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Best Poems Written by Chantelle Smith

Below are the all-time best Chantelle Smith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Sunflower Serenade

A necklace of yellow around her base, 
surrounds her dark green face.
She shiver's a little as the wind caresses her intently,
She smiles sweetly, loving that he treats her so gently.

Be quiet, whispers the breeze, 
So she stand at a freeze, making sure she is ready,
He will be setting soon, and they cant wait
to see his colourful show across the sky, in the late afternoon.

His orange face, sets the pace,
How gorgeous the garden looks,
and as he goes down, she graciously takes a bow.

All night long, no one moves, being watched closely by the moon
until the sun comes out to play,
She stretches her face up to the sun,
and introduces the day with her sunflower serenade. 

13 April 2018

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2018

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A Legend Fades Away

A Legend Fades Away 

Your skin went from peach to gray,
as life slipped slowly away.
A large frame breathing with labored breaths,
so still, in that hospitable bed you lay.

We use to sit and talk for hours, 
before silence of death shut the door.
about things from the past and the present, 
all I crave now is more.

A legend lay still as deeply I prayed,
Lord give me strength to stand.
The Lord is your Sheppard, I read,
hoping it would sooth the pain, 
as I held your soft, cold hand 

They placed your picture on a stand and tears streamed as they spoke,
It was one of the times I could not speak, not with the lump in my throat
Today we lay a legend down, a true child of God they said,
I wondered if in heaven, your Lord Savior you had already met.

Did you see the family, the ones you had mourned while you lived?
Did you watch as we mourned now that you were gone?

Year one and two have gone by quick, some others have slipped away too,
The years go by, the memories fade but never my love for you.
You were the wisdom in my ears, the eyes that made me see
The life that my mom came from that eventually carried me,
You always smiled when life was great and taught to smile in trials too.
Each day after you were gone, I cried remembering everything about you.

I love you my lovely granny, 
and my love will never fade.
In heaven I know we will meet, 
where tears will be no more,
and we will laugh again. 

27 June 2019

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2019

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You Were There

Before I drew my first breath
you were there
Before I took my first step
you were there
Before I said my first words
you were there

You chose to have me and to hold me
You chose me to be your child and you became my mom

Through every storm of my young years
You were there
When you could have left and turn away
You were there, you chose to stay
Through every new step, run, walk or dance
You were there, you smiled and said child take a chance
Through every grade, school or other
You were there, you are my mother

I am certain through your years on earth
You must have wished to return to childlike fun and fantasy
that was when life was fun, when life proved to be easy
When storms did come, you stood at the ready
knowing you had to defend, you never complained
though tears did fall, the Grace of God kept you
He held you close and you did not fall

I admire you mom, you are the loveliest women I know
Your smile, your looks, your heart, your soul
You are so lovely in every way, 
even now, when I see you, you make my day

You were a daughter first
so dedicated, so loyal
then a mother so beautiful, never spoilt
Then you were friend and grandmother too,
You are amazing, that is why we love you

In all the stages of your life
As mother, daughter, sister, wife
You have remained so wonderful
We as your children, your family and friends
forget sometimes, you are also human
though it never stops us from giving you a call

I admire you mom and strive to be like you
To have your strength, your beauty, your style
I know I will never take the place of
Gods most loveliest earth angel

I appreciate the time you give and the love so true
the fierce way you protect me
no mother is better than you
You are my hero in every which way 
words spoken cannot do the truth justice
Mom I love you so very dearly
I am proud to know you as mother and friend
Truly your life is part of mine, until the very end.

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2018

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Secret Love

I have only recently met you, even though I have known you forever
for so long we have been strangers,
but now we are almost birds of a feather. 
I've known your smile and I love your laughter,
but I know you cry, I've even wiped your tears, 
some of which I have caused, I fear.
I have known jealousy with every golden wisp of hair that has flown through the air it's true they say dont covet but my sister, 
I have been jealous of you.
Your smile so bright has hidden so much pain and each time I promise myself I wont let that happen again, 
I understand it is hard to trust me, why would you I haven't always been there
if only you knew how much I really care.
Mom gave me a gift thirty six years ago, the years that I lost,
I should never have let you go.
I know you have seen darkness, fought it off with every fiber
my darling, I admire that so much in you, I love your fire.
Please dont ever give in, dont ever, ever go, please my angel
dont leave me alone.
You are a precious treasure to me, you are incredibly valuable, i am so glad we have been joined together from the start, because, you have my heart.
I was told we would get closer when kids came along and I thought that was just a pretty song, the truth is we are, they were right,
even when it looked like they were wrong.
I love my nephew so very much I didn't think that could be true, 
but you gave me him and now I have even more love for you.
I cannot wait to be there on your wedding day, I have planned every detail, 
I want your dream wedding to come true, come what may.
You dressed in white, Garth by your side, 
what a handsome man, what a perfect bride.
The end of my letter has finally come but I will never, ever stop saying thank you, my little sister for being part of my life
all I can leave with you is my love and promise
that my love for you will never, never end
Monique, I have the best, you are my sister and my friend.

Date: 09 April 2018

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2018

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A Dreamy Visit

Their rendezvous was booked the same time every year
He couldn’t wait for the time to come
Why had she called, what had made her to run?
No matter the issue, he knew it couldn’t wait
A date with her would lead him to complete ecstasy

She had gone gallivanting and trouble had happened 
So, it was of urgency she had to see him once more 
She had to acquiesce when he told the truth
The pain she would feel, would be so sore

She sat in the chair in a precarious position, trying to be nonchalant
Injections and fluid through her mouth did run, 
His touch was soft and so full of finesse, she felt completely at ease
She calmed down completely, she felt nothing at all

She knew him forever, she loved him so  
He was the best she ever knew 
A dentist so calm, so unique in his method
To him, she would his client be, forever true. 


Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2018

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That Was Then, This Is Now

That was then, this is now. 

The smell of cut grass on a Saturday morning
The aroma of coffee being poured as day was dawning
The surprise of a guest coming for breakfast
Saturdays were so splendid!

As kids we would play outside for hours,
Cricket, catches, climbing up trees.
We played through the day and into the night
We came indoors by the bright moonlight.

TV was something that you got as a treat,
It was after your bath, if your homework was neat.
Mom would cook some dinner and then we would sit,
We would watch MacGuyver or Michael Knight and Kit.

Time passed so slowly back in the 19th century,
Kids were kids, they stayed in school. 
No mission, no fuss, we just didn't rush
Our growing up was fun, it was really cool.
I just wish my boys could grow up like us.
I get quiet sad when I see their pale faces,
no sunshine or summer, no visiting outside places.
TV and games have taken over their time,
I get so sad even though they say they are fine.
Imagination is something of the past,
Their playgrounds are online, 
they are growing so fast. 

The days of swimming in pools until night,
Or playing kissing catches until the moonlight.
Of carving names into trunks of large oak trees
are over now, it's so sad to see.

Those were the days, of giddy fun,
of making friends in the park 
when the holidays begun.
Riding bikes and playing hopscotch
yes those were the days 

My children are blessed, I guess with the best.
they too will look back and remember, 
their childhood thrills, and they too will reminisce
about those good old days 
and how things were better then.

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2019

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My Friend Steve

My friend Steve is a purple turtle,
He is my oldest friend.
His large house makes him hurkle,
no, Steve will never hurtle. 

He has a family, they too are purple,
I am an elephant, but they let me into their circle. 
We walk a lot, I stomp and he hirples,
We are friends forever, me and my purple turtle. 

Dated - 17.01.2019

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2019

Details | Chantelle Smith Poem

Little Fat Girl

Little Fat Girl

You must not eat all of that!
You will get fat.
See in the mirror, those hips.
Wow girl, you are fat!

Did you wear your hair like that today?
Don't you know, that look makes you look old.
Before she knows it, in just a moment
Her mood goes from a smile to eyes filled with cold. 

Blue eyes that shine from the outside in,
They will love me more, I will show them,
I can be thin!
She hears the words, you look great like that,
don't they know, all she sees is herself as fat. 

So one more diet, just one more she will try,
don's want to be fat one day when I die.
But as her waist grows smaller and smaller, 
her obsession grows a little bigger, a little taller.

Pinching her skin, oo can you feel that fat?
I wonder if I wear that shirt, will anyone notice the layers?

She is grown now and should know better.
It is really not about looks, it is about her heart that matters. 
But a fat girl in the heart is a fat girl on the outside. 
How can she look like this, when will she see herself
through His eyes. 

My child He whispers, rest awhile with me,
I will tell you the truth, one day you will see. 
I see the inside, not what is out there
It is I that created your nose, your eyes, your teeth.
You are beautiful, trust in Me. 
Is it not better to love, than to hate, yourself.
To be a little happy girl, wouldn't that be great. 

So she loses a kg and shouts a huge hooray
and for the moment she sees through His eyes,
not just her size, but in a moment even though
her jeans hang loose on her, she will see once again,
the little fat girl in the full length mirror.

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2019

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The Frankenstein Tea Party

His booming laugh made the tea cups rattle,
As he enjoyed his bubbly tea, his friends rat and mouse came round to the house
To join their friend for tea 

They all wore masks to protect each other 
No sickness between them would come
He was no mad hatter but he knew what mattered
So sanitiser he used, he tried hard not to cough
As he slowly rocked to make his friends their tea

He put in bags and sugar drops too, waiting for water to bubble
In a moment, he walked to where they sat, a tray of treats in his hands
He moved kind of slow, as bolts kept him from racing,
But this special night was his.

No bolt or stitch could stop his itch for his long awaited treat 
He cut up some tea and cheese for rat and mouse to share,
Mouse sipped first and was the first to spit out,
Confusing the big old monster,
What's happened my friend, he said with a frown,
Rat giggling, now on the floor.

It wasn't water you used to make the tea
But hand sanitizer, is what you gave me,
Mouse now laughed and nodded his head
In my cup too, it smells.

Frankie blushed as he realised what he had done
His eyes danced with a little of laughter too.
When he saw that instead of water in the kettle, h
Heb boiled the hand sanitizer gel
And instead of tea, he kept everyone well.

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2021

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Bonjour, Hola, Hello,
These are the greetings I know.
Good Morning, Evening, Goodnight,
There are the greetings I like.

I enjoy the funny and the fair,
like Howdy, Hey, How goes it there?
The ones that make me smile a bit
Whats new, Whats up, Yo, Howzit!

So many ways to greet a fellow,
My favorite of course is still hello!

Dated - 17/1/19

Copyright © Chantelle Smith | Year Posted 2019


Book: Reflection on the Important Things