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Eduardo Richardson - all messages by user

12/10/2020 11:31:38 PM
Right to left/left to write I will be glad to read your prose!
12/10/2020 11:32:06 PM
Right to left/left to write I really like to read the prose of talented people.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 12/10/2020
3/22/2021 7:07:07 AM
I'm a student who loves Haikus and started writing This is a very cool hobby. Where I can read your work? I really like to read the works and creativity of talented people. It inspires me. Lately, I have had a lot of routine work in my life, which is associated with completing various written assignments in college. It is very cool that there is a company called Edubirdie that helps me with my academic research.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 3/29/2021
3/23/2021 12:36:08 PM
Footsteps of my soul Thank you for your creativity and your book. I am also now writing my own book, which will most likely be a postmodern novel with elements of philosophy. While my creative process is paused due to the fact that I write a lot of essays. I am assisted in this by the Edubirdie company, which provides professional academic assistance. This allows you to free up some time for creativity.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 3/29/2021
3/25/2021 3:33:00 AM
Majestic Colors jacc123 Jennifer Cahill Thank you very much for your creativity. I admire people who write beautifully. I am also writing my own book now, but I can say that I am not entirely satisfied with the quality of my texts. It takes a lot of my time now to study. But there is a service called Edubirdie that helps me with my homework and essays, which allows me to focus more on the creative process.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 3/29/2021
4/19/2021 11:13:13 PM
Amateur poet posts first poem online It's really great that you wrote such a beautiful verse and decided to publish it online. I believe that your work should definitely be shown to other people, for this it exists. I am now writing essays about creativity and some writers, including Franz Kafka, who did not allow some of his works to be shown. The company Edubirdie helps me a lot with this, which provided very cool factual materials on the topic.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 4/25/2021
4/21/2021 1:13:12 AM
Have you thought about making chapbooks This is a great idea! I absolutely agree that Chapbooks is a pretty successful strategy that will help promote your product, as well as focus on visuals that will retain meaning, but will take on a more convenient form. The Edubirdie service always helps me in editing my prose, my essays, which makes them much easier to read.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 4/25/2021
4/21/2021 10:48:33 PM
Read my first poem Please drop the link to your verse, I would be very interested to read it. I like to read poems of poets that are new to me and I am surprised how many talented people are around. I most often write prose and essays, which is helped by the Edubirdie service, with the help of which I learned how to write high-quality essays. Poetry is very difficult for me.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 4/25/2021
4/24/2021 1:16:58 AM
What is your style? Recently, I like to write poetry or prose in the style of postmodernism or metamodernism. These styles help me not only to write about my experiences in a defragmented manner, but also to react in an actual way to all those events that occur in the outside world. This is a pretty interesting topic that I advise you to familiarize yourself with.
4/25/2021 11:26:18 PM
I dont know how to begin It seems to me in such a situation, you just need to continue the communication and show with some signs that you like him. If he is smart and sensual, he will understand this and independently make a choice about whether to leave you in the friend zone, no matter how cruel it sounds, or start a romantic relationship.
4/25/2021 11:28:10 PM
The Old Man I really liked this verse, both with the factual and semantic content, and the form that you gave it. For me lately, the form in art and creativity, including in writing poetry or prose, is more important than meaning. That is why I have now started experimenting with the shape of my texts.
5/13/2021 3:55:09 AM
Ardent Jogger Poem An incredibly beautiful and melodic verse that made me feel much better.
5/14/2021 1:45:25 AM
Does anyone else on here write short stories? I love writing short stories. I am very inspired in this aspect by the writer and playwright Chekhov. For me, he is an example of how you can put such a huge and important meaning in a short format.
5/18/2021 12:27:18 AM
Poem meaning help It seems to me, on the contrary, the poet in this verse says that language is the basis of tyranny and self-restraint. In our thoughts, we are free and when we start to speak, blocks of self-restraint are immediately put in front of us, which are dictated by society, parents, upbringing, genes and the like.
5/20/2021 1:15:38 AM
Academics? It seems to me that no, and no matter how much the academic community influences poetry and art in general, poetry remains an absolutely independent trend in our country. I recently wrote a small study about this with the EduBirdie site, where I talked about how poetry in general can be a part of academic life as well. It is important.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 5/28/2021
5/24/2021 6:30:29 AM
How to publish your book for free Thank you very much for the recommendations. Publishing a book is a very important and at the same time difficult stage. When I published my first book, I asked for help from a local publishing house in order to do everything as correctly and beautifully as possible.
5/24/2021 11:52:46 PM
Self Publishing times two This is really a very interesting and useful resource that can help you when publishing books or poetry on your own. From my experience, I will say that the advice of other writers, with whom I contacted on social networks, when I was planning to publish my own book, is very helpful.
5/26/2021 5:53:13 AM
Illustrated Poetry Books on Love and Life I love illustrated books about love that you can read and feel with the help of illustrations. Sometimes for me the form can be more important for the meaning. I would say otherwise. Form is very often a component of meaning for me.
5/27/2021 4:48:18 AM
Why can't I type text? Thank you so much for these recommendations! I am quite thorough and attentive to the writing of texts. For a very long time, I select the necessary and highest quality expressions, phrases or words so that the sentences sound beautiful. The EduBirdie service that constantly helps me in writing essays very often edits my texts, because they turn out to be very artistic.
edited by Eduardo Richardson on 5/28/2021
6/17/2021 11:57:24 AM
I need help finishing this poem or starting a new It seems to me that the question of whether or not to finish a verse is a matter of feeling at one time or another. If I understand that I should not finish the verse now, I do not finish and return to it later.
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