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Best Poems Written by Gary Smith

Below are the all-time best Gary Smith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Little Wren

I looked out to a morning drear

Nothing there to cause me cheer,

But when I looked outside again

Upon my gate there sat a wren.

God bless this tiny little thing

The wren, he now began to sing.

He sang such a happy tune

His sweet refrain dispelled my gloom.

It was such a joyful song,

My unwelcome dreary morning, gone.

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2016

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Dancing Dragonflies

I watched them across the water prance,

Back and forth in sprightly dance.

Liveried in emerald green, others had a sapphire sheen.

It was natural choreography, by tiny acrobats

As they hovered through the reed beds, hunting bugs and gnats.

A mastery of flight, a ballet in the sky,

How mesmerising to sit and watch, dancing dragonflies.

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2016

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Captain 'Effing' Flint

My parrots name was Captain Flint,
Boy that bird could swear.
I never invited visitors,
So blue was the air.

He'd squawk "pretty effing polly"
Or "give us a cracker you t##t"
I'd never heard such swearing,
I never taught him that.

I bought him off a sailor
Who was heading back to sea,
He said to me, "you'll love him
He's such good company."

And what he said was right
He entertained, it's true.
I said "who's a pretty boy then"
He squawked, " well not effing you !"

The profanities just got too much,
I sold him, with regret.
But the house seems so quiet now, 
Without my 'effing' pet !

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2017

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A Fabulous Beast

I met a fabulous beast today,
I met him in a zoo.
I was looking at a tiger,
And he was looking too.

Such strength and dreadful power
He carried with such grace,
And there he was behind the glass
And we were face to face.

A beast of such nobility
A king was what I saw,
So full of menacing presence
I felt rooted to the floor.

He fixed his eyes upon me
With a cold and murderous stare.
I'm glad that I was over here,
And he was over there.

Once he was the ruler,
The lord of all was he. 
And now he's here, trapped in this pen.
A prisoner, is what I see.

Entry for
UP TO A MAX OF 20 lines - Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by Brian Strand. Placed 6th.

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2018

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Yesteryear Memories

We played hide and seek
Running around the park.
And a game called british bulldogs,
It really was a lark.

Then there was scrumping apples
And getting chased off by the man.
How we loved knock and run,
Oh, how fast we ran.

Of course there was footie
Sometimes fifteen a side.
On tv we watched the flintstones,
And laughed until we cried.

The sweetshop sold gobstoppers
Or maybe a sherbet dab,
A shiny stick of liquorice
Or an exciting lucky bag.

Our parents couldn't get us in,
How we loved to play.
There just never seemed to be
Enough hours in the day.

But our kids are technophobes,
They think we're dinosaurs.
Scoffing at our 'good old days'
Thinking we were bores.

I despair at the internet,
Technology, at a cost
Children glued to ipads,
A proper childhood lost.

I can imagine in the future
There's a point our kids will reach,
All contact will be online,
They'll have lost the power of speech.

Fresh air, and playing out
Will seem a relic from the past.
I fear there's no going back,
For the techno die is cast.

Entry for It's The End Of The Forms Series - Poetry Contest 
Sponsored by Broken Wings

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2017

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Lost In Pain

I wandered lonely, lost in pain
All I could do was weep,
A troubled mind, in unknown hills 
With chasms, dark and deep.

I did not know which path to take
Nor which way should I go,
I was seeking guidance
A sign, so I would know.

A light appeared before me
A figure caught my eye,
"Who are you," I asked of him
"Or will you pass me by."

"Can I help my son," he said
"Have you lost you way,"
"Yes, yes I have I cried"
Was all that I could say.

"Then come and take my hand
For you must follow me,
I am the Lord, your God my son
And I shall comfort thee."

So the Lord, he took me
He became my guide,
All my fears then left me
And all my tears they dried.
I awoke anew next morning
My heart, now filled with hope,
Whatever life may bring me
The Lord will help me cope.

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2017

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I sat down by the river bank

And watched the water flow,

The rapids effervescing

Meanders running slow,

Then past the corner of my eye

A flash of colour sped,

The kingfisher in his splendour

Hunts the river bed.

Entry for
CONTEST 580,any form,any theme 
Up to max of 8(E I G H T ) lines Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Brian Strand.  25/3/19
Placed 3rd.

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2019

Details | Gary Smith Poem

I Am Just What I Am

Here I sit on the ocean bed
Just sifting mud and ooze,
But If it was up to me
It's not the life I'd choose.

It's dark down here, there's creepy things
All looking for a feast
So I live on tenterhooks,
Hiding from the beasts.

To be higher up the food chain
Is where I'd love to be,
But to be a shark, or a huge blue whale
Was not my destiny.

So my life is what it is,
I am just what I am.
But it's no fun at the bottom,
It's no fun being a clam.

Entry for
Personification poem of a pet, wild animal or insect Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Tania Kitchin
2/9/18. Placed 6th.

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2018

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The Black Cuillins of Skye

A fearful, jagged place
Yet wondrous to the eye.
A place for hardy mountaineers,
The Black Cuillins of Skye.

No place for the timid
Imposing in their might,
But to stand and look upon
There's ne'er a grander sight.

Interlopers amid rolling hills
A ridge of fierce repute,
Standing aloof, magnificent
They challenge rope, and boot.

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2018

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Daft- the Elephant and the Bumble Bee

On my walk I chanced to see

An elephant with a bumble bee.

It was such a peculiar pairing,

And they had ice cream, which they were sharing.

The elephant was holding the ice cream cone

For the bee was on his mobile phone,

I thought wow, this is really queer...

I never get a signal here !

Copyright © Gary Smith | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs