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Soothsayerman - all messages by user

2/22/2017 12:34:03 AM
Why do you do it? Why do you write poetry? Why do you like wordsmithing? Do you write anything else?

I have always liked words, and it gives me ways to use them to express concepts that otherwise I wouldn't have a reason to. I do a lot of writing anyway for many purposes and it is a challenge. I enjoy writing Haiku but sometimes I really do not know why! lol. Whaaaaa?

2/26/2017 5:11:36 PM
A mistake Consternation, creeping weeping
Chills my bones, ever breaking
Heart goes still, brain is shrieking
Underground, waking quaking
2/26/2017 7:33:09 PM
A mistake Thank you for the positive words!

What is it do you think? I'm not that familiar with the different forms so I'm not sure what you'd call it.

I was thinking I could make it 8-8-8-8

I like really short things, I am more of a haiku person really. Does it matter?
edited by Soothsayerman on 2/26/2017
2/26/2017 8:16:30 PM
A mistake Okay Quatrain, I will fiddle with that.

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