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JackForlan - all messages by user

11/30/2021 11:50:21 PM
Talking about poetry geraldine.brag wrote:
Hello! I hope you all doing well)
I see here a lot of talented writers, and I am only on the start of my way) Can you, guys share your experience? How did you start? And what or who was your muse?)

The main thing is to start
11/30/2021 11:56:17 PM
Looking poetically gcalabrese wrote:
For years I've been trying to find a poem that was read at a wedding.

The poem was about columns holding up a building. each independent but much stronger together holding up the building.

Another is about aging...where inone part the person was standing in front of a refrigerator but couldn't rememberif it was to take something out or put something back into the fridge..

Any help finding these would be greatly appreciated.


Here some topic with poem about columns.

Try to check it.
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