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Samuel Durant - all messages by user

1/24/2014 8:28:55 PM
Greetings Just got banned for the fifth time on, figured I'd see if I can get myself banned from here a few times.

Just wondering, how seriously are the rules enforced? I was also curious as to why I could not write a poem about Satanic Occultism if I wanted to. Seems like a violation of religious freedom, to me.
1/28/2014 12:01:35 PM
Greetings Oh, wow, look at you. You read a book by Anton LaVey. I hear they're so rare and obscure.

Just kidding with you. Yes, I'm familiar and interested in Satanism, but it was just a passive question. You seemed awfully hostile to my obviously jovial, tongue-in-cheek introduction, so I'll just give you a virtual high five for being a concerned community member o/
2/3/2014 10:52:35 PM
Not sure I'd be into this? You'll actually have to account for each testicle when calculating the ratio. Standard formula dictates that two non-fat females eliminate the homo-factor of one testicle.
2/3/2014 11:02:05 PM
Not sure I'd be into this? Casper Daccary wrote:
Samuel Durant wrote:
You'll actually have to account for each testicle when calculating the ratio. Standard formula dictates that two non-fat females eliminate the homo-factor of one testicle.

Are you implying that vanilla sex with fewer than 4 women is homosexual except in cases of monorchism?
edited by Casper Daccary on 2/3/2014

Shocking as it may be, the research seems to suggest just that
2/7/2014 10:42:52 AM
The finest poem ever written /poems_poets/poem_detail.aspx?ID=540773

Written by a friend and colleague, it is simply the most touching piece of writing that I have ever had the pleasure of cogitating upon. Just wanted to share a little bit of the magic with you all
2/7/2014 11:06:06 AM
How to publish your book for free

Make an MS Word document with a pagebreak after every poem, submit it. Choose your cover art. Bam, you're a published poet. You can get an ISBN and list on Amazon, too. **** publishers, go for the gold.
2/21/2014 1:54:43 AM
The finest poem ever written Nope. I can understand why you'd think that, though. Many people have.
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