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Poems by Dennis Spilchuk

Dennis Spilchuk - LIFETIME Premium Member Dennis Spilchuk - Premium MemberPremium Member   Block poet from commenting on your poetry

Below are poems written by Canada poet Dennis Spilchuk. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of Dennis Spilchuk.

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Best Dennis Spilchuk Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
09/15/2024 Autumn Scent 32 Verse
09/08/2024 Bullfighting 25 Shadorma
08/25/2024 Dams 45 Verse
08/18/2024 Pink Flamingos 42 Verse
08/11/2024 Rattlesnake 73 Verse
08/04/2024 Devils Tower 93 Verse
07/28/2024 Bullies 81 Terzanelle
07/16/2024 No Surrender 88 Verse
07/14/2024 I Stare Into the Water 180 Verse
07/07/2024 Henri Matisse's Studio 68 Verse
06/30/2024 The Ballerina 115 Verse
06/23/2024 Song of the Meadowlark 157 Verse
06/16/2024 Dementia and Reflection 162 Terzanelle
06/09/2024 Life With Pain 396 Villanelle
06/02/2024 Survivor 85 Verse
05/26/2024 The Girl I'm Infatuated With 208 Sonnet
05/12/2024 Forget Me Not 198 Sonnet
04/14/2024 Ode to a Beaver 210 Verse
04/07/2024 David and Goliath 145 Verse
03/23/2024 On Death 70 Epigram
03/17/2024 An Orwellian Perception 150 Verse
03/10/2024 Polar Bear 151 Verse
03/03/2024 A Step Away 786 Shadorma
03/03/2024 Where Death Awaits 152 Shadorma
02/25/2024 A Butterfly Dream 87 Tanka
02/04/2024 Moulin Rouge 1221 Verse
01/21/2024 Thin Ice 93 Rhyme
12/30/2023 A New Year's Cheer 137 Rondeau
12/23/2023 Imagination 185 Ekphrasis
12/17/2023 Ireland 568 Etheree
12/09/2023 Buffy Sainte-Marie, You Are a First Nations Person to Me 296 Ode
12/03/2023 Where The Grass Don't Grow 351 Verse
11/26/2023 Whither The Fates Carry 168 Verse
11/19/2023 To See the Other Side 147 Sonnet
11/12/2023 Cuffing Season 101 Quatern
11/05/2023 A Distance To Overcome 247 Rhyme
10/29/2023 Bird In a Hand 120 Epigram
10/22/2023 Moose Encounter 141 Verse
10/15/2023 The Fox 170 Verse
10/08/2023 Snapping Turtle 207 Verse
10/01/2023 The Eagle 152 Etheree
09/24/2023 Canadian Autumn 604 Verse
09/17/2023 Tiger 231 Haiku
09/10/2023 Wilting Flowers 323 Verse
09/03/2023 Goodbye Summer 157 Verse
08/27/2023 Cleopatra 167 Ekphrasis
08/20/2023 Anubis 500 Verse
08/13/2023 Scent of Autumn 220 Verse
08/06/2023 The Shape of Trees Now Past Prime 210 Verse
07/30/2023 Supplication Beneath a Summer Sky 136 Verse
07/23/2023 Campfires and Thunderstorms 186 Verse
07/16/2023 Canoeing Memory 159 Verse
07/09/2023 Where I Make 184 Verse
07/02/2023 Rapids Ahead 353 Lyric
06/25/2023 The Portage 224 Verse
06/18/2023 On Flowers and Bees 122 Epigram
06/18/2023 Bees and Flowers 190 Rhyme
06/11/2023 The Atemporal Wall 195 Verse
06/04/2023 Breakup, Internet Style 295 Verse
05/28/2023 Loneliness 220 Senryu
05/21/2023 Room With a View 229 Verse
05/14/2023 The Street Musician 487 Verse
05/06/2023 Ambrosia 492 Verse
04/30/2023 Robin Redbreast 521 Verse
04/23/2023 Ominous 389 Tanka
04/16/2023 Morning Start 326 Verse
04/11/2023 To Be a God 522 Tanka
04/08/2023 David and Goliath 363 Epigram
04/02/2023 Far Side of the Moon 512 Verse
03/26/2023 Mae West's Room 512 Verse
03/19/2023 Ambush Hunter 442 Verse
03/12/2023 The Lion and the Gypsy 570 Ekphrasis
03/05/2023 Fruits of Labour 553 Rhyme
03/02/2023 People and Clowns 604 Tanka
02/25/2023 Love's Selection 637 Verse
02/17/2023 Dilemma 421 Senryu
02/12/2023 The Bath 398 Tanka
02/05/2023 Dancing In the Rain 641 Tanka
01/29/2023 January Thaw 415 Rhyme
01/22/2023 Mediterranean Salad 300 Verse
01/15/2023 The Wolf Moon of January 426 Verse
01/08/2023 Betrayal 306 Epigram
01/07/2023 Sputnik Scare 452 Verse
12/28/2022 New Year's Eve Celebration 297 Tanka
12/24/2022 Walk On Water 468 Epigram
12/18/2022 In the Chilly Month of December 325 Rhyme
12/11/2022 Winter Is Here 346 Rhyme
12/04/2022 The Scholar 240 Tanka
11/27/2022 Perplexed 424 Epigram
11/20/2022 Falling Leaves 422 Ode
11/17/2022 The Month of November Glum 362 Quatrain
10/30/2022 Journey's End 226 Senryu
10/23/2022 October's Falling Leaves, Tourmaline 284 Verse
10/23/2022 October's Falling Leaves, Tootsie 190 Verse
10/09/2022 The Glass Ceiling 221 Epigram
09/25/2022 Family People 576 Verse
09/18/2022 Van Gogh's Yellow House 592 Ekphrasis
09/11/2022 Vostok 1 573 Prose
08/28/2022 The Weaker Sex 454 Tanka
08/14/2022 Obedience 500 Tanka



