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Best Poems Written by Elle Smith

Below are the all-time best Elle Smith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Future Child

My Future Child


The truth is:
one cannot tell,
what dreams and nightmares,
the future will unveil.
Your life is foretold,
through a veritable plan;
where you get options,
planted in each hand.
Each choice unlocks,
another vast universe.
Inside there are challenges,
for you to traverse.
Future child of mine,
do not fear your mistakes.
Life never comes to us,
‘gifted’ on a silver plate.
You will learn and grow,
despite consequences.
Always have belief in you,
against the cost in raw expenses.
Keep love deeply,
locked within your heart.
This way when things fail,
you will never fall apart.
Maintain honesty and surely trust,
allowing any distractions,
in time to diminish to dust.
A child has the future,
in sight to seize.
This my child,
is the amazing gift,
I freely give,
to thee.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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Love Captured On Film

Love Captured on Film
You and me in that photograph,
time paused as each to the other we glanced.
Funny how the camera never lies,
as even then I could see the glint in your eyes.
I kept that photo locked safely away,
waiting for your return each and every day.
Thinking if I wished it and prayed with all my heart,
surely destiny would not keep us apart.
I guess over the years life took its toll,
as even your image started to look old.
Wrinkles appeared and your pallor grew feint,
as carrying you with me everywhere was a heavy wait.
Christmas was simply the loneliest time,
without you there to share the magic and wine.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks to years,
that photo started to fade as you disappeared.
No longer could I bear watching you slip away,
into a box out of sight I tossed that photo one day.
Little did I realize the photo froze with a smile,
as later you returned to keep me beguiled. Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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My Wonder Woman

My Wonder Woman


This girl is a diamond,

she shines so bright.

A wine of distinction,

flavoured with delight.

She’s so beautiful, 

from inside out.

Her lips are delicious,

yet always in pout.

Her mind is endless,

with life galore.

What more could I ask for?

Irresistible to adore.

Each day I ponder,

why she chose to be mine.

Amazed I wonder,

maybe it’s her mind.

She is a goddess,

this sweet lady of mine.

I wish I could share,

her wisdom and grace.

Truth is.. I’m selfish,

so sharing has no place!

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

Details | Elle Smith Poem


My head is in muddle,
my words are in a blur.
I see things in the shadows,
but nothing is really there.
I have no concept of time,
or even words I have said.
I don’t recognize my children,
which makes me full of dread.
Even worse people don’t understand,
the pure confusion I feel.
I know that I am me,
but “ME” at times seems surreal.
I shout instead of talking,
but my volume is at loud.
I used to be respected,
eloquent and even proud.
Each day I seem to worsen,
falling further than in reach.
I am losing my lifeline,
as quickly I reach the deep.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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Little Things

Little Things
You holding my hand,
making me feel safe.
Unity between us,
feeling comfy and ace.

It’s always the little things
that give us the most.

The gentle caressing,
your fingers stroking my ear.
Making me feel special,
and without worry or care.

It’s always the little things
that give us the most.

Telling me I am beautiful,
when no make up I wear.
Insisting I look absolutely lovely,
when you muck up my hair.

It’s always the little things
that give us the most.

Laughing out loud,
until my tummy almost hurt.
You beaming beside me,
makes life have such worth.

It’s always the little things
that give us the most.

Life with you beside me,
is beyond compare to most.
Truth is.. it’s a BIG thing,
and something to toast.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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Monsters In the Room

Monsters in the Room

I’m looking in the mirror

what do I truly see?

Prototypes and models,

of different persons

living inside of me.


I want to rid my mind

of the trauma in my soul.

Things and differences

preventing me

from ever being whole.


A lifetime as a slave,

indoctrinating my brain.

Fear and deception,

given magnitude

and too much fame.


Watching others in society

routinely playing the game.

People watching is tragic

as it magnifies

the retrospective blame.


Why cannot man appreciate,

a woman, a child, the person.

Instead of skin, religion and race

or the true value of

humanity by its name.


We live as a society

with monsters in the room.

Often the only remedy

is a total reset

with the strike

of a broom.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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Visions In the Mirror

Visions in the Mirror


Morning comes, so up I get,

and rush to look in the mirror.

Remembering your tender grip,

as your arms gently hug me.

I hold my breath anticipating,

that you will be in the picture.

All I see is another fading vision,

us together like we used to be.

We are in the park on a sunny day,

laughter and smiles in abundance.

Time just melts, when we’re together;

as love plays out to its own melody.

Neither of us want to ever leave,

with sunshine on our romantic moment.

I glimpse again, now we are at dinner,

playing games, as we look, at each other.

More memories come, as I close my eyes,

of you holding me tightly in your arms,

again safely you watch over.

I want to say those magic words ‘I love you’,

but I’m afraid you won’t say it back,

so again I freeze in my mirror,

I reflect but it won’t give you back,

into that bed disappointed I return.

My duvet seems an empty place,

until I realize you were there all alone.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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A Right Time To Die

A Right Time To Die

No time to hide.

No time to think.

The life inside me,

was no longer pink.

I saw it coming,

and tried to run.

Oh that feeling..

is not much fun.

My mind at first,

was filled with fear,

realizing IT was near.

I knew my lifetime,

was somehow up.

Inside my feelings

said ‘this just sucks’.

I didn’t really want to go,

so I clung on,

with all I know.

Death cannot take you,

unless you give up the fight,

and so I battled,

throughout the night.

He tried to trick me,

with warmth and light.

Recognizing his tactics,

I said ‘tonight’s not the night!’

He tried to seize upon my soul

resisting the pull

I tried to stay whole.

I saw the doctors

as I looked down.

All their faces grimaced

that hope was out.

They called my name,

to snatch me back,

as all my functions,

had begun to slack.

I heard their chants

as I floated out the room.

Quickly coming back

today was not my doom.

A single memory did the trick,

saving me right on the brink.

People needed me to stay,

today was not mine

to slip away.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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Fireworks Inside Me

Fireworks Inside Me


That day

you stepped

into my life.

A sparkler ignited

with a dash of delight.


A match

was lit

as sparks flew.

Sprinkling stardust

with chasms just for you.


The moment

I heard

your voice.

Bangers popped

literally blowing my mind.


You smiled

a Catherine wheel

spun inside.

My heart lit up

as you were etched inside.


A countdown

had begun

five, four, three.

Two quick to one

my heart to you had succumb.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017

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Colours of Love

Colours of Love


Love is really something magical,

which changes as we grow.

It starts off with pure naivety,

in a pastel yellow, it glows.

Springtime means it blossoms,

like perfectly formed tulips in pink.

We nurture our relationship,

offering stunning red roses and lips.

The object of our affection,

we bestow with great respect.

Red evolving into majestic purple,

with shared meeting of the mind.

Emotions grow even deeper with seasons,

feeling blue when we are apart.

The green-eyed monster may arrive,

jealousy-fuelled as we have thrived.

Our mind, body and soul will unify,

as shared love in gold is defined.

Love is truly a vivid kaleidoscope,

with many colours being displayed.

Make sure to cover the spectrum,

always know your love’s full worth.

Copyright Elle Smith 2017

Copyright © Elle Smith | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs