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Best Poems Written by Mary Hoose

Below are the all-time best Mary Hoose poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Southern Beauty

How sweet is the southern beauty of a country rose blossom today.
Soft scents that float gently on the breeze through trees that sway.

With bare feet I wander country roads through heavenly display.
Across the emerald meadows on hills where butterflies play.

Skirt held high above knees in crystal waters of the creek I wade.
Sun kissed cheeks, rosy red as I lay 'neath the big oak trees shade.

I gaze up into the great cathedral of blue high above me.
In awe as downy white clouds float lazily along for me to see.

Like tiny feathers from heaven cherry blossoms fall to the ground.
Whilst off in the distance I hear the lonesome train whistle sound.

Quietly I watch a family of deer so shy as the tree line they grace.
Whilst the lonesome sound of the whippoorwill puts a smile on my face.

So thankful am I that these brown eyes can see.
This heavenly picture God has painted for me.

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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The Humorous Side To My Country Life

Now Y'all have had embarrassing moments that happen to you. 
Well, I had some myself that I thought I'd share that are true. 

Ahh, the humorous side to my country life for me. 
From one day to the next I never know where it will take me. 

Once I was out doing my yard work content and happy you see. 
When all at once the farmers pony was running after me. 

From time to time his peacocks and turkeys head over my way. 
And a stubborn old goat will definitely ruin ones day. 

I've even had to deal with a bee flying up my shorts as I ran around. 
Because my lawn mower ran over his hive in the ground. 

Once a mouse climbed inside my nightie while watching t.v. 
And a farm rat on steroids hid in the bathroom looking up at me. 

But I think the funniest thing to happen to me I'd say.... 
Is when I backed my butt into the electric fence one day! 

I let out a holler and laughed then and now. 
My what a relief no one saw but the big old brown 

** Hope y'all can see it's not always a peaceful day in the country for me!...:)

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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The Chill of Winters Breath

Against the velvet canvas of night the downy snow falls all around me. 
Silence deafening,falling upon my ears in this winter wonderland I see. 

The chill of winters breath places it's kiss upon rose petal skin so light. 
Whilst I stand 'neath tiny flakes and behold this magnificent sight. 

I adore the silence of this winter wonderland that only my soul does know. 
As I walk by crystal streams that flow dotted white with cottony snow. 

Oh the heavenly peace that encompasses my soul this wintry night. 
As the snow glistens and sparkles under the soft glow of moonlight. 

I stand awestruck as I gaze upon snow covered emerald pine. 
Dusted in winters frosty touch so heavenly sublime. 

God placed a love of winters beauty within my lil' ol' country heart. 
Soft memories of this wonderland from my mind will never part.

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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Butterfly Wings

Like butterfly wings so fragile and soft 'neath my fingertips.
So featherlike are his kisses upon my waiting ruby lips.

The playful flutter of his fingers that dance upon my skin.
Such sweet pleasures it brings like a sensuous forbidden sin.

His loving embrace so tender like the wings of a beautiful butterfly.
His words soft and heartfelt their beauty brings a tear to my eye.

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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For Two Timing Husbands

How many tears must fall from brown eyes before I lay me down to sleep.
Where hurtful dreams of betrayal and lies hide in shadows they creep.

How long did you think you could go around cheating and not be found out.
With all your two dollar whores and think I'd not scream and shout!

See if they'll put up with your bullsh**, until the next one catches your eye.
As for me I'm done with your no account two timing a** once and for all...

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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As I Slow Dance With Memories

As I slow dance with memories ,
haunting dreams of you gently glide through the grand halls of my mind.
Where you held me close in loving arms, their warmth I did find.

Fingertips play my heartstrings as you told me I belong. 
As I slow dance with memories to a never ending song.

Two hearts that beat as one to the rhythm of love soft and low.
Memories of the night pirouette 'neath a lovers moon that glow.

You held me oh so close as our eyes did meet. 
Tender kisses shared from lips so warm and sweet.

Fingertips play my heartstrings as you told me I belong.
As I slow dance with memories to a never ending song.

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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A Silent Hush

Such beauty that falls from the heavens tonight like downy feathers from on high.

Falling from angels wings gently blanketing the earth in whispered breaths of a sigh.                     

A silent hush befalls the lil' country hollow where emerald pines they grace.

And snow capped streams flow endlessly with ice crystals that weave and lace.  

Winters breath so frigid and cold howls outside the lil' country cabin of log .

And inside by the grand stone fireplace sleeping soundly the old hound dog.

As I look out through frosted window pane at my heavenly winter wonderland on display.

It's as if through the silence you can hear the angels sing and on their harps they play.

Such peace my country heart finds within the downy snow so virgin white.

A serenity that only God above can know placed within my soul this very night.

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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Softly You Dream

~Your dreams so tenderly wrapped in satin pleasures 'neath pillowed head. 
  As loves velvet touch so warmly embrace under downy covers in your bed. 

Deep kisses in the darkest of night you nuzzle jasmine scent in auburn hair. 
Romantic thoughts caressing delicately milky sweet softness of skin so fair. 

So moist your honeyed lips like morning dew on the rosebud in bloom. 
Whilst you dream of soft brown eyes beckoning to stay in your hearts room. 

Heavenly dreams that take you to an angels loving arms tonight. 
Where she takes you to her breasts so warm,so tenderly in plain sight. 

In heavenly dreams know you are my every desire my sweet addiction my need. 
Where two lovers embrace in satin pleasures and love plants it's seed. ~ 

**From the archives of my heart.Figured I would post something a lil' more

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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Like a Ghost

Deep within the darkened halls of my mind I search each memory of love not meant to be.

Where love shone bright but now has left only tattered webs of pain and sorrow for me.

Lost and left behind to wander aimlessly, to feel the viperous sting of what once was, now no more.

To know of love's beauty and tenderness and passion between two hearts and all scars that it bore.

Like a ghost forever to wander these empty halls whaling for love's lost memories day and night.

Forgotten, forsaken this ghost with a broken heart, invisible, just an empty memory in plain sight.

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017

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Oh Bury Me

Oh bury me high upon a peaceful country mountain. 
By the stream of crystal waters flowing like an endless fountain. 

With it's emerald green hillside dotted with beautiful wild flowers. 
And tall pine trees that scent the air in a warm summer shower. 

Find an old oak tree with branches full for shade. 
Where the little birds sing to me from nests they have made. 

Oh bury me 'neath the sun so warm and bright. 
Where the moon shines full on a starlit night. 

Close to my beloved country cabin made of log. 
To be watched and protected by my faithful hound dog. 

Oh bury me 'neath Gods great cathedral of blue. 
Where eternal sleep is peaceful and true.

Copyright © Mary Hoose | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs