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Invisible words. - Ariana Pataki's Blog

About Ariana Pataki
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My name is Ariana Pataki, and I'm 15 years old. I'm from Spain, from a beautiful city called Zaragoza. English is not my first language. I apologize for any mistakes my grammar may have. My parents are from Hungary and Romania, so I speak five languages: Spanish, English, French, Hungarian and Romanian. I'm currently learning Italian and Portuguese. 

I love languages, since I want to work as a translator, travelling round the world and helping people understand each other.

I define myself as someone very positive, kind and sociable. I always think about others, and I try to help them out. I love being with my friends, reading novels, writing my own novels, obviously poetry and learning new stuff. 

Usually, people say I'm too young to write poetry. I have been told this for years.

I started writing my own short stories at the age of ten. Those small histories were not a big deal, but led me to start to write novels at the age of 12. I started my first book in 2021, and I finished it in 2023. Right now, my goal is finishing my third thriller novel, which I called "Pulse of panic". Finally, I recently finished another short novel, which is called "Wild Heart"

My parents are not big supporters of my work. They believe my novels and poems are just a way of wasting my time.I've been struggling with many stuff and writing has always helped me out. I want to have an optimistic view, and say that everything will get better.

In 2023, at school, I began to write small verses on my notebooks, words that could rhyme and could express how I felt. Slowly, everything made sense, and I made my very first poem: Overthink. After that one, everything flowed good. I began to write more and more, when I felt happy or stressed. Poetry is my way of scaping reality.

I found Poetry Soup, and started posting my poems. Lots of wonderful people started reading my poems, commenting on them and saying such beautiful things, I had to keep going! They all inspired me, and encouraged me. I'lll cherish each of them in my heart. You all are the best!! I never thought my words could be appreciated the way they do. I'm really grateful.

I'm just a teenage girl, with so many dreams and hopes. I'll keep trying my best, trying to make good poems. I'll keep learning day by day. 

Thanks for reading such a long biography. Honestly, thanks for everyone who reads my poems and spend some of their time reading this biography. I'm so happy to be a part of Poetry Soup's community.

Have a great day, and take care. Be safe!

Ariana :-)

Invisible words.

Blog Posted:11/28/2023 10:23:00 AM

Hey there,

It's been a while since I last wrote a blog, and I've got some real talk to share with you today. So, picture this: a 14-year-old girl, that's me, facing a bit of a writing and creativity slump. Yeah, it's a tough spot to be in. I thought I'd dive a bit deeper into what's been going on in my poetic world lately.

You know that feeling when you're just not in the mood to do anything? Well, that's been my vibe lately. I've lost my groove for writing and reading, which is a pretty big deal for a girl who usually finds solace in words. How do I even explain this? It's like my thoughts are playing hide and seek in my mind, and I can't tag them for the life of me.

So, what did I do? I tried to write poetry anyway. I revisited my go-to muses – my life, my thoughts – but it's like my words hit a traffic jam in my brain. No matter how hard I tried, it felt like my sentences were doing the cha-cha with no rhythm. I was in the groove of preparing for my poetry book, "The girl beyond the shadows." You know, a project I've been nurturing for a good few months. But here's the kicker – that excitement? Poof, it vanished. I'm staring at the pages, and they're just mocking me, blank and lifeless.

Now, facing this writer's block is like standing on the edge of something really scary. I'm left wondering, where did my inspiration go? Why can't I feel the emotions I used to pour into my writing? It's a scary thought, realizing that the very thing that defined me is slipping away. It's more than just losing words; it's a sense of losing myself.

It's about losing the connection with something that has been a big part of who I am. I've been cruising on this happy wave for a while, envisioning my book taking shape, and now it's like the wave dumped me on the shore of creative uncertainty.

So what now? Do I let go and watch my whole passion crumble, or do I fight this creative void? Maybe I'll take a step back, let the silence linger, and see if the echoes of my own thoughts can find their way back to me. Yet I have so many questions! What if I can't find my way back to the world of words and emotions? What if this writer's block isn't just a phase, but a permanent shadow over my once-vibrant creativity? 

For now, I just hope my spark comes back soon. 

Apologies for any mistake my grammar may have, English is not my first language, it's my fourth one.

Grateful for anyone who might spend some time reading my blog. I know it's not a big deal, but I tried. Thanks.



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Date: 12/5/2023 2:32:00 PM
I enjoy reading your blog post, Ariana. We all have period in our life when our priorities change. Writer block, many times, is just a short period when something else is more important for us to focus on. I would recommend a short break or trying to write the shorter forms of poems. I sometimes write Haiku or Senryu poems about nature and people to get the juices flowing again. Write an Acrostic poem. I know you write very well; you can do it if you take a little pressure off yourself and bring the joy back. Thanks for making the effort to write this blog, it isn't always easy in life; strong challenges usually build and teach us more than the easier ones. Smiles ~ Blessings Bill
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 12/12/2023 8:45:00 AM
Thank you very much Bill. I'm trying my best.
Date: 11/29/2023 8:26:00 AM
To paraphrase a line from MIB, you need pie. ;) Order a piece of pie and the cure will come. :) Or Nike: "Just do it!" :) Or Andrea: "...sit there a while thinking and Just START writing." You have such talent - believe in yourself. :)
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 12/5/2023 10:05:00 AM
I really like MIB, that phrase is really iconic. Anyways, I can't really believe in myself since I am losing my only talent. Quite unexpected. Perhaps I'm losing myself too. Who knows. Thanks for reading my blog!
Date: 11/29/2023 7:11:00 AM
some days your fastball isn't fast enough, your curve ball...doesn't, and the Catcher's in the answers her just one of my many "mantra"....DON'T FIGHT IT!! WRITE IT!!
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 12/5/2023 10:03:00 AM
Thanks for reading my blog John.
Date: 11/29/2023 6:37:00 AM
This happens to all writers, I know that writing is a passion for you, however, there will be a time when the pen needs a rest. Plus you are such a young person, as you go through life there will be more for you to write about.. Poetry is about how we feel and what we see and you write a lot about how you feel.. maybe write about things around you, like autumn and winter on its way.. write about your different languages and culture... also why not try some short form poetry to practice imagery like haiku, senryu, ninette, tanks and many more.. always lots of contests to inspire you also.. hope you find your muse again.. take care.
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 12/5/2023 10:03:00 AM
Hi Silent One. I have been away for a while now. I have been trying to write about new topics, different structures... But no matter how hard I try, I am not able to compose a new poem. I can't even write two words that rhyme. It's quite pathetic, to be honest. I hope my muse comes back soon. I'm not really enjoying these days without poetry. Just in general, I'm not enjoying anything. Thanks for reading my blog.
Date: 11/28/2023 3:52:00 PM
Patience and perseverance. Your youth is in your favor here. So much ahead that will demand your expression. Well written blog proves your ability to convey ideas is in no way compromised, A. :o)
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 11/28/2023 10:35:00 PM
Thanks for reading my blog Arlo! This blog was hard to write honestly. I'll keep trying!
Date: 11/28/2023 1:19:00 PM
Dear Ariana, enjoyed reading your blogs. It reminds me of myself at fourteen - I used to write diaries, and letters to pen friends, and participated in contests for young people. You are already writing, expressing your thoughts beautifully - it doesn't have to be poetry all the time! Do you write in other languages too? Writer's Block happens to everyone - don't worry about it - keep writing! And don't worry about grammar - English is my second language too. Best ~
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 11/28/2023 10:34:00 PM
Good morning, I'm so glad you liked my blog! Now, the thing is that I tried to write a new chapter of my third novel, yet nothing happens, I can't write. I can't write poetry, can't write my novel, can't even write my diary in a decent way. Even the blog was hard to write. Oh, answering to your question, I write my novels in Spanish and English, and I only can write poetry in English. I'll be optimistic about it and say it'll get better. :-)
Date: 11/28/2023 12:57:00 PM
Also, why don't you use poems you already wrote for your book? then maybe along the way, more themes will come to you.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 11/30/2023 12:30:00 PM
you can do it!!
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 11/28/2023 10:30:00 PM
My idea was using those poems, but the publisher I've been working with wanted me to write at least 25 new poems, and then also use the others I had already written. It's strange, but well, maybe that pressure has made me feel a little... Well, overwhelmed.
Date: 11/28/2023 12:55:00 PM
I was in your position about 15 years ago and I was in a poetry club at that time and I made a similar complaint to a girl who was the most prolific in our group. I will never forget what she said to me. To paraphrse, she said - sit down and find challenges, things to write about that would never come to you except by way of a challenge. Then sit there a while thinking and Just START writing. I had maybe 500 poems to my name 18 years ago. I have not done count of them any more, but I bet I now have over 5,000. I just think of poetry as an exercise for my brain. Sometimes I end up with silliness, but usually I write stuff not half bad and occasionally I write something splendid! JUST DO IT.
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Date: 11/28/2023 11:21:00 AM
You're experiencing something quite common among writers, no need to fret. I don't experience it only because I never write under compulsion, and I don't worry if it's been a while since I've been inspired. Nevertheless, I've built up a body of work over the last fifteen years or so, including writing a children's trilogy. There's a ton of stuff competing for your attention when you're a teen. Let yourself have fun and when you're ready to write again, you'll know it
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Woody Avatar
Tom Woody
Date: 11/29/2023 5:04:00 AM
No need for acknowledgement. I'd be happier if you visited and commented on my writings, letting me know what you truthfully think
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Ariana Pataki
Date: 11/28/2023 10:28:00 PM
Hi Tom. Thanks for commenting. I believe you're right, I should try and wait. Even if I don't have much patience with myself, I can try. Oh, by the way, I would like to mention you in my book on the acknowledgements. Because you've been reading and commenting on my poems since the very first ones, I believe you deserve it. Thanks!

My Past Blog Posts

Revitalizing Life.
Date Posted: 2/18/2024 5:48:00 AM
Why is poetry often neglected?
Date Posted: 1/25/2024 10:20:00 AM
Invisible words.
Date Posted: 11/28/2023 10:23:00 AM
I love Poetry Soup's community.
Date Posted: 11/17/2023 8:06:00 AM
Verses of the heart.
Date Posted: 11/16/2023 10:41:00 AM
"Why do you waste your time writing poetry?"
Date Posted: 11/16/2023 10:31:00 AM

My Recent Poems

Date PostedPoemTitleFormCategories
4/14/2024 spring Free versebeautiful,happiness,sprin
4/11/2024 growing up Free versecourage,growing up,life,p
4/10/2024 internet Rhymefunny,internet,
4/10/2024 visual contact Free verseemotions,journey,love,nos
4/10/2024 a change of state Rhymefeelings,truth,
2/26/2024 Where did all the time go? Rhymeemotions,growing up,time,
2/26/2024 bond Rhymebest friend,blessing,dog,
2/20/2024 Books Rhymebooks,imagination,
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2/19/2024 A teen girl Rhymegirl,teen,teenage,
2/18/2024 Flowing Rhymedeep,how i feel,nonsense,
2/18/2024 Love me Rhymefeelings,heartbroken,love
2/18/2024 I hate poetry Rhymeappreciation,courage,poet
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1/23/2024 Time and Stardust Blitzemotions,feelings,journey
1/22/2024 Princess Rhymefantasy,poems,princess,
1/13/2024 simple dreams Rhymefuture,imagination,self,t
1/8/2024 fourth of January Rhymedeath,grandmother,how i f
12/30/2023 all you need Rhymecare,happiness,joy,love,
12/30/2023 melting Rhymeemotions,hope,how i feel,
11/20/2023 nothing's new Rhymeanxiety,growth,how i feel
11/18/2023 why do we lie? Rhymeconflict,
11/18/2023 time Rhymeencouraging,time,
11/16/2023 scape Rhymebeautiful,feelings,poetry
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11/2/2023 Last Organ Grinder Rhymedeath,music,simple,
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11/1/2023 Giving You All Free verseappreciation,forgiveness,
10/30/2023 Hope In Kindness Free verseappreciation,beautiful,co
10/29/2023 Unseen Rhymeappreciation,beautiful,en
10/21/2023 Sunshine Rhymeappreciation,beautiful,ha
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10/17/2023 Dreaming About Love Free verseappreciation,beautiful,lo
10/13/2023 Joyful Heart Free verseappreciation,for her,futu
10/13/2023 Good Enough Free verseappreciation,beautiful,he
10/8/2023 Little Things Free verseappreciation,beautiful,ha
10/7/2023 All For You Free verseappreciation,beautiful,in
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10/4/2023 Gossip Burlesqueappreciation,humanity,hum
10/4/2023 Alone In the Crowd Free verseanxiety,poems,teen,
10/4/2023 Echoes Free versebeautiful,moving on,spoke
10/3/2023 Harmony of Hearts Free verseart,beautiful,love,
10/3/2023 Angels Free verseangel,appreciation,blessi
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10/2/2023 Eternal Rest Free versebeautiful,dark,death,
10/2/2023 Finding My Way Free versebeautiful,confusion,desti
10/1/2023 Fear Didacticappreciation,dream,fear,
10/1/2023 The Girl Free verseappreciation,beautiful,wo
9/28/2023 Overthink Free verseanxiety,confusion,emotion

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Book: Shattered Sighs