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Best Poems Written by Amanda Mawu

Below are the all-time best Amanda Mawu poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Break Up By the River

We said our goodbyes steps away from the Mississippi River
a relationship reminding me something like the water, deep, not very clean but beautiful nether the less 

The sun was setting and the guitarist nearby seronaded the vodka tequila whisky concoction in his flask. 

I grasped my mans hand as if I was falling from a cliff. Because I was...
He said the things that would break the heart of any other girl who was dangerously in love. 

But the air that night was so sweet that his words tasted like it. 
The sugar coated break up dialogue disguised our departure as just another warm, luscious night by the Mississippi River.

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2016

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Super You

Villian by day. 
Super hero by night, 
cumming to save me.

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2016

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Procrastination Realization

I've got this involuntary fascination with procrastination

The coop I file claim to for keeping my record an all time high for being poster child of mildly lackadaisical along with low key insane...

Playing the blame game with myself, now isn't that fun?
 Now- ripping the mask off of the budding beast in my head. Its time to pop it like a vitamin, be still, contemplate and liberate the pain of existing as an idling ghost half way utilizing my brain.

 Although deftly quick witted like one of those push-to-starts...

  If i woke up on time I wouldn't have missed that bus, if I'd done that project I would've passed that class. 

Procrastination keeps me from the things that I want and the things that I have. Buried under its dark engrossing waves, anticipating the answers in a sea with all the trained fishes of the population. 

Procrastination wants to drown me, Make me his prized possession. But when I shake off the stagnant chips from my shoulders -

I emerge out of my retreat, and realize that I am 20 feet tall. Taller that the world that I'd thought keep me unexpressed...

Apt to new beginnings never REALLY knowing how to finish thing..

thanks to my guaranteed usual dilly dallying mindset that would always sink in JUST when I thought I'd morphed into the zealous brilliant spirit within me.
Procrastination- my arch enemy that I used to keep so near, as if it were my best friend. Finally Doggy paddling out of this stale pool. I am free productivity grabs my hand evolving what once was into what is; me.

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2017

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Ode To Black Men From a Black Woman

Dear Black Man, 

Shout out to your deep waved, shaggy, Afro picking outlines. In honor of the loose fitting jeans with the snap backed, wide hip loving, story telling beats that carry on like the echos of the Congo drums from the motherland. Black Man, I Black woman, am not here today in the name of needing my beauty sanctioned or demanding R-E-S-P-E-C-T from you. I am not angry at you, I am  not angry with myself. I am angry with the systems operation on our children' self worth. Don't ever think I am here to stunt your growth. I am Black woman, whose being is the closest thing to God. Whose body is in conjunction with the earth, boring life, as the birds and bees have come to be. My appreciation for you goes on and on like the munchies of the fiend. Though I will never truly understand all the turmoil this earth brings to your face. We share burdens which are too similar to ignore. I see you, Black man, working hard with no reward. Watching your brothers getting stolen and washed away. I see you scared for your lives, running from the greatness of which your sons and fathers possess . Is it that you don't want to show them the potential that has been taken away from your lips? Black man, I uphold your royalty, you are nothing like they make of you to be. Grab your brother's hand and lift it up in solidarity. I black woman, am dignified to stand by you, and fight through any war in the honor of our people. Black man, I hear you. I feel you. I am black woman, whose name should soothe your worried shaken ambitions. Black man, over time your inventions have been gripped by the European counterparts that fear you so much that they intruded your Black women in plain sight. As deep as the hurts appears to be, You and I are the strongest unit, Black love is one of the most sacred existences that there is. Lets turn away from the road of shame, moving toward the flight to recovering and discovering the greatness of who you are.
A black woman.

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2017

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Don't get confused on what's really green. The henna........the trees.....the herb....the isn't green, it's as dark as the evil it possesses , how greedy it makes us , all of us. Couldn't possibly picture happy life without the....don't need things to crave them. One taste of a dead president will have your life spiraling into a closet of give and take that takes and never gives. The cycle that replaces life. Green is the green that is green to the eye. Touch soul. Love is green. Smoke love touch the soul. Let it curl and embrace your insides till it's fuzzy fingers massage your scalp and release the blood back into your body. Don't let the paper over rule the plant. Mary is here , we don't need the bens and franklins. Earth gives us what we are. Weed give ourselves what we want. We'ed gives ourselves what we need.

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2016

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Grateful For Life

Appreciating the living air and green plants around me 
Breathing is the greatest privilege that any body could ever have. Blinking dust from the eyes
 while muscles move  in motion.  
Life is but a endless dream. 
Use your life, it is shorter than rock paper scissors

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2016

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Writing From the Beach

I don't know the last time that I've retwisted my locs. 
They are joining at the root now...Nappiest my hair has ever been. Happiest in life I've ever been. That's choice. I choose to live a happy life always, light and stressless. Stress is a serious demon to slay. The crave for happy is heavy amongst us human, How do you measure your scale of happy? The amount of things you have, money, love. We all want different things but want the same feelings.

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2017

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Runners High

(circa 2011)

Tip toe, tip toe.
Going nowhere fast-
Rave for your lives, before it all burns and crash.
Divide your feelings amongst the ones that you
 believe should matter.
Don't mind the shrugs, the pointless chatter. Tip toe.
 must go. run, into the fear.
 its the only way to get there. faster faster.
taking things slow, is to saying no
 to the possibilities beyond the trees. Before it disappears below the pavement. tip toe is the fear.

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2016

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I yearned for the shift.
Requested a window seat and everything. 
was given one on the trip back.
the frequencies took a while to link up but they soon met.
But did he see her?
Does he really know who she is?
Has he eaten her meat down to the bone so thoroughly that he can scrape her bone marrow out
He has warned about the depths of his grasping love.
her soul flies free like a willow tree
Exclusivity is his final Vision, but her dreams at night are
full of poly, infinite hearts
I usually drink "tears for breakfast"
So not really sure whats happening, a sensitive soul has captured me
and it feels...right....right?

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2016

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Questioning Love

How many times do I have to run out of love to realize that I might not be built for this shit, I'm meant to live forever but love seems to suck the gas from my tank wit no remorse. 

What is pleasure without pain? 

Imagine having pleasure and pain so close on the spectrum together that they become one in the same. Chasing after one only to be confronted by the other. Smothered by the thoughts of escaping but you drown deeper while also feeling higher ....what is this "?

Copyright © Amanda Mawu | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things