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Best Poems Written by Donna Ahsinger

Below are the all-time best Donna Ahsinger poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I'D Choose You

I didn't fall in love with you.
I walked into love with you,
with my eyes wide open,
choosing to take every step along the way.

I do believe in fate
and destiny,
but I also believe we are only fated 
to do the things that we'd choose anyway.

And I'd choose you,
in a hundred lifetimes,
in a hundred worlds,
in any version of reality,
I'd find you
and I'd choose you.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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The last time I talked with you.
You gave me no hint it was over too.
I've wracked my brain,
thought I was going insane.
My heart and mind in a love twisted mess !
You left me clueless.

Time has helped numb this pain,
but the memories of you remain.
These memories of you,
they will never die, 
I don't expect them to.

If you only knew
how I felt about you.
Even now, after all this time,
you're still on my mind.
I often wonder about you
and how you're doing too.
I often ponder,
maybe,it was something I didn't do.
I can only form my own conclusions,
because you left me clueless.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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Always Here

If ever you need to talk,
if ever you need some cheer.
Remember you have a friend
who will always be here....
She doesn't want a lot,
only to see you smile;
and just to see you happy,
she'll walk that proverbial mile.
Always know she cares,
no matter what you do.
You'll always find her there.
To give you hugs when you are blue.
There is a saying that goes: 
You don't have to love in words,
because even through silence,
love is always heard.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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Golden Years

Oh what's so good about the golden years?
Kids are grown and gone away.
Still there's no time to play.
Once in awhile they'll stop in to say,
have you got a couple of bucks?
I'm a little short today.

Oh what's so good about the golden years?
If you can't remember and you can't hear.
You got experience behind you, they say.
Learned it all through trial and era.
Wonder if that'll look good on my resume?

Oh what's so good about the golden years?
What once was important,
has faded away.
Our minds are weaker,
our bodies are feeble.
Oh what grim display.
Just to survive another day.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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My Dearest Friend

I remember that warm spring day.
You were getting exercise you say. 
Hum, I thought, he's a nice looking man.
Though his physique he's no body builder fan.
He's more like a good ole boy.
Sometimes, I could hear his laughter carry.
Clean he kept himself, his mustash trimmed not harry.
I kept an eye on this jolly man,
as he walked he'd stop to say hi to his favorite fans.
I told myself one day, I'm going to introduce myself.
Not long after, I saw him walking again.
I waited till he was almost in front of my place.
I went strolling out and I said "Hi, do you need a 
walking partner?"  He must of jumped 3 feet, for goodness sake.
I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you.
He had this smile and this burly laugh, and you just knew.
"Sure, I guess I could use one." 
So, together we started around the complex walk'n 
and a talk'n.
As time went by, he'd stop to say hi
and we would sit on the patio and laugh and talk and I'd almost cry.
He was a truck driver at one time,
he had some stories in mind.
So many stories he had,
some funny some sad.
I had traveled too,
and lived in some places he had not knew. 
Oh at the stories we had to tell. 
Sitt'n on my patio until sunset fell.
Soon a friendship kindled,
together we went to church and gave praise.
We went here and there, and the people here would gaze.
One day I missed my kindhearted friend.
I would here his laughter somewhere.
I would see him in his power chair.
Then one day a knock at my door.
There he was with his head down
and said in a broken voice, 
"I don't know if I can be seen with you anymore?"
"Why", I asked, "Have I done something wrong?"
"Oh no, no it's not you." it came pouring out like a song.
It's people here that are talking.
I said,"people will talk about Jesus Christ, no matter what you do."
You and I both know we have done nothing wrong, so what's new?
He study for a moment, then look up with lightly teary eyes.
He said,"your right". Now everything is fine.
Neither of us knew then
that we would be life long friends.
Your laughter always brighten my cloudy days.
I miss your smiling face.
I always say a prayer in your case.
Right from the start you layed it on the line,
I'm not look'n for a serous relationship of that kind.
I only want a friend, we respected that and never crossed that line.
When you moved away.
It took a lot for me not to cry that day.
Yes,we will call each other from time to time.
Two years later it seems the time between calls have been
getting a little longer my dearest friend.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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Love is blind but friendship closes it's eyes.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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If You'Re Ever Going To Love Me

If you're ever going to love me,
love me now so I will know.
Don't wait till they chisel my name
in ice cold stone.

If you know someone was thirsty,.
for a drop of water sweet.
Would you be so slow to bring it,
would you walk with laggard feet?

If you're ever going to love me,
love me now so I will know.
So I can hold and treasure it
and it may continue to grow.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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Phone Number

I found your phone number today.
Guess you thought I've thrown it away.
Guess I let other things get in the way.

So many times,
thoughts of you are on my mine.
Thousands of times,
I've asked myself, "Why?"
only to hear myself, sigh.

Million and one tears I've cried,
when I should of swallowed my pride.
When all I had to do,
was pick up the phone and call you.

Guess you think I've thrown you away,
guess I let other things stand in the way.
If only you knew, you're here in my heart to stay.
Along with your memories,
that will never set me free.

I found your phone number today,
I could never throw it away.
I'm thinking of giving you a call,
because after all,
I don't want another day to go by
without hearing your charming voice, say, "Hi"

dedicated to Jim, wrote 10/19/04

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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Riding the Rainbow

If I could catch a rainbow,
I would do it just for you
and share with you its beauty
on the days you're feeling blue.

If I could, I would build a mountain.
You could call your very own. 
A place to find serenity,
a place just to be alone.

If I could, I would take your troubles
and toss them into the sea,
but all these things
I'm finding are impossible for me.

I can not build a mountain
or catch a rainbow fair
but let me be what I know best.
A friend who's always there.

I promise to defend you.
Should the occasion ever rise.
And I promise to wipe away the tears
which might stream from your weeping eyes.

Let me be the trusted friend,
the one that you know best.
I will never leave you,
on that, you can surely rest.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018

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A Letter From Heaven

When tomorrow starts without me,
     and I'm not here to see.
If the sun should rise and find your
     eyes, filled with tears for me.

I wish so much you wouldn't cry,
     the way you did today.
While thinking of the many things,
     we didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
    as much as I love you.
And each time you think of me,
    I know you'll miss me too.

When tomorrow starts without me,
    don't think we're far apart,
   for every time you think of me
   I'm right there in your heart.

Copyright © Donna Ahsinger | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things