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Best Poems Written by Kim Difford

Below are the all-time best Kim Difford poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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To all who have been touched by evil


Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite

We shout louder, always love, peace, tolerance, liberte…a world one in unity.

We are not afraid of you, we look you in the eye, cold dark eyes of hatred, ideology.  Hiding behind your masks of balaclavas the fact that you are dead….thugs seeking to destroy…we are stronger, we shout love peace, tolerance, liberte, so wrap that fact around your head.Armed with weapons of mass destruction, we are armed with something higher.  Nothing you can do can ever extinguish, extinguish the fire.  

Though a blow has hit us, innocent bodies lay in our streets, we rise up…. we rise up….Those were our loved ones most dear, there blood is on your hands…accountable you shall be.  Soulless yes, the living dead  pity…you have lost your heart…sold out…sold out your humanity a long time ago.

The world pauses…uniting, universal humanity….brother and stranger against common foe.

You who have lost your vision, the beauty that’s within, never seeing or hearing deaf and blind but your own.  Yet moment by moment you are being defeated through a smile across cultures alike, every smile breaking down barriers and arms us in the fight.  Our weapons are stronger and cannot be defeated they are love, peace, tolerance, liberte.

 Pity…..oh pity of seeing without love….

We rise up , we rise up and tell you an outstretched body won  forgiveness , the true power of our power found in his love.   A love that can never be defeated, with hatred, bullet or sword that’s the true freedom of love. 

Though there’s pain in loving, it shapes us and shows we deeply care, so make each moment matter, live it, feel it, breathe it,it is your gift of who you are.  You don’t experience all that it means to be human truly alive…until you learn it is in loving one another that we grow. 

We are risen side by side.

As we stand united, united in this love….you fire you bullets of hatred that can never touch, the world is united, united in the power….the power that is love.  It can never be extinguished or defeated it’s felt within the heart.

We stand one with another against your campaign of hate and terror, we do solemnly declare…we speak louder…we speak louder because we speak the language, the language that has power, that language is love.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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A Mother's Love

Never ending.........

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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Softly so softly you whisper....
as soothing ocean waves
drawing me to you.
ablaze with all who you are
loves pure light.....
loves pure essence
your never far away....underpining. 

Heartbeat of my heartbeat
it beats to pure breath.
Holy, the ancient of days 
centuries past and present
you say....come to me my child and sit awhile.

I do so need to sit awhile.....

Whispering tenderly deep still.

You crashed into my shore 
the day your sun shone through my stained glass window
with so much love.....
scarlet on shards you scream....forever
sealed with a carved each name on a tree
you whisper.....loved...
me 4 you and you 4 me.....eternally in your book of life.

Safe in the bosom of your being
the enclave of your heart
the emerald city of your love
I am warmed from the radiance....the radiance of your love.

Lost in sweet communion....deep
I linger....time ethereal
singing holy...holy....holy joy is mine.
beneath the archways of your precepts....
my delight...heaven and earth entwined 
taking me with you

Our lives living tapestries
blazing golds intricately woven
light reflecting....
colours run deep.... deep hues....
light emanating
Sewing beautiful gems of understanding
those colours will shine eternally. 

You pull through and bind burning red spattered cutting deep
that dont make sense, you know.
sometimes it seems dull golden
along with the sahara frayed edges....nothing is lost.

You have changed my song forever  
alive with you...spirit of my spirit
eternally yours I shout.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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Psychopathic Personality

Threatening me directly in my face 
you want to appear bigger, you are not to be feared.  
Knowledge empowers....
With every breath I will speak out 
the world must know your type. 

I wont give you the satisfaction of loosing my temper, 
I will wrestle with you and always win, every time.  
Identifying prey you perpetrate, manoeuvre your way in; 
the thrill of the kill your stimulation 
relentless in your obsession which you live and breathe.  

Dangerously Intense wearing a life of normal 
turning on your killer charm, pouncing on weakness    
single....looking for love; 
Turkish delight promise no sweet filling have you, 
you reek of manipulation all in sight.  
People have no idea of what they are flirting with 
fatal attraction love is blind, 
those who dared to love you, believed your lies, sadly it's too late.

