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ktrails - all messages by user

2/18/2022 8:49:39 AM
A question about the Villanelle form Hello!

There are two lines in the first stanza of the Villanelle that each get repeated 3 times later in the poem. In particular the first line of stanza 1 appears in stanzas 2, 4, and 6.

My question is this: because the line starts at the beginning of a stanza, I used "For" as the first word.

Later in the poem, it is supposed to be the last line of a stanza, and it would read better if I could use "But" as the first word instead.

Are you allowed to make any modification to the repeat line?

Oh, that I would have had a day.
The Lord has called you to His side.
For there were things that I would say.

(later, in stanza 4)

I’m torn, my thoughts in disarray;
I know that you with Him abide,
But there were things that I would say.

Is such a change allowed or disallowed by the form?
edited by ktrails on 2/18/2022
edited by ktrails on 2/18/2022
edited by ktrails on 2/18/2022
2/18/2022 10:33:04 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! This guy who wrote rhymes to converse
Liked forms that were funny and terse
To start the bonanza
He threw out a stanza
Hoped someone would add the next verse!
2/18/2022 10:52:05 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! With a love that's exceedingly great,
He'd drive three hundred miles for a date
With the next verse begun,
Just can't leave till it's done
Seems his sweetheart will just have to wait!
2/21/2022 10:22:32 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! He dreamt that the docs found the source,
Changed his voice so he’d neigh like a horse.
In ho-horror, he woke
The da-damn finally broke
His poems aren’t nearly so coarse!
edited by ktrails on 2/21/2022
2/21/2022 12:38:15 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! At the Preakness, he raced out and led.
Though he lost, he still covered the spread.
His dates are all stunning,
The mares have come running;
His stud fees have gone to his head.
edited by ktrails on 2/21/2022
2/22/2022 2:55:56 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! Well, he dragged himself home in disgrace
His wife said, “You up for a race?"
In her pink negligee
He had nothing to say
She said, “Honey, now why the long face?"
edited by ktrails on 2/22/2022
2/23/2022 4:34:21 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! All this riding just made him want more
So he went to the Davidson store
He bought him a Harley
One great big and gnarly
And he hit the outdoors with a roar!
edited by ktrails on 2/23/2022
2/23/2022 7:21:01 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! Yes, death loomed as large as an oak
And then a most fortunate stroke
With a frog in his path
He swerved, missed and laughed,
“Seems today’s not my day to croak!”
2/23/2022 10:21:30 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! On the upside, the breezeway is nice
Though it came with a bit of a price
His arm has no feeling
There’s blood on the ceiling
And the measurements: not so precise
2/24/2022 12:35:24 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! After all that excitement off-road
You would think that he just might have slowed
But he’s pretty darned spunky
An adreneline junkie
He’s in Evil Knievel mode!
edited by ktrails on 2/24/2022
2/24/2022 7:20:41 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! The road was a bit of a miss
He just gave the guardrail a kiss
That notwithstanding
He stuck his landing
And launched off into the abyss
2/25/2022 6:45:59 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! At times like these, past choices sting,
Yes, even the smallest of things
’Twas right then it dawned, “Uh,
I shoulda bought Honda,
‘Cuz now I’d have my Gold Wings!”
edited by ktrails on 2/25/2022
2/25/2022 1:04:07 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! “Were you ever a quarterback, mate?”
Pete continues, “It’s never too late.
It isn’t time yet
Go play clarinet
For it says here that heaven can wait.”

2/26/2022 5:32:43 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! So that’s when he truly began
To understand God’s larger plan
That life, not a circus,
Has meaning and purpose,
Ever after is quite a timespan!
2/26/2022 2:13:28 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! He decided that he would go big
With a Poetry Soup Kitchen gig,
A free bowl of soup
And a sonnet to boot
And a pathway to get off the swig
2/27/2022 6:21:17 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! Seems the limerick soup line is long,
But the entries are ever so strong.
A former spectator
Is now a creator.
So welcome to our little throng!
2/27/2022 6:06:58 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! The soup kitchen, down in the red
“Sweet Jesus!” from his knees, he pled.
And in came the manna
Straight from Indiana
Someone sent a truckload of bread
2/28/2022 3:31:01 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! The cases of bread looked alright.
Beneath, maybe cased Vegemite?
When they looked down under
They could hear the thunder
The soup line plays 80s tonight!
edited by ktrails on 2/28/2022
3/1/2022 2:11:23 PM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! We’ve stalled out a bit, it would seem.
So how ‘bout a change of the scene?
Perhaps something nice
With tundra and ice
And polar bears wrapped in visqueen?
3/2/2022 4:23:37 AM
Reply with a limerick - let's see where it goes! A fatal encounter, it seems
Whoever did this was mean!
The job was fantastic
The bears, wrapped in plastic
And prints leading off the scene
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