evil intent when it introduced the concept of globalization and a borderless world. Quote Right
Quote Left Avon invented the concept of direct marketing and direct selling beauty. And that's still very valid to us. We'll have a firm that will be around for another 114 years as strongly as it was the first 114. Quote Right
Quote Left The very concept of history implies the scholar and the reader. Without a generation of civilized people to study history, to preserve its records, to absorb its lessons and relate them to its own problems, history, too, would lose its meaning. Quote Right
Quote Left Too many people in the American media have lost any concept of loyalty to their country -- if they even consider it their country, rather than just their residence. Yeah, that's right, I'm playing the patriotism card. But not the way you think. Our country is at war. And it's a war in which victory absolutely depends on the Muslim world perceiving it as a war between the U.S and its allies on one side, and fanatical murderous terrorists on the other. If it is ever perceived as a war against Islam , then we have lost. The world has lost. So during such a difficult time, even people who think the Iraq War or even the whole war on terror is a horrible mistake still have an obligation of loyalty to the nation that offers them protection, prosperity, and freedom. Quote Right
Quote Left Anyone who says that they can contemplate quantum mechanics without becoming dizzy has not understood the concept in the least Quote Right
Quote Left The establishment of democracy on the American continent was scarcely as radical a break with the past as was the necessity, which Americans faced, of broadening this concept to include black men. Quote Right
Quote Left An individual's self-concept is the core of his personality. It affects every aspect of human behavior: the ability to learn, the capacity to grow and change . . . . A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success in life. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Concept

Quote Left there are times when my word was filled with hate and anger. I am still in those times. I have demoted these concepts to the outline of my poetry, instead of the words. Quote Right
Quote Left The Whole Concept Of Numerical Squaring, has at it's origin, ... too, and Fro, forward and backwards, Upwards and downwards, where the Number 27, is significant to the alteration of Direction! Quote Right
Quote Left The true power of science lies in its ability to challenge assumptions, dismantle misconceptions, and pave the way for new frontiers of understanding. ~ Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left Behe's concept of Irreducible Complexity sparks curiosity among scientists, caught between Darwinian theory and the possibility of Intelligent Design. Regardless of whether Irreducible Complexity will gain full scientific legitimacy, will be deemed a creationist theory, or will become a point of convergence between Science and Faith, it is interestingly an additional fuel to the scientific quest. - Aloo Denish Quote Right
Quote Left To acknowledge your mistakes is admit a truth not easily revealed for the fear of being judged and punished. Stir clear of all plots and jealousies and all the worries, all the sleepless nights will drift away as they never had existed, and you'll be transformed by the concept of consciousness. Quote Right
Quote Left The concept of power, defined entirely by context, has so many different meanings that can exponentially multiply, as well as, divide. Quote Right
Quote Left "The actual perception of life comes with the hardship of situation otherwise you won't be able to understand life's actual conception."-priya Quote Right
Quote Left There's something to be said about destiny, whether you run from it or accept it, it isn't up to you, that decision was made before your thought conception was even thought of. Quote Right
Quote Left When a misguided and irate society honors villains as heroes, who take statues down and show their immoral concept of deception: mockery, and absurdity create a farse. Which side are you on? Truth or falsity? Quote Right
Quote Left "Through basic biology and human embryology, based upon the known fact that 100% human DNA is formed at the very moment of conception, we can logically conclude that taking the life of any unborn persons at any stage of the mother's pregnancy, is not only murder, but it is a societal and an amoral abomination, to the highest level and degree." Quote Right
Quote Left When an irate and misguided society honors villains and takes statues down: it shows its immoral concept of deception. Quote Right
Quote Left You cannot master the concept of love if you believe in the notion of good people and bad good is a good person & how bad is a bad person? Even a "good man" has a little bit of bad in him...even a bad man has a "bad man" has a little bit of good in him...people are just them all! #Poetic_Ra*_Quotes???? Quote Right
Quote Left There are certain people who will only look for you when the ones they love are not around. Detach yourself from such people because their concept of love involves hurting others just to make themselves happy #Poetic_Ra*_Quotes???? Quote Right
Quote Left "a wise man sells his death to buy another day' By Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "In the absence of the sun,the moon must learn to shine" By Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "Sometimes facing the unknown makes it less a wonder" By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "Today is the tomorrow yesterday craved" By Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "A man only owns what he can make his". By:Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "For every man is bought first by his belief" By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "Every man sharpens first his most profiting tool" By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "Regret is but a slow companion,crawling sluggishly with man to remind man of time" Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "The loyalty of men is forever bought by reason" By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left "In a world where men play for wealth or fame,playing for survival should be your wisest game " By: Adams Elizabeth Oyarese Lizdiamond Concepts Quote Right
Quote Left Control can be lost in a moment Conception can only be built upon Quote Right
Quote Left "If a professional job has any purpose in life then before making a profit the idea that writing fiction to make a statement without hurting anyone using the interpretative concept should be as respected as money earned," said Austin Macauley, UK Author Marc O'Brien. Quote Right
Quote Left From the moment of conception, To the moment of departure, to God, youre not just matter. You matter. Quote Right
Quote Left When a man can not grasp nature, he will never grasp the concept of creator. Quote Right
Quote Left People like F. Scott Fitzgerald have made the American Dream look like a flawed concept: something unattainable or nonexistent altogether. Quote Right
Quote Left Perception is conception. Quote Right
Quote Left It takes two entities to establish or bestow future life; A living male and a living female. Under perfectly normal conditions, these two entities pass the gift life forward at conception. This resulting new being has everything required except knowledge and wisdom; including it's own rights, powers and privileges. If either of these two entities is not living, life can not be passed forward. There is no time that life does not exist. To deny this requires changing universal law. Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things