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Best Poems Written by Teresa Skyles

Below are the all-time best Teresa Skyles poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Teacher My Mom

My mother was my teacher she gave me her all.
So when I had troubles she's the one I'd call.

If I needed her help she was always there.
To help me through life and teach me to share.

I was the middle child four girls and three boys.
We brought my mom so much love and joy.

When I was little she taught me to walk.
My first words were"I LOVE YOU" as she
            taught me to talk.

If I cut my finger or fell and scraped my knee.
She'd kiss it and say now it's better baby.

She helped me with my homework no matter
                       what it was.
She's the best mom at no matter what she does.

As times got hard and as I traveled through life.
She led through example how to be a good mom 
                   and a good wife.

She was the best at everything she did.
Even though I wasn't her only kid.

My mother made me the person that I wanted to be
Standing proud,truthful and strong for her to see.
                  Teresa Skyles

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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A Fishing Trip To Remember

One summer day as hot as it can be.
We went fishing just us three.

I got my pole a hook and a weight.
Going fishing for me felt just great.

As I cast out my line a fish bit my hook.
Ohhh I got one in five min.that's all it took.

So I jerked real hard as I reeled it in.
That's when my wheelchair begun to spin.

I fell backwards as the fish flew through the air.
And that's when a big cow patty got in my hair.

We all laughed so hard we couldn't see straight.
Remember I saved the fish I caught for next years bait.
                  Teresa Skyles
A true story made into a poem.

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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The Princess and Her Dream

THE PRINCESS AND HER DREAM-----Childrens story

Once upon a time in a far away land.There was a deep dark forest and in the middle 
of the forest was a road paved of gold that led to a beautiful castle.This is where a 
beautiful princess lived all alone her name was Isabella.Every night as she laid her 
head down to sleep she would dream of a handsome prince to come and rescue 
her.The princess was kept imprisoned by three wicked witches.Their names were 
Hazel,Mable,Kara they were sisters and Hazel was the boss.Mable and Kara done 
what ever Hazel told them.So Mable's job was to keep anyone from seeing the 
princess.Hazel kept everyone away from the castle.Kara's job was to keep the  
princess from being  lonely.At night fall before the princess went to bed Kara would 
brush the princess's beautiful long hair.The princess was so pretty her hair was 
blonde and her eyes were sparkling blue.
Kara cared for the princess because she wanted her to always to be happy.In 
another castle far away there lived a prince who always dreamed of finding his 
princess.One day as the prince was out hunting he came to the edge of the 
forest.He got off  his horse and began to feel his princess was very close.Just as the 
prince had that thought Mable had a vision that the  prince was at the edge of the 
forest.Mable ran straight to Hazel to tell her what she had seen.Hazel told Mable I 
have a suprize for  him.As the prince entered the forest a big ball of fire appeared 
before him.Hazel.Mable knew it was very important to keep the prince from ever 
meeting  the princess or they  would turn to ashes.As the prince rode around the 
ball of fire he just knew there was someone special beyond that fire.
As the princess and Kara were locked in the castle.The princess turned to Kara and 
said"I have a  feeling someone wonderful is comming my way".As the prince rode 
around the fire Hazel and  Mable began to turn to ashes for they knew the prince 
would have the  princess.Kara  was not turning to  ashes cause she  was in the 
princess's heart.When the prince got to the castle and Kara opened the door and  
their eyes met for the very first time they both felt it was love at first site.Kara 
stayed with them forever.They were married  and lived happier ever after.The End
The moral of this story is dreams do come true.Teresa Skyles
The moral of this story is a friendship is always needed.

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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A Fish Story

A fish story childrens story
This story begins in a pond on a farm .Where the most beautiful fish you've ever 
seen lived her name was Julie.All the other fish was jealous of her because she had 
the most beautiful fins.They were long and had every color in them.There was one 
fish in the whole pond that was nice to Julie and was not jealous of her.His name 
was Worm his favorite food was worms so thats where he got his name.

One day as Julie swam through the pond"HEY THERE"she heard someone say as 
she looked around and seen worm hiding behind a rock.He snickered and asked her 
if he could swim with her she said"sure but first tell me why you were snickering"I 
wanted to ask if I could be your friend".Sure she said I need a friend.As they swam 
through the pond a boy was getting ready to go fishing.I'm so hungry worm 
said"just as the words came out the boy through out his line with a big juciey worm 
on his hook.

Worm seen it and said"UMMM"and started swimming to the hook as fast as he could 
and Julie knew worm would be caught so she took off swimming around him and 
yelling"STOP".As she swam by the boys line her fins caught on his line he jerked and 
OH MY it jerked Julie's fins off and all the other fish just started laughing and saying 
look at you now.Julie started crying and worm said"please don't cry you saved my 
life can we stay friends your fins will grow back but friends are forever".So Julie and 
Worm became best friends.
                          Teresa Skyles

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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Taken To Soon


A piece of my heart died today.
Benny left us here cause he couldn't stay.
There was so many things he wanted to say.
We will all miss him while he's on heavens way.
He was so funny and had a great smile.
Telling us jokes was just his style.
He was a wonderful son and a loving dad.
If he was your friend he was the best you ever had.
Micheal,Geno,Buddy,Daniel,Kevin,Dustin the list is so long.
Now all of his friends will have to stay strong.
His life wasn't long but he left us three treasure's.
Ashley,Morgan,Daniel his love for them can't be measured.
We all will always love and miss you Benny.
From all your friends there are so many.
In loving memory of Benjamin Joseph Hamilton  Born 08/03/76 Died 11/23/11
                Teresa Skyles

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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Mommy Don'T Leave Me Here

Please mommy don't leave me here.
He's standing there holding a beer.
I'm crying as she walks down the stairs.
Never looking back as if she doesn't care.
He was in the kitchen and I heard a loud boom.
Thats when I ran upstairs to my room.
He started upstairs screeming my name.
I knew he was looking for me to blame.
Under my bed is where I hid.
He opened the door and said"hey where are you kid.
He reached under my bed and pulled my out.
He said little girl don't cry or pout.
I never cried I just turned my head.
After he finished I wished I was dead.
                 Teresa Skyles

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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Introduce Me


Hi my name is Teresa my friends call me big T.
I'm crippled with Muscular dystrophy.
I'm unable to walk or write my name.
Life is hard but there's no one to blame.
I thank God for my poetry that I'm able to write.
Also for all my friends on the poetry site.
I try real hard to do what I do.
Writing makes me happy anything else makes me blue.
Some days I'm sad and I need to cry.
Some days I'm happy and don't know why.
My husband and family dry my tears.
They're the reason I have no fears.
My love for them is why I hold on.
Hope I'm their treasure when I'm gone.
         Teresa Skyles  13-May-10

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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Sooner Nation

The Oklahoma Sooners are my favorite team.
  Their school colors are crimson and cream.

  They can run a ball and score real high.
    Make the other team fumble and cry.

             Yeah Boomer Sooners.
                              Teresa Skyles

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

Details | Teresa Skyles Poem

He's Gone


     HE'S GONE

We're gonna be sad and we're gonna morn.
We know he's in heaven and no longer torn.
His pain is gone and ours still lingers.
From the bottom of our toes to the tips of our fingers.
We will miss him more than he will ever know.
But he's ok now cause we told him it's ok to go.
We will see him each and every day.
Through rainbows and sunrays.
His first breath came on the day he was born.
His last breath came on the day I'll always morn.
My heart is broke cause he left me here.
I hope I  can go on without the fear.
I will love him until the day I die.
Together later thats why I'll never say bye.
We will miss him so very much.
We'll always remember daddy's touch.
             Teresa & Pootie Skyles

In loving memory of Bunny Skyles Jr.

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016

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Tea Party of Tears

                ."Each experience is locked within my heart and only I hold the key..."
                                                        .A tea party for just us two.
                                                        Bestfriends are me and you.
                                                  In church is when first we met as kids.
                                                 Always together no matter what we did.
                                                  We had good times through the years.
                                                  So much laughter and not many tears.
                                                      I'll keep you in my heart forever.
                                                    Best friends will always be together.
                                                   It broke my heart when you passed.
                                                    But our friendship will always last.
                                                 The white flowers I will lay at your feet.
                                                   In heaven is where again we'll meet. 
                                                            Teresa Skyles                   20-Aug-11
 Entered in Constance La France~A rambling poet~"A FRAGMENT OF LIFE"contest

Copyright © Teresa Skyles | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things