Quote Left The benevolent poor will skin you alive just as fast as the filthy rich. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Reality is based on one’s perception and comprehension of the universe. The universe is as simple or as complex as one perceives and comprehends it to be. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left The thing about a work of art is that it's hard work. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Opinions without research and thought are harbingers of fruitlessness. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Both men and women can be violated, but a man can never know the loss of innocence that a female feels. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left The master can turn a piece of garbage into a masterpiece. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Stubbornness: I like it the way things are, and don’t see any room for improvement. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Capitalism plugs along because of bookkeeping. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Opposites attract because they can communicate on a certain level. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left When they say they're walking with Jesus; I say, "And you are walking on water too!" Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Put two fools in a room, and one will follow the other. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left I may be crazy and I may not, it depends on your definition of crazy. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left A fool among fools doesn't have to worry about making a fool of themselves. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left You can win any argument as long as you don't have to prove it. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Good poets tell good stories. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left There's no bad poetry, just bad poets. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left I agree with you and we're both wrong. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left I’m not superstitious, I just don’t believe in taking chances. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Zeros are nothing until you put them behind one, then they're everything. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left The more you have the more it takes to satisfy. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left It's a good decision, but wrong. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left If Jesus won't have you, Satan will. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left I understand that I don't understand what you're talking about. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left If you don’t know where you’re coming from, how will you know where you’re going to? Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left If you work at it long enough, you can fit a square peg into a round hole with satisfying results. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Poets; defend what you write. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Poetry is an art form' it works or it doesn't! Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Judgement must be based on soundness of facts and not emotional hyperboles. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Should political correctness dictate poetics, I should stay home! Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk

Quote Left Time is continuum reality not a perception of human consciousness awareness. Quote Right
Go to Quote / Comment | by Dennis Spilchuk



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