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Forum Home » High Critique » Honest Opinions Please

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
5/7/2019 2:23:25 PM

Kevin Rocheleau
Posts: 5
Change is in the air shortened
days give way to light
Whisper cool days deny winters
hold, fleeing the fight
Juvenile greens transforming
the colorless scape
Familiar sounds return
remarkably on que
A new season is here
arrives with an unfading scent
Gone too long is the time
as spring governs
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5/8/2019 6:05:07 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Not said in a mean way, my belief is that poetry is "the Emotional Content of Literature."

Poetry, in my heart, is not what "is" but how we react to what "is." Prose tries to determine reality, (and usually fails in that effort). Poetry should only express our emotional reaction to events, or state of mind..... Regards,.....Bob....

Example: prose-it has been a warm year

poetry-my feelings about the warm year vary from day to day, sometimes I like it, sometimes, not.....
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