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6/8/2012 8:13:39 PM

christina watson
Posts: 5
So I always find myself coming out with good material and lots of it at once, then for some reason I can go months without writing. So how often does one write? To me life needs to throw a curve ball in order for the writing to happen. Is it unusual for people to just write when things happen or should I try to pick it up more?
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6/15/2012 3:55:06 PM

Steven Henderson
Posts: 1
I would have to say it is different for everyone. Best advice I can give... is when you are feeling write. Never force it... carry a pad paper with you or a recorder and just write down random thoughts ....then come back to em later and see what happens. Peace
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6/19/2012 8:00:06 AM

Diane Forth-Eglon
Posts: 2
I agree, I carry paper and pen with me and often my poems come tumbling out when I visit my husband who is in a nursing home, whether the poems be about him, about creation, spiritual, etc. But I don't concentrate on it. I relax, have a cup of tea and if the line comes, jot it down. I might go months too without a poem, so best answer is just go with the flow. Good luck
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7/18/2012 4:19:41 AM

kerry singleton
Posts: 5
Go with the flow when it comes write it, if it dosen't then it's not meant to be, carry paper & pen you never know when you will have the need to write, i have gotten up in the middle of the night just to write a poem, good luck
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7/19/2012 12:33:50 AM

Tammy Bowers
Posts: 1
Sometimes it may just be a few lines or maybe just a word that may come to you. Write it down then go back to it later. I have gone through periods of drought too. It happens with all of us. Don't force it just write when you feel it. The best way is to clear your mind. Take a walk, meditate or just read. Good luck
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8/11/2012 1:57:50 PM

Lorraine Ferns
Posts: 5
I just came across your post; and felt I can really relate. I have periods where nothing is happening inside; usually I find it is when I am really distracted and have something on my mind, like looking for a new place to live. I find though, when I decide okay try; I read some other poetry, listen to music, and sometimes it happens but lately I feel shrivelled up!
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10/3/2012 8:47:07 AM

david scott
Posts: 1
jsno1angel wrote:
So I always find myself coming out with good material and lots of it at once, then for some reason I can go months without writing. So how often does one write? To me life needs to throw a curve ball in order for the writing to happen. Is it unusual for people to just write when things happen or should I try to pick it up more?
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10/4/2012 3:00:17 PM

Joni Havard
Posts: 7
i try to write atleast, once a week. even if its not the greates piece of poetry it makes my mind start thinking and the creative juices start flowing and usually a great piece comes out of that bad piece of poetry. maybe you should make yourself focus on other things to write about, as well if you only focus on writing when life gives you a challenge maybe you should try writing about religion or nature or family..... challange your mind and make yourself change your writing habiats hope this helps
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