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Best Poems Written by Anne-Marie Coreggia

Below are the all-time best Anne-Marie Coreggia poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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With Your Voice I Sail

With Your Voice I Sail

		My voice 
		    may stumble, failing
 			a clear path to trace but 
			    your smiling voice always steers me
			         clear of snags and boulders and, as I pass
			               through stormy waters, you alone can light
			                  the clearest path to shore. With your voice, songs,
				               fragrance filled, unfurl their sails and freely flow
				  on the streams of my mind, and my grief now lies at ease
                            as dark words like giant fallen trees are left untouched

        on some distant battlefield, and I can glide out of 
            the wind’s shadow, in the rhythm of time,
               words billowing soft out of my mind.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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A Chicago Pearl

A Chicago Pearl She put her dreams on hold but carries them up proudly as she serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, six days a week to make ends meet; she’s a realist who doesn’t recoil from pain or regrets; she faces them head on yet she likes the blues because they soothe her bruised life that sometimes feels stagnant. She awaits a new start and the rain in her head is held tight, she will not be defined, nor resign herself to scattered dreams. She hangs firm in her mind to these blooming flowers she saw in a terra cotta pot on her way to work this morning; like them she’s growing stronger in her voice and in her step. Tonight they’ll light candles in the dark “You’re a Chicago Pearl, Rondja!” he said as she topped his coffee cup; she briefly held his gaze, and then let out the broadest of smiles.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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Rainbows of Balloons

Rainbows of Balloons (the friendship song) You’ll find me down by the river skipping stones in tune to the great firs that hum when the soft wind touches their tops with its light strum. You’ll find me lost far in the clouds where smiling blossoms gather up in a crowd around their conductor who’ll guide them in a sun dance through spring showers. Nature with you I will celebrate we'll write songs ‘till late, open all the gates, so come with me today, celebrate the day, let us sing and dance in the light rains of May. We’ll roll down in the fields in the middle of June send rainbows of balloons that will sure reach the moon. We’ll swim down the river when July comes around and we will not be found until they think we’ve drowned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I’ve matched the lyrics to Yiruma’s music (Springtime) in this piece. After the musical interlude (1:30-1:58), the second musical part repeats itself from the poem’s second stanza, not the first.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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Come With Me

Come With Me (shortened version ) Come with me, hear the wind, feel the wind, catch the wind that binds us all; come with me, I’m calling you across the sea come with me, open your eyes and you will see that stars are lit a path to trace where you and me stand tall and true guiding us through and through into the night. Dark streaming clouds can race above but you and me will find a way to hold back days burning with cold. Come with me let’s fight the darkness with our song come with me for together we belong pick up your oars let’s reach the shore where up above the eagles soar let’s watch them fly forever more. We’ll feast on dreams that cast a spell we’ll write the songs that hate dispel and ride the waves on hunchback whales. Come with me, let’s write a song in every tongue let’s clear the dust that seals men’s eyes let’s ride the moon and melt away the stars. Come with me, hear the wind, feel the wind, catch the wind that binds us all. ___________________________________________________ You will find the full lyric embedded on the above video

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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Timeless Cave

Timeless Cave Hidden deep out of time on a limestone cliff its entrance for the ages concealed paw prints of cave bears on soft clay ground and smoke-stained walls it harbored but deeper, still deeper, farther in time earth’s ancient origins still beckon for an artist his palm prints left and man’s greatest testament of eras bygone panthers and cave lions on smoothed surfaces lost voices from humanity’s past he painted in the torches light from us closing the distance and they all outlast on cave walls, hyenas, and horses in flight immortalized remains vibrant echoes ringing through the millenniums a masterpiece there lies in the midst of stalactites and stalagmites, man’s original Sistine Chapel still rests in peace.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden Deep from the seeds of love planted long ago a secret garden we’ve grown but left alone the key buried in you heart no longer opens the door. (0:36) Apart we’ll live in dreams, drifting forever within the garden I’ll be, but release the flowers that they may bloom again that the garden may sing again. (1:07) Open the door and let the music flow open the door to the hills and the moors open the door let the children’s laughter ripple through the heather and heal your aching heart. (1:38) And if you no longer hear my heart calling yours know still I never stand alone for here a part of you has forever become a part of me that sows your love. (2:10) Open the door and let the music flow open the door to the hills and the moors open the door let the children’s laughter ripple through the heather and heal your aching heart. And if you no longer hear my heart calling yours know still I never stand alone for here a part of you has forever become a part of me that grows alone part of me that grows alone.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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Love Me In Black and White

Love me in Black and White musical intro From the keys of your heart a melody rolled back the night illuminated the sky with its symphony of lights and fired new stars in the firmament, each a budding soul, a firework of colors spun within the black and white keys of your heart. lyric /song (0:30 / 2:18) If you find me If you love me I’ll open all the doors to that secret place where time and space lie all snuggled up in place into love’s embrace and eternity’s grace just love me (x) in black and white (x) and all the grey of my heart will soon disappear for your sea-foam brush will spray clots of colors in fertile soil just find me (x) and love me (x) black or white and a burst of moonbeam will unfurl its loving sails and my pain will drop right back into the sea of moonless dreams. back to musical intro (1:52)

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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C'Est La Vie, Billy

C’est la vie, Billy!

   His cheeks a deep scarlet, 
     His jaw tightened in an eerie grin,
        He stands, rooted to the spot
              While the snot in his nose
	          Like a long gooey
		      Streak of
				Slowly comes dripping 
					Onto his dappled T-shirt,
      and his eyes, like dazzling agates,
             Fixedly follow the interminable course of
	           The red rubbery ball
                       As the projectile
                          In a deafening clash,
	                     Smashes the headmaster’s office window.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

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Springtime In the Snow

Springtime in the Snow You sent this melody this magical river that ripples endlessly on the keys of my heart; spellbound and lost in time drifting through the air on the open sea with you I sail. Your song is all aglow suspended soft and bright a moment of delight springtime in the snow embracing in its wake fireflies that wake and fill up my nights with flashing lights. The moon the sun in harmony dancing gently a golden silver thread spin in my head and suddenly a universe in me immersed unfolds its chords and in my heart soars. (At 1:30 in the music the melody and the lyrics start over) I set these lines to Yiruma's melody "Kiss the Rain". Please, click the YouTube video above and enjoy :)

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017

Details | Anne-Marie Coreggia Poem

L'Orgue De La Mer - the Sea Organ

L’orgue de la mer - The Sea Organ

Née à l’horizon	

          Born on the horizon

où se meurt le soleil

          where the sun dies

ses grandes vagues pleurent

          her large waves weep

et s’écrasent sur les marches

          and crash on the steps

où l’orgue de la mer chante

          where the sea organ sings

le va et vient des marées

          the coming and goings of her tides

plein d’accords mystérieux d’air et d’eau

          filled with mysterious chords of air and water.

The Sea Organ is located in Zadar, Croatia. Below the steps you see in the above picture there's a system of tubes and a resonating cavity that turn the site into a musical instrument when the waves come crashing in.

Copyright © Anne-Marie Coreggia | Year Posted 2017


Book: Reflection on the Important Things