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1/11/2011 11:16:42 AM

Abby Pe
Posts: 2
I don't know what I should do. I feel like people just don't care anymore. My "friends" always said they'd know when something was wrong and here I am not being able to stop crying for the past 3 weeks and not one of them has noticed a thing. I guess I'm a great actor because no one can tell anything is wrong. Personally all I want is to be able to cry into someones shoulder and not have them ask questions. My "friends" would never do that for me, so I guess you can't call them even that. Whenever I try to talk to them about my problems they always ignore me or push it away or get distracted by their own stuff. I dont know what to do, I feel like I'm falling apart but I just can't.
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1/11/2011 11:25:23 AM

Roger Page
Posts: 4
Hi, It sounds like you are depressed. You need to talk with your doctor as they can help. There are many types of depression and many reasons why it can happen, you need to talk. Please talk to someone, Regards Roger

AbbyLee wrote:
I don't know what I should do. I feel like people just don't care anymore. My "friends" always said they'd know when something was wrong and here I am not being able to stop crying for the past 3 weeks and not one of them has noticed a thing. I guess I'm a great actor because no one can tell anything is wrong. Personally all I want is to be able to cry into someones shoulder and not have them ask questions. My "friends" would never do that for me, so I guess you can't call them even that. Whenever I try to talk to them about my problems they always ignore me or push it away or get distracted by their own stuff. I dont know what to do, I feel like I'm falling apart but I just can't.
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6/14/2011 11:09:30 AM

darnett shimmy yeah
Posts: 5
My best advice to you is to fall apart. Don't do anything dangerous to yourself, I'm not saying that at all, just let yourself cry. There is beauty in the breakdown. Crying makes you feel better, and after it is all done and you've cried yourself dry, you can step back and think logically about where you are in your life right now and figure out where you want to be. From there, you can get to where you want to be. If you think your friends aren't helping, confront them about it. Tell them how you feel like they've been treating you, and if they don't care, dump them. Better people are out there.

I hope that you're okay.

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9/19/2011 3:48:55 PM

Eleanore Bourner
Posts: 17
look at the good things in life, even if you think rright now there are none. you mentioned you think you may be good at acting, try out for a play or musical! local, or a school one(assuming you are in school, i apologise if i am wrong) there are lots of good people who love to act, and you may find that, you too, are passionate about it! memorizing lines will help you get your mind off of the sad things in life. it'll give you a safe haven. i myself love acting, there are truely good people in this department. if theatre is not for you, try another art! don't give up! try painting your emotions, practice singing or playing an instrament. you may surprise yourself at what you're good at. i'm sure you'll pull through and if you ever need someone to talk to, you can send me a soupmail. i check regularly so i can guarentee you WILL get a response good luck, i know you can do it! you are in my prayers! ------Ell
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11/5/2011 7:29:04 PM

Posts: 12
Talk to ur friends. Or a family member. Or anyone u can trust. It feels a lot better if u vent it. If u keep it inside it slowly eats u alive
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