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Best Poems Written by Marinel Taljaard

Below are the all-time best Marinel Taljaard poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Lovely Little Daydream

As I lay in  meadows green  outstreched on the grass
 Ignorance comes blinding as the fleeting day goes past. Blissfull blindness leaves  ignorance to the fading light. 
Approach the dark let all of day demise into the night.   
Shivers tingle through the spine and leaves the body cold. Memories come flooding of the tales that mom once told. Uttering her cautioned warnings of terror and fright. 
Reasons why the human race cannot enter the night. 
Creatures cloaked in darkness through the  secrets they keep. The crime as helpless victims laugh to death in their sleep. 
Ruthlessly playing. You are the toy.
 Create illusions of hapiness to feed off your joy. 
But their time had come arising for me it was to late. 
Dear God dont leave me broken to a trembling mournful fate.

Im crying out in loudened silence someone hear my cries.
 Thoughts erupting all in voilence harbouring their lies.
 For sins I birthed and raised all I ask is more exemption. 
One last shot to make it right. One chance at redemption.

Creatures stare right through the soul with x-ray visioned eyes. 
Yearning for the monsters that abide in me to rise. 
Voices whisper tauntingly to reach for what they long. 
Fear engulfing melody, darkness ridden song. The silence becomes deafening. Themselves the voices raise.
 Lead me down a dusty road unto an early grave.

Let mountains split beckoning the birth of the sunrise.
Let darkness shatter its radiance consuming all the skies.
 Lift the veil called blindness as the noisy silence breaks. 
Grant me passage, bring me life, forgive all my mistakes

Copyright © Marinel Taljaard | Year Posted 2017

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Cupid Redemption

State of the puppets as one stands before your jury.
 Eyes proclaiming damnation and fury. The puppetmasters of society pulling at the strings.
Commands gaining volume as your ears start to ring. Whispering false statements of who you must be. 
So in fear of their glances I rejected being free. 
Then stone hit stone in igniting friction.
A flame caused by the spark igniting acceptance addictions. 
Two souls collide and break the illusion. The strings snap and gentle hands clasp through all confusion. 
A soft voice speaks reminders of the child you used to be. 
Urging your return to self allowing you to see. 
The fear of bliss' initial kick gives fright enough to run. 
But worlds collide as broken hearts begin to beat as one. A bond is formed by fate. Masks fall. Self doubt begins to flee. 
This force of love revealing what only this man's eye can see. Staring past your blockages behind you used to hide. Setting free the inner child you slowly killed inside.
 In visions clear I squeeze his hand. I found a place called home. 
A warm sensation promising Ill never be alone. 
A spark turns into bonfires. As two twin flames connect.
 Intertwined acceptance merges rebuilding what is seen as two shipwrecks. But flaws go blinded selves revealed as true eyes pierce the veil.
 A brighter ocean sun takes rise connected ships set sail. 
They sail to lands laid far beyond and ride the tides that rise. 
But no wave crossed is strong enough to lead to their demise. 
They sail to freedom both as one forgetting what has passed. 
The puppetmasters furied by the prisoners they lost

Copyright © Marinel Taljaard | Year Posted 2017

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The Fate of the Reborn

(Marinel Nov 2016)

In a cage of darkness, a being is born.
Fragile, yet strong at will, secluded from the dim light that shines above.
The passing of time leads yearning to rise, 
The shrill beckoning from avoidance of demise.
The cage is broken, a frail wing stretches, a footstep is taken.
This being is a bird, ready to take flight
With a gush of wind, he rides the breeze, promising a greater future amongst grass and trees.
With joy and an easiness exploring this taste of freedom, pride kicks in, flying without care, deeper and higher in complete oblivion to the loopholes in this paradise.
An eagle sweep down.
Bliss on joy turns to daggers in the skin.
Flight takes place, yet not in the hands of the bird.
This bird gets locked in the eagle’s den.
This bird is a captive once again.

Copyright © Marinel Taljaard | Year Posted 2017

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I Don'T Want To Talk

I dont want to speak,  because speaking reflects the hope of solution. I can no longer hope as it drains with the disappointment that follows. I guess I need help but Im too tired to ask. I need some rationality but my logic seems to be at minimal functioning capacity. 

You may ask what the problem is. I will say I dont want to talk about it. 

Maybe if I tell you that I am ok I will start believing myself. Or maybe I have realized that feeling is my downfall. Habitually asking for protection while crossing a green light. Sinning, repenting, repenting while Im sinning..  If I had a choice I might be able to change.. but evidentally I am ok with being manipulated as long as it's done by myself. Its always the wrong voice that wins..Discovering a hole in the wall to plaster it myself, finding an open window while I wait on the other end to reincarcerate myself.  Im a sore loser addicted to defeat. 

Im sorry if you think that I have changed. But truth be told I dont want to talk about it.

Copyright © Marinel Taljaard | Year Posted 2017

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A Friend In Need Is a Friend Who Sees

Hello? My friend and victim alike.
 It's me again, the villian, Im ready to strike. 
Ha ha I'm just joking, I come in peace, or do I? 
It's nice seeing you again. I thought you had died. 
It was boring without you  left me all teathered. 
But you cant leave for long, we're best friends forever.
 Remember our secrets? You called them all lies.
 But it was fear of the truth that made you despise. 
Why are you scared of me? Im here to protect you.
 Think of the trials and hardships we've been through.
 I stood by your side and whispered the warnings. 
You could not ignore me or you'd die before morning. 
Hello? Are you there? Listen to me!
 Im talking! Please think of the team we could be.
 For I see the future, to help you be calm. 
I know what will happen, save you from harm.
 So why are you still pushing me away?
 I know! I just thought of a game we can play. 
I'll give you a riddle. Can you guess what is what?
 Are you having fun yet, or are you stuck in a rutt?
 I'm fear and I'm factual I tell truth and I lie.
 I'm dawn and Im dusk so guess... Who am I? 
You still seem confused so here is a clue. 
I'm everything you think and speak. I'm eternal, I am you.

Copyright © Marinel Taljaard | Year Posted 2017

Book: Reflection on the Important Things