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Forum Home » Be Gentle » the nightmare you wish was a dream

Post here if you're new to receiving a critique and you want "gentle" feedback on your poem. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
5/9/2010 6:51:04 PM

chamonique knowles
Posts: 1
Love is a lie
its a harmful facade
a mirror reflecting what you want
until it cracks under pressure
and reveals the harsh unwanted truth
its a faded image
a lost balloon stuck in a tree
a lonely girl crying in the staircase
the ripped love letters
the deleted text messages
the sad songs
and the dripping mascara
its the screams
its the tears
its the regrets
its the lies
and deceit
its the lost hopes
and broken dreams
its the nightmare you wish was a dream
its the star you look to
and the pit you fall into
its the light at the end of the tunnel
and the shadows that creep along the floor
its that ache you feel in the pit of your stomach
its the confusion you fear
its the beat you love to dance to
its the monster you run from
its the butterfly that flies free
its the fire that burns
its the air you breathe
its the water that cleanses you
its the water that drowns you
its the feeling that explodes within you
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5/17/2010 1:52:24 PM

Michael Benkhen
Posts: 40
There aren't really any flaws...and the message is very sweet.

The land is littered with the graves of animals I never killed yet somehow mourn.
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