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DonMitchell - all messages by user

9/20/2017 5:33:00 AM
Baby steps (d/fl)yingsquirrel wrote:
That's exactly how I think of it! I constantly say "my people are online" and similar little jokes- that aren't quite jokes, you know? I've met more incredible, talented people online than my "stranger-danger-OMG!" parents have in their entire lives. I feel completely blessed to have come into contact with so many different humans that I never would have known otherwise.
Small towns upset me. A lot. Before I moved where I am now, I lived in on of the larger counties in my state and I was surrounded by a plethora of people of every demographic- and then I moved into a 98% white, cis, conservative, uber-religious town that regularly makes me want to cry. The internet is my replacement home of diversity, and I adore it.

I agree with you and for me the Internet is a home....
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