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Best Poems Written by Elizabeth Cabrera

Below are the all-time best Elizabeth Cabrera poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Ode To Sleep

Slow and steady, I follow the winding black road
to no where. A stream of gray smoke
escapes my lips, and it begins to swirl, folding over itself
until vanishing with the wind. And I just drive.
I feel the night air as it hits
my face, covering me in cold. I inhale more black tar,
exhaling less fear, I can breathe once more.
The fresh air of the night, becomes a friendly acquaintance
hovering over me, and excusing me for 
interrupting it. And I just drive.
The yellow lines flash by me as I sit,
stepping on the gas, moving faster
hoping the night will send me to the 
Day. I drive over the lines
and onto a ledge, over looking the mountains.
I can almost touch Orion's Belt.
I inhale once more, white smoke escaping, 
as I flick my friend,
saying bye for the last time.
Up through the mountains where I
hit the acceleration and fly
Ode to my last cigarette, and now
I just drive into the sun.

I just drive.

Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2015

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Walking Away

The divorce rate has sent my self indulgent, 
millennial heart into a tail spin,
and I'm unsure if love can subsist,
although I find myself lost on cloud nine.
What's the square root of two?
I bet it's not unity.

My brother made a run for the hills, chasing 
metallic, white powder that was more enticing
then life could be. 
I followed after him. Hopeful, yet stagnant. 
In the end, I wish I could see him again,
but my poor millennial heart is lost
in how many likes I can get,
and bhakti chai tea.

Remember how Mufasa died?
I'll have better luck with strangers. 

I haven't chased my brother since the last attempt.
I don't want to keep climbing back up over the ledge.

So keep smashing that bottle of your favorite,
cheap McCormick's over the head of your least
favorite employee, while mocking the rest of us
for our lack of ethic in the work place.
We only just spent thirty-five thousand dollars to earn a piece of paper,
saying we can do what we don't have experience in.

My poor millennial heart.

Prejudged, but I'll keep my head down,
so I'll never have to hear about how bad
or Planned Parenthood is,


Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2015

Details | Elizabeth Cabrera Poem

I Killed the Earth Last Night

I killed the earth last night,
with my unregistered gun and I joined
rich men with toupees, and backbones 
of little boys. 
I killed the earth last night,
by bringing my .38 caliber to school.
Bang. Bang.
I killed the earth, and danced to the tune of
the bodies falling to the ground.
A little boy carrying a man’s weapon.
I killed the earth last night,
and I saw it coming but wanted five more minutes of peace. 
I killed it by selling underage girls
while hiding it underneath cat calls from heckling men, or
by paying more attention to moderately priced sales for
Ipads, and
on Black Friday,
made from workers in China on a dollar fifty an hour wage. 
I killed the earth last night,
and brought it home to mom as it slowly shriveled away.
She put it outside, saying the blood would get everywhere
and out here, no one would see it. 
I killed the earth last 
while us sheep bask in the bashful sun,
with a back drop of man aided acid rain, I blissfully 
killed the earth. 
I killed the earth today,
by deporting babies born in the state,
to save money while political leaders like
Donald Trump,
Vladimir Putin, and 
Paul Ryan
bestow upon themselves millions of dollars
while us sheep bask in the sunlight. 
I killed the earth last night,
by not allowing Syrian refugees into the country,
and I became a slave to the hallucination that genocide isn’t real.
I killed the earth last night with police brutality. 
I killed Tamir Rice,
Michael Brown, and
Travon Martin.
I shot them because of the color of their skin, 
and took a slap on the wrist and cried. 
I killed the earth last night with nuclear bombs.
I shot down a plane last night,
was it an acquaintance or a friend?
I bombed a gas station last night,
only to gain money for myself,
while telling the sheep to do back-flips, telling them to 
follow the other sheep basking in the sun.
Black sheep.
The black sheep will help us all.
But I killed the world last night. 
I wish I never hit snooze. 

Elizabeth Marlo Cabrera

Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2015

Details | Elizabeth Cabrera Poem

Social Media Is Quickly Turning Into a Graveyard


Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2015

Details | Elizabeth Cabrera Poem

Loves Body

Love's Body
stung once before,
by an orchard

into a rose bush,
pricking a lone


She closed the blinds 
and fell 
Love’s body
returned, and she
awoke with 


from a blue hydrangea. 

Roses encompassed them,
remaining untouched.

They were still.

Love’s new body,  
a blue hydrangea and a not so lone


Sitting beside a rose garden.
The hydrangea whispers,

"I’ll close the blinds
so you can

she’ll raise them,
so that they both may
with the sun.

Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2016

Details | Elizabeth Cabrera Poem

Cloud Nine

Here, to my right on cloud nine, 
sits God, finding my match.
He's back down on two.
I take the stairs, the elevator's full. 

Back on two, we reconcile,
thinking back to long conversations
of us, and you, and our future as one.

I had so much love to give,
but it seems I never had enough.

I'd tell you how much I love you,
but I can only write it.

So I'll put you next to God,
on cloud nine.
I'll take my place, besides you,
and inhale your scent.
Back on cloud nine,
I am free again.

Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2015

Details | Elizabeth Cabrera Poem

Dawn Again

Light peaks through the cracks. 
Dawn once more,
I lift my head, light softly caressing me. 
I pray for a new day before its begun, 
but the soft graze of light on my cheeks nudge me forward. 

I slept through your time of need, but 
my heart was closed, 
and now it's dawn again. 

How I wish you a good nights sleep

Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2016

Details | Elizabeth Cabrera Poem


I'll take the winding back roads and hope to skid. 
My mind aches when the wheels turn,
and I can't believe in the existence of myself. 
myself, and
I. Three separate entities forming nothing. 

And I can't breathe.

Copyright © Elizabeth Cabrera | Year Posted 2016

Book: Reflection on the Important Things