Theories are formed and tested, proprietary can disguise, 
good intuition, gut instinct it's true!, 
under all circumstances it cant just be a bit of fun, you wont let go.  

Incapable of love your'e not wired that way, sad but true, 
take care my darling the love emotion is gone.  
Don't be deceived not even for a minute when two mingled into one 
all the love in the world you don't care you say what everyone wants to hear....
I love you baby.  You say it to own it, black and white ice, control 
that's your game, we a concept you simply cannot understand, 
you chill me to the bone still I will never fear you.

I will ruthlessly expose you....flesh; the wounds of our interaction lay bare.  
Brave in life your final moments victim no, that wasn't you 
not even blood stained can define...still you oh yes, ...always.  

The traits of your psyche displayed for all to see, 
Cold, calculating, remorseless demon murderer John Doe, I will give you a name. 
Killing, disposing of all who gets in your way.  
Never taking responsibility for your actions, selfish to the core 
but intimate strands of DNA betray you.  
Knowledge empowers, defenceless we are not, we are stronger because of love x

For all the innocent individuals....Mothers, Father, Children brutally slain, torn apart, I feel your pain.....

Rest in peace.  
I/we will always remember.....
Holy as incense rising....each person lifted high  

Brave in life....silence is golden all that's left unsaid.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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Killer Within

It is personal....devouring, you can never get enough; draining individual's of their lifeblood bit by bit.  You don't just come out at night you feed all day long, gorging yourself on every morsel, taking full delight, till your helpless victim is rendered  powerless under your might.  Nothing it seems can stop your onslaught, craving more and more attention you bury deeper and deeper until he/she is hardly recognizable amongst the remnants, of who they once were.

Still warm to touch, decaying within you weave your complexities, depression and anxiety it is horrible to see.  The rain falls hard and cold unspeakable suffering.....isolated, loosing touch with reality and irrational beliefs.

Let me be your one thing defines you or detracts from who you are.....words are powerful, so say it for you.  Be present, choosing consciously aware however hard, another dimension will enhance, even if it is not as you would prefer it to be.

I is not easy, it takes a lot of courage living with the killer within, never knowing when it will strike. You will get through this and come out the other side.  Love and accept yourself just as you are......your immensely valuable, special and unique.  

White on gold....enthused....holy, the cross stands absolute changing reflections with force....take real strength from this truth.....the grass will again smell sweet.  Till at last daystar.....the sun breaks through and stays....touching, it's good to see you smile.....just when you thought you were out of reach.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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A Christmas Gift

Christmas is in the air a new beginning.....
Soon we will hear the familiar story, the story we hold most dear, the wondrous story, a story of true love.  Silent night....holy night I believe in miracles.

Father and son united, lost in love a timeless embrace, as a father holds his baby once lost now found, so our loving heavenly father holds us his creation in his arms of love,his most precious gift to impart. This is the night.....this is the night with the Christmas star shining a sign for all to see, our father chose to send his own, his own dear son. 

As gentle as an Eagle and strong as a Dove God breathes with my love to a tired and needy world....merry Christmas, merry Christmas the greatest gift of all.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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As a flowing fountain
Rose...borne, nurtured, burst, 
in gentle form employ.....
earthen permeating
white light illumined.....peace....the colour of your love.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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My first write last May 2015 

Experience fully! every moment - all! 
I sat on the sand feet indented
as the water gently laped them 
then powerfully left....

As the footprints of old....
I/We were saved.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

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A fork sign appears on the pavement shining, sunlit just for me 
reminding me to put my trust in HIM who knows the way
as I stare I see the separate pathways connecting becoming one.
Though I walk on cobblestones that are hard beneath my feet
You always illuminate my pathway and show your care
I fling my arms open-wide and looking heavenward I cry 
flesh my bones with your wisdom as I let you carry me.

Copyright © Kim Difford | Year Posted 2016

Book: Reflection on the Important Things