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Best Poems Written by Barbara Campbell

Below are the all-time best Barbara Campbell poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Care Home Confusion

As I opened the door, he smiled
Eyes wide and as bright as a child
So unsure under his new roof
Imagining people aloof

Ageing races through life so fast
Good health not guaranteed to last
Not knowing to trust anyone
Mindful of where to rest upon

Care homes, the clue is in the name
Life living there is not the same
Surroundings are much more controlled
Each day watch the same thing unfold

Shared by many of the same age
Some poor souls annoyed in a rage
From adult to child over night
Enough to give an old man fright

Grow old gracefully there or what
Few people give it any thought
Four walls and a bed and some food
Be grateful or looked on as rude

Tough times, all that's left are the dreams
So many don't know what care means.

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

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The Funeral Tea

The sounds of the pipes and drums skirled still in my ears. I knew it was the kind of music that brought him to his knees in tears.  "Sandwich?" "Sausage Roll?" Oh here we go again, that nosey little woman who lives at number ten.

Swishing by in her twin set and pearls, butter wouldn't melt but I can smell the mixture of sweat and talcum powder.  White dust covering the floor of my bathroom a memory I have from many years before.

"Where was he when it happened?" "I didn't know he was ill".  Well they know now don't they, my head still in a whirl.  Funerals are such a strange occasion where we are all nice to those we've never kept in touch with for years, ok, so maybe that has been my fault, I do keep myself to myself a lot.

I liked him you know, he was that man with the highly polished shoes, back straight, shirt and tie and fond of wearing blues. Mysterious at times he was, he struck me as being deep. Fought in wars he did, well, so I do believe.  Not many here for him and him a war hero too. Far too many new people in the street, he was known by very few.

That’s them, drinks out now, forget about the tea.  The War Hero’s son is on a spending spree.  Whisky, gin and vodka, the bowling club members are here, glasses are chinking and they’ve already had their beer.  “He had a good turnout”  “He’s at peace now and free” but all I keep thinking is what about me.

What’s this life all about?  Ok sometimes it’s sad but then again when I am out with my pals it can be happy a little bit mad.  “Swing yer tights” was our catch phrase when dancing on the disco floor. Screaming at the disc jockey to play that Abba song just one time more.  Black, it’s black everywhere, is that what it’s going to be, all I can think right now is what about me.

What about me?  Who will turn up at the crematorium door?  What next for me, you know this funeral tea brings it all out in me.  Makes me think, even if I have to put up with Mrs Tanner's stink.  I've got it!  Yes! Yes!  A brilliant idea!

It is, it is.  I am going to leave instructions loud and clear.  My headstone - it should read:  

Been there
Done it
Got the headstone
For I’ve been here before.

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

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Harry Potter Fan

Flying on a broomstick, taking the Knight Bus
Arriving on the platform without any fuss
Visiting Warner Brothers for a fan was a must
In the magic and the mystery we all did trust

A Wow! As we entered the magnificent Grand hall
As soon as we saw it, we knew we'd have a ball
Dumbledore's Office, Boys Dormitory 
Waiting to unfold in every wonderful story

Wands a waving, spells in the air abound
Excitement growing, a blast as we look around
Special effects, spectacular impressive artwork
Spellbound mesmerised with every little quirk

Swigging pints of butter beer sitting in the cafe
A trip along the cobble streets of Diagon Alley
On to Pivet Drive, letters are a floating
We hear the steam engine puffing and gloating

And finally we leave the trip admiring J.K. Rowling
Recommending to you all, as it lovingly leaves you glowing.

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

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Limerick Be Wary

Busty lusty was dusty
Fiesty fairy musty
Along came Flirty
Looking all dirty
Randy Rusty got gusty!

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

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Spring Into Action

Jumping for joy was the little boy
Furry and grey in grass he lay
Running around there were many more
A furrow or two ready to explore

What a season to spring with glee
When what we see is the bunny flee
Driving past, on our way
To enjoy the festive lovely spring day

What awaits us as summer months unfold
As optimistic as many new stories told
Looking forward, not looking back
We watch the spring bunny jumping a stack

Hearts are filled with what might come
Enjoying time with our usual loved one
Life is good, should we be so bold
Never putting our life ahead on hold.

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

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A Hearty Farewell

Here we are, all of us
United in our grief
For this our friend and loved one
To say goodbye is beyond belief

She was a trusted real fine woman
Lived life so good and true
She never showed a minutes anger
Good hearted wishes all she knew

Her Family meant the world to her
Friends she loved and treasured
She lived her life with gusto
Her values, always well measured

It’s with a heavy heart today
We join to say goodbye
Our hearts will love her forever
After all the sorrow and a cry

So think of her, as we know you will
Bring a smile upon your face
Remember her forever
Let her go with love and grace.

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

Details | Barbara Campbell Poem

Think of Me

Think of me, for I was here
I ran, I jumped, lived life, no fear
I never liked to go to school
That didn’t mean I was any fool

Many a time, I laughed and played
My sister, my brother, friends I made
We used to fight, jump up and down
Like a happy, likeable, lovable clown

Good times I had, chatting to you all
A swim in the Luggie, in rivers I’d fall
Fun and games with cousins in summer
Apples from a tree, then doing a runner

Mum and Dad were always there
In different ways, they’d show they care
To ‘ma’ I’d shout ‘where’s the toast and cheese’
She’d always make it, just as I please

Life moved on, my challenges were many
Love at my side, worth more than every penny
Thanks to you all, love to everyone
By your side forever, I’m never really gone

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

Details | Barbara Campbell Poem

Scotland the Neighbour

They say that life is quiet up North
Amongst the purple heather
But what we always have to do
Is keep an eye on the blooming weather

Politics are now stirring up among the powers that be
For Teresa May is determined that Brexit we will see
'It's no for us' says Nicola Sturgeon, determined that I am
For if the Tories have their way, we'll not even have a dram

So, shout we must, gather together, kilts and sporran ready
For if we don't react right now, Scotland won't be steady

Only today, the PM announced a turn around on the election
So what Scotland has to do right now is show her our big rejection!

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

Details | Barbara Campbell Poem

Hand of Cards

He knows not what his actions mean
All he wanted was to be seen
Darkness grew for he was bored
Have mercy oh my lord

Twisted mind and anger felt
Blaming the hand for him dealt
Luck was out annoyed he roared
Have mercy oh my lord

Punches swapped without a thought
A bigger win was what he sought
Was it any wonder he was floored
Have mercy oh my lord

He knows the wrongs that he has done
Seeking thrills searching for fun
Gambling lifestyle struck a chord
Have mercy oh my lord

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017

Details | Barbara Campbell Poem


Gratitude flowers expand
Thankfull applause
Mood flying gloriously

Copyright © Barbara Campbell | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs