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Best Poems Written by Don Cheshire

Below are the all-time best Don Cheshire poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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It's Never Enough

I really do love my wife 
Been with her for most of my life
Why she keeps me I don’t understand
I can’t possibly be her best man 
At home she’s always doing some work 
Makes me feel like I am one lazy dude
I sometimes try to clean the house 
But somehow I don’t do it right
Not a speck of dirt in sight
I was proud to have a decent job
Bring in what I could to toss in the kitty
No longer employed because of the stress
My sanity restored at my home address
Now I have vice’s I must admit
One too many for her to accept
But I refuse to play by her rules
But I did finally quit the booze
Now it’s on to another day 
No job at present, but I get state money
I guess that’s not enough for my honey
At almost sixty I see retirement in sight
Just pay off the house and things will be fine
Why can’t my lady be happy with the way things are?
Retirement is not far away
Is there no time left for play?
The youthful days are long gone
I wish I felt like I was part of the family 
At family gatherings I am often ignored 
Not good enough to command some respect
That’s ok by me… I enjoy my own company 
So now I spend my day’s writing 
Listening to music and having a snack 
Hoping to bring some excitement back
My lady is free to join me or read my verse
Things can’t get much worse

Copyright © Don Cheshire | Year Posted 2016

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It's Only You and Me

I see tell tale signs of our love in decline
Is it something I said? Did I miss a sign?
One cold word is going to lead to another
You’re playing with fire girl, but that’s alright 
I don't care what other people see
It’s only you and me

I know you want some sympathy 
And it’s always seems to come from me
I was not there for you, I guess I’m to blame
It’s different now, you’re not the same
We really need to work things out 

I've found my way back to your heart
I am ready to make a new start 
I have waited for so long
To give our love another try
Please don't tell me that I was wrong 

Once in your life you find your soul mate
I knew from our very first date
You kept me coming back for more
How could I watch you walk away?
Yesterday’s gone but we have today

I was waiting all night for you to call 
I stared at my phone till my eyes lost focus
Then you called, we had a lot to discuss
Now it’s time for a fresh start
It’s only you and me, just the two of us

Copyright © Don Cheshire | Year Posted 2016

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What Do I Write About Now

Is it writers block or have all my ideas been exhausted?
Can I find something interesting for people to read? 
Will the title alone be enough to succeed? 
Will enough people take notice? 
Or will my article even be published?

My mind is a often times a mess
My thoughts are all scattered I must confess
How many rewrites must I partake?
Will it be good enough to send in?
Will someone like it and become a friend?

What will be my topic of choice? 
Will I have enough thoughts to put on paper?
Or should I just stop and try again later?
Does every sentence have to rhyme? 
Why does this process take so much time?

Why do I like to write poems and songs?
Should I tell the truth or just plain lie?
Should I keep writing just to stay busy?
Do I have another decent write in me?
Why do I feel that I must belong? 

Well… I think this one is finally finished
Time to hit save and submit
Go back on the web and read more poems
But why do I feel so alone?

Copyright © Don Cheshire | Year Posted 2016

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Can Someone

I watch time go by like it’s a rolling train.
I try to wash away the pain away but nobody cares.
I am in the dark but and blinded by the rain.
My lungs seem really desperate for air.
Can someone out there help me breathe again? 

I ventured out to a land unseen.
Is this a dream or am I awake?
How much more of this can I take?
Never have I felt so helpless and alone.
Can someone show me the way back home?

There were whispers and then I saw a flame. 
I thought heard someone call my name.
I wanted to run. I wanted to hide.
I wondered if this was my time to die.
Can someone save me from this dilemma?

I had bitten the hand that fed me again.
I found a room that had a mirror.
In its reflection I saw my face young.
Frozen in time with no place to run.
Can someone get me out of this place?

With the paddles of shock pressed to my chest.
I was jilted from slumber and my eyes opened fast.
They said I was lucky it was a heart attack. 
Another minute and I would not have come back.

Can someone help me find a new heart?

Copyright © Don Cheshire | Year Posted 2016

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No Country For Old Men In Love

After being together for years in this marriage
The same old routine seems to be wearing thin
Something was needed to spark up the flame
I would fall victim to thoughts of mistrust
When your love life shows signs of rust
I was trying to find out the answer
But my jealous mind went in a new direction
I started wondering who was getting her attention
It was the internet that I began to explore
Was she interested in someone else I pondered?
She’s always talking and getting lots of texts on her cell
A fancy I-phone that I can’t figure out
I still have a flip phone that I carry about
Could an ex lover be the reason?
On Facebook there is always a friend search
That damn website feels like a curse
My jealous instincts have me searching her purse
What do I do if something seems out of place?
Do I confront her face to face?
If I get caught spying on her actions
I will blame insanity during my confession
This experience has taught me a new lesson
Maybe I can choose a new profession
I always liked watching The Rockford Files
All I need is a Firebird and a trailer near the beach
I got the damn trailer ...what a peach 
She took my money with nary a sigh 
Her attorney was one creepy dude 
His hair was died black like Jerry Lewis 
I had no help and they asked for more money 
A biased Judge just emptied my wallet 
Lies were told to insure her decision
I never got any Judge to even listen 
I made every mistake that a man can make 
I was fighting a hopeless battle
Then I developed a skin infection 
which has required 4 hospital visits 
Now I have a daily decision 
Do I pull my plug and end the pain 
I don't have the guts to complete that mission
Nobody cares and I feel so ashamed 
I should of never took her for granted 
Some asshole altered my plans for the future 
He took away someone I really cared for 
Does anyone wonder what Karma has in store? 
Silence really can make me crazy 
Four years and not one family member has                                                           shown any love
They seem to have forgotten I even exist.

Copyright © Don Cheshire | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs