Book: Shattered Sighs

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thegentlemanpirate - all messages by user

2/23/2023 7:29:44 AM
Please kindly critique my poem! I’m so sick of myself

My friends are hurt

My family is hurt

My body is hurt

All because of me

I refuse help

I need it badly

Is it worth the risk?

I hurt everything I come into contact with

It’s not intentional

Intention is irrelevant

When others get hurt

I know I deserve pain

I know I deserve hell

I know

I’m so sick of myself

I shouldn’t be like this

It’s unnatural

No one should cause pain

But it seems nature decided

To take the day off

Please be kind when criticizing!! This is free verse and I don't feel how this poem expresses anymore, so don't worry about that part.
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