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Best Poems Written by James Grant

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In this void , black cloud where men drift when hope is lost . Where dreams lay dead shadows of what was once a man but now nullified by this place . In the mind is where it resides . Deep where no other can go for it is an entrance for one alone . This place where dead things remain , joy , hope is gone . But if a man was to lift his head high , look up toward where hope , love resides that which is dead shall live again . Even in this savage void where pain , suffering remains . If a man pursue , has faith that which is dead can live again . For dreams come from that which is high . Love in all things came from it . Even in this place that resides in the mind it can reach . Call out to the father which revive , restores all things . With one breathe life is give again . With faith it is reborn .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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Everyone wants to be it , but few attain it . If you can think , not be mislead by your own idea but fact . If you can perceive that which is not present , but imaged by the mind , bring it to reality . If you can judge between a worthy cause , or just irrelevant . If you can say we , not me . If you can stand yo ground and not yield but prevail . If you can be humble when wrong instead of crumble . If you can love with a big heart yet stern . Now lead with that , lead with sense .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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Sad to be a fool in a relationship

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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Unity , Grace Above

I roam whine ding down an endless road vexed . Near truth but far from its effects in this mess where men's minds relaxed wasted in haste for no rest from hate . Their cries unheard as pain shouts out fear raised yet creed of men not applied . Not a tear of humanity , nor fear of god's convicting spirit . As I stand bemused tears rush but not for deeds , but for minds so blinded by haste rush in with hate not love or just act . No honor amongst men just cruelty . Nobility , virtue lost in mazes of race yet justice is ignored as she lays gasping for air near death . For when men loss sight of her , not up hold her creed that was an effect of from the word of god . But men with no creed heed not conviction of a maze , grace . They are slaves to wasted time of hate with out cause , and when men do wrong in a continuum spend of time their minds are remade with false creeds . Where pain is not seen , where deeds inhumane . But justice is a child of the father above whose deeds are empowered by grace in mazes of wrong , just . For grace flows when men united reflecting respect , yielding changes . Unity even but by a few shines , reaches out beyond . For if a few have mentality of unity their state of being spreads , burns hotter than a blazing fire in hearts of men surrounding near .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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Love Survives

Does love really exist , or is it only in a place where a million stars remain in a place where pain can't remain . In vain men strive for greater and noble pursuits without prevail . If this life is prolonged by reasons unknown in years uncertain what may come . In my youth you think my mind daffy by its unyielding thoughts with your dismay. But love must remain in this world , for it is without self even this inhumane place still good deeds remain . For love cannot die it is rooted deep in man's souls in its distillation of men's evil hearts . In love wisdom is born amongst the elements of wisdom love is at its heart . So call me a fool laugh as you may , but love is my strength therefore I shall remain while all others fade . In love I have reason to remain in a place inhumane . Yet with loves wisdom even in inhumane I can sustain even though it remains hard . My pour soul is enhanced , enriched in loves wise embrace so I will remain while others fade .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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Entering into the future therefore entering into the unknown . At the heart of this unknown lay a mist so denies the mind wonders , echoes run wild has you are left in dismay . In my bewildered state my mind drifts into fear , doubt which in turn makes me back track from the mist toward the known . Midway in the midst of this mist I hear a serene voice . With this voice I am serene , and with no more fear I return on my path deeper in the mist . My path is darker than before has the fog grew thicker with depths to great to fathom . But I am still serene , in the depths of my serenity revelation is born . Revelation that illuminates that brings light to this fog which lifts the veil from my eyes . Insight is given to me to see the truth which blocks my sight so I may see . I gain knowledge after a time . Knowledge which gives rise to power . My power laid the foundation for dominion . Dominion makes me master of my surrounding . That which was unknown and in a mist , but now is plain to see . For god illuminates our way .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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The Strength of a Pure Heart

I shall not fear , for my heart is full of purity . I shall not yield to your darkness , for my heart shines radiant , illuminates darkness . I shall not surrender  to your lies , decitful ways . For my heart's  truth burns hotter than a blazing fire . I will not grow weary,  for my heart's love lingers , enders .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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The Dream , Not the Image

I am not the sum of my shin , spirit of an image that claims it reveals who I am . In the fame to maintain let known the rage that stains a noble races character . I know where I come from , reach far beyond the image that sets limits on men's nature and abilities as though it is applied to all . Holding my race hostage as though we are one in mind , spirit , thoughts linked in dreams connected as though we are mindless . Thinking by this image we are set in stone , and limited in our pursuit by a limitation that is perceived by those who take a higher moral look above an entire race . Though my generation stumbles back in the dark ages foolishly by its own pursuit towards self destruction , yet seduce by its own gratification leading to senseless actions . That give an idea that all believe in living fast in a lane that's filled with death , destruction , dead-end dreams that turn to grime . But there are some who sum up the dream that the king dreamed in his day where your race gave nay to the doors opening up . He looked up into the heavens in saw a dream that over shadowed ignorance , hate that battled his rights with love from god . He knew from god a man's character isn't dictated by his race . He knew a man's beginnings are not his short comings , but the foundation from which greatness is built upon . He knew that if equality was voided to those of a different race due to perception of an image . So when he fought for rights he showed a virtuous grace in the grace of amaze in grace . They said nay , but we said yay , god said claim your faith for the battle was won in me . So some may forget the spirit of their fathers , yet if a few shine with the grace of their fathers a race can achieve the dream , so brake the image that's fake . Now that's who I am !

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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Peace Embrace

Unity soars above indifference snares in minds of others eased , for peace in its essence burns brighter than a million stars in space uninhabited by hate . Unity united in brotherhood not laced with painful clashing reminders of the past limited to limitation of men . Unity humbles , edifies the whole , not the half but as one of many in a whole . Discerning with eyes now not blocked by reflections of vexing roomers of differences of those who walk lives unknown . Those who are born in cultures alien to another , yet unity shatters the walls to see the heart of men for possibilities unimaged but brought to sight by peace . Peace that reflects respect , yields changes . Peace easiest when men open themselves up not limited for possibilities , so with peace men suss through right , wrong knowing we are one not divided but equal . And equality risen high , made first instead of the person's origins . From this we are original , society made over to build what men ought to reflect . If one group shines peace blossoms , takes root that grows like a tree with deep roots that will not be move .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016

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Character of Heart

I know I will despite my challenges . I know I will finish  regardless of my struggles , pain . I know I will finish against all odds . I know I will finish because of my fortitude to finish my fight , will that comes from hunger of desire of triumph .I know I will finish because I will not stop till I am finished .

Copyright © James Grant | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs