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Best Poems Written by Mugo Muriithi

Below are the all-time best Mugo Muriithi poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Prayer

Elusive in nature is a force
A force reverberating time to time
In the dead depth interior
And every creature has 
Power that eternally connects us 
To the main power house
And God our creator it is

Revelation can be an incident elusive
A flashy moment perhaps
Culmination into an idea
Of truth in transitory
A life charging power deemed so
If grasped in on time
If received by an action of will…

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2016

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Seeds of Gold

I would have a jot
Like small minute dots a conjoined in a line
Like intermittent drops
Consolidated into clouds
The river we see a product sure 

And so do ideas crystallize too
On this plane and plain paper
In a distant away
Like vapor in formation of clouds, 
And precipitation 
So do small vapor drops-
Or in a mirage way

The glimpse befits grasping a fish bare
And ideas in formation like fish are
In a flowing water stream
That untamable lay in bare hands

Then I thought the seed way
A quite minute object to toss
To trample or pick and use
Or eat and rot and piss

Yet in it life is
Live lay in dormancy 

In exposure though severe
In heat and pressure and tear
In environment conducive optimum
In light and water and soil
In darkness in groping in wastedness

In light do a seed vibrate and wear
The indifferent coats tear and toss
In light a seedling sprout follow

Then in inquisition ardent
Seek an answer
A puzzle affix to this question indeed 
The reason of being around
Growing in the light

For a seed in us lay
In its untamed dynamism
And in utter exposure to light and right
The conditions meeting the demand
So will dormancy give to tear and rot

And a seed coat toss
And life thrives
Then a tree here, a tree there
And soon or later there lay a forest dense
Serving natures demands in carbon

For we like seeds 
Do grow in light and right
And in light become right!

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2016

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When all is said and done
Like a mighty uncanny wind to by pass
Let it not be ever a whistle thereof
When in youth you sprout forth
And be a determined shoot
To avenge the wrath of retardation
And in the light walk right
Avenge boyish dreams
And cast away the dilemma of hangovers
The salted myths of the dozed off giants
Or the imminent fear of extinct volcanoes
Let the future afore be cast sane
Or like a sea ashore
Sands of time ashore to beckon
And be a poor boy plays pebble plays
Then avenge your avid desires
And mould them into a dream to reckon
A force that unrolls the planet a tune
Zigzagged ways pulled right
Akin to this
Passion to grab a life of your own
For in this there is no mountain!

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2016

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From a distant hill far away
Shadowed off by a monstrous cloud stormy
Lay signs and sighs
From an alley tucked away
Sheltered off by ghostly shades of moaning moon
Flogs chorus a hollow song in a fog
The twinkling mirage of sand dunes beyond the blues spells
Or lay germs of elusive hope
There is a staged dirge replay in chorus
Whose devotees retain a moody gear?
For there lay labyrinths in the highway of heaven
The steaming streaming parties part ways
In laughter and confusion
In a land beyond x-roads
Lay a mused king,
Whose utter satisfaction is a maze
Like a stone cast into dead waters
So are the rumbling and mumbling and bubbling of parties
It is a night of distress for the king in haven
Whose subjects burrow and wallow in dirt like swine
In attempts dire dare the life that slides
In such a land infested with giants like Canaan
Whose firely tongues cast chunks of jargons to the agitated-
Here they dismiss great talk for amusements
For they have no time unearth play art
A selfish motif fed
In such a country
The king waylay his subjects in slumbered mind
Dozing off drowsily in a world free of cares
As they wander and wonder
Of what a tamed and learned friend and king
The king’s haven is heaven
And here hell below lay no mercy for masses
Lost in a woody distant hilly yonder
Are subjects scattered like ants in a stormy rainy night
The king long lives in heaven
The exodus to Canaan!

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2017

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The Fall

On a distant hill far away
Mirage like birds twitter
Like a traveler engrossed in voyages
A rattling of leaves and no tinge
In olden conventional ways of the people
A snake rattle is a forebode
A drop taps into a spatter
And the traveler grossly enmeshed into his journey

Lovers too hewn their own caves resident
Carving out a voyage into the heart
And drops percolate into the sordid earth
Of hearts and no hurts
In anticipated hangovers into be comings
The lest is worthwhile

Like a youthful river
A farmer heeds to natures instinctive rhythms
Others, and the traveler too
Have nothing of a cause raise eye brow
And there will be a catastrophic flood
Perceived with a prophetic eye
Whose gusto is invincible?

Just as it would be
When a chasm is evident
And lovers would part ways
Or like a traveler lost in whereabouts
In a retrogress and introspection
Is a rule elusive to the rational grasp
An imminent verve
That has finally
Made the hut crumble

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2020

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-My wish-
To you is a word a cast - even success
Yet even better wishes outshine
This in frequency enshrine
That Success is not an end
But a state of being and becoming
You have to succeed before a perfect embrace endue
That success embrace

For until you like it – you ever miss it so
Admire then a winner intrinsic
As greater battles are conquered in the internal arena
The mind a battleground indeed
What would I say then?
To you whose season is ripe
Rather a prayer says and display
Or even a wish so to say

Success is no play pebble ashore
Else a bundle of actions animated in ignites
A wish activated in action graces
To direct to the path envisioned
Till you become and continue becoming
Then my prayer ensues
That the Eternal God stabilizes your efforts win
And that you lean not in sole insights
And from invincible forces yet invisible imbibe strength
For even at the edge of a cliff
Faith a companion indeed will dare you fly

May you learn pay attention to details fine
As what is focused on glows
Just as what is concentrated on grows
And even success glimmers wild
Enlightening countenance crystal

For it shall be well so is a wish in graces
Believe in yourself too
As the noise in the streets of life is enigma
And a disrupter waylay-
A package of doom that attracts moth a light
Such are fears, opinions that cloud of doom cluster sheds
Then you remain capable if in capacity you believe so
This all you ought believe-it is possible
It shall be well within graces of possibilities
And so shall it be 
Even so say do I – Amen.

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2017

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A Day

I sat there in a day
I gazed there in a day
I anticipated the light of a day
In twinkle did glitter in a day
Though the sun be sunk anyway
In the depth of horizon away
As it was a live legacy
Of seasons in cycle dwindle sway
And the sun would in a way 
Perhaps rise again anyway.

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2016

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In the event of that morning
The allures of the luring lulling yellows rays
A caress of the beam that lit lucid
I was not another day
So it was in a ponder and wonder
A day dragged into a trap of make

Such a rare feel it was 
A faint distant thought did flicker
A nag? 
A tickle?
Piercing prod mind wade
It came like a trod trotting horse invade conquer
A rare weird thought did deem
Triggered into a stagger
Breaking abruptly as it had started

It was the garment touch feelin’
And that what I was thinking then
A friend like a garment can be
And so in the feel woolly wholly perhaps
Or like a lulling sun beam when sky is yellow
Whichever that rides toll rule
In a muse like a deem
Let loose flood existent domain maim

That a friend is only but a friend in rule
And if that the footprint consistent pasted
Somewhere on a bough
Or a pretence of an Isenberg atop
The vision of an eagle fix in time stream in replay
There below waylay
        a track of moments and events rehearse intent
Many paths culminating into one
A mouth of a river a hub so say

Here like one on a bough bow lay
There are a million and one clips in play
Atop this anthill is a diversion into me
An intermittent printing on this plane of being
Comes to me prints of history
Coming into me

I am coming into my self
All this point to me the past in making
The bricks in time lay
Not in haste retrieve past memoirs cherish
But a muse in nostalgia marvel
The life that is and becoming...

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2016

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Idea Trappers


I take a semblance of a hen
A hen conceives an egg
And brings forth an egg
The conditions have to be right
Or else there could never be eggs or hens
If that be the end of a story

Even so
The hen after the pain of delivery
The hen does brood the eggs
In hunger and thirst
In patience and focus
And the fullness of time brings forth a son
Sons of chicken many stroll
Or else the story isn’t ending either

This analogy of an egg
Did come trotting in mine heart 
That many a times
Elusive ideas do flicker
So does such an idea distantly faintly seem
Or else a trap of revelation waylay
As a bird afore a snare beckoning
A bird in a tinge
A forebode of a danger drifting
Looking this way and that way
And off it takes off
Even ideas too are wingy and windy

Else the story is being told
A good grasp of an idea is ideal indeed
Ideal for a capture embrace
Without grey
This is metaphorical
Hen brood eggs

And as so
An idea has to be conceived first
An idea has to be developed first
In ideal conditions 
A seed will germinate
It will sprout and spur
The afore conditions is a pointer
To the futuristic vitality of a seed 
And generations, perhaps 

Capacity is a function of preparation
Science has it – nature abhors vacuum
And ideas to be generational
Have to face test of time
And as aforementioned 
This is the said brooding of an egg by a hen
And many days fleet
In thirst and hunger 
Implying determined sacrifice

For a good many
Having skipped a vital phase as it is
Seclusion it is
Or quietness let’s say
Find themselves enmeshed in quagmire
Dire frustration and loss of direction
And speeding drags the victim deeper afar
In the mire of doubts and apathy

When good ideas fall in ideal soils
Is there assurance of a generation to ensue
And vast forest there lay
And many chicken and hens perhaps…

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2017

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The Bird

I saw a bird fly by
In allures so its tail appealing it was
Its tail swayed here and there
Like this and like that  
As it flew flee free 
It leapt from tree to tree
I wanted to hold it by grip tight
But wary my scheme was commonplace at its sight
It seemly had a rat smelt 
So It did fly away anyway
So many petite birds that came and went there seems
Or, so many life-size birds that flew by
What a reflection of crude splendor stunning?
I snooped as they chirped and clapped
Their charming song tantalizing 
And rhyme wasn’t muddled
Small and big birds that did fly by
Some embedded with huge broad beaks 
That seemed so unkempt.

Copyright © Mugo Muriithi | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs