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Forum Home » Be Gentle » The Storm

Post here if you're new to receiving a critique and you want "gentle" feedback on your poem. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
4/21/2011 6:38:57 PM

Kevin Watmough
Posts: 3
Visual imagery passes, in translucent azure.
A redolent toxin, straight from the waters of this earth.
Rhythmic, yet silent, in the burden it bares.
For the brilliant flushed blue we see in the air.
Soft sculptures engraved for only seconds.
Weakening, strengthening, breaking off in sections.
Bright twinkling flashes, tearing the sky in two.
Crashing melodies through and through.
Whistling sporadicly in pitch and tone.
Imagery moving to dark sculptured cones.
Thrashing, swirling, grasping the land.
Mother nature held us in her destructive hand.
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4/30/2011 2:52:57 PM

brian welsh
Posts: 1
very good...tsunami's come to mind
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5/1/2011 12:10:47 PM

julie heckman
Posts: 17
Kevin Watmough wrote:
Visual imagery passes, in translucent azure.
A redolent toxin, straight from the waters of this earth.
Rhythmic, yet silent, in the burden it bares.
For the brilliant flushed blue we see in the air.
Soft sculptures engraved for only seconds.
Weakening, strengthening, breaking off in sections.
Bright twinkling flashes, tearing the sky in two.
Crashing melodies through and through.
Whistling sporadicly in pitch and tone.
Imagery moving to dark sculptured cones.
Thrashing, swirling, grasping the land.
Mother nature held us in her destructive hand.
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5/9/2011 9:14:13 PM

Josh Christian
Posts: 2
i am a young poet and i am eager for my poems to be put out there so i would love for a lot of critiquing to come my way. If you will would you please go by my page and just check my poems out to leave positive feedback or constructive criticism. I believe my poems send positive messages and could give people a new hope on things but i need all the help i can get to get them out and have people read them
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