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Best Poems Written by Abhinandan Subba

Below are the all-time best Abhinandan Subba poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Old Smile

And when did He give thee the power to kill
Your own brothers and rape mothers, just to steal
Love away from those innocent flowers
Before they even know how to bloom,
And attract bees to rape her again and again
But she smiles burning in pain
Feeling blessed because of the love she gives
And having the mightiest power to forgive.
Now all’s casted with the doomed sky
And He, a stealer of human souls
Emerges once more; with the stroke
Of midnight; and the traveller is
Too tired to walk another mile,
Stops by our home and sings the old smile,
“And the sinners are sinned several times
With the start of the sun, till the stop of the shine.”
And it’s this song, our anthem
That sets us free,
From the form
Of the coward and the fearless

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2015

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Five Days

I saw a bizarre rainbow yesterday,
Seven colours,
 All shades of grey,
I grasped my whole days in my hand,
But couldn’t give a definite shape to the clay.
I probed the funny rainbow,
“You are a liar"
 “Where are your colours?”
“Where are those seven sisters of shade?”
More and more,
He poured me,
 With his infinite shades of grey.
I met a rose the other day,
Made up of dead leaves, about to decay,
But when I looked down and saw no thorns,
I realised why it was brown and wasn’t crowned.
And she spoke:
“If I, on my youth,
Am seen as the symbol of love,
What am I now?”
And as I looked deep down,
I saw a subdued beating heart.
But covered with dead leaves
All turning brown.
I met a traveller the third day,
His boots were torn,
Baggage lost.
I called him into my house,
“Rest a while, aye nomad.”
He rose up his hand,
An unsteady wave,
A hollow glance,
A soulless body,
Walking those automated steps.
Blindfolded with his duty,
 And a machine inside his chest.
I met a king the fourth day,
Riding on a golden chariot,
A golden body,
With a golden crown.
It seemed he possessed every human’s desire,
As he sat on his golden throne.­
But his eyes deceived his flamboyance,
Cause it revealed the vacuum inside him,
He may have forts and forts of wealth and jewels,
But they can’t fulfill his emptiness within.
On the fifth day I met a beggar,
His only possession was a torn sack,
Half filled with scraps,
An old coat acted as his pillow,
The earth his bed,
It was his home, wherever he laid his head.
Neither was he happy,
Nor was he sad,
But somehow I felt his inner containment,
He had no desires, he had no dreams,
No inclination, no longing and no yearnings.
-       Avee

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2015

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My Four Walls

My four walls,
So confined yet so free,
I play my guitar along
Creating an unheard melody.
I sail along my tunes,
Fly to unknown lands,
I see everything so beautiful
My vision in trance.
I step inside this world, an asylum,
The so called humans,
Everyone’s so false and masked
They discriminate, that’s their task.
Call it freedom, call it earth,
Restrictions till death from the very birth,
What do you see? Why call yourself individual?
When what your society gives is all virtual.
Well people get in,
Get inside your four walls,
So confined yet so free,
And fly along the tune, an unheard melody.

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2015

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Spritual Freedom

When i look around me,
Tears and blood is all i see,
Brother is after his own brother,
A child's crying for his mother.

Friends are fighting among themselves,
And the world is growing apart,
If there's someone holding still,
It's the only God i feel.

*Blame religion for this,
  It's your superstition creating this,
  Racial discrimination does not lead to peace,
  So forget the past and live your life as it is.

Leaders leading us to hell,
Cause lies are only what they tell,
There's no one worthy of believing,
Is this wound not for healing?

Warlords till this very day,
Are happy taking our lives away,
Roaring guns and fierce arms,
Are taking all the good and charms.


Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2018

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Memories of a dying bud, 
Felicitation for the hard sun, 
He still crawls the wall, 
Butterfly tormented with her wings burnt. 
Differences is an old man, 
Still walking our bloodied earth, 
He shoots himself everyday, 
A ceremony celebrated from his birth. 
Oh! how has he taken over you? 
Like some brown leaves covering the dead, 
Or are we just drops of dew? 
Like it has always been said. 
Maybe I need to define, 
An extent of suffice, 
But who am I to do this? 
When we are all confined... 

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2015

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Snowfalls on a desert,
And a bud peeps through the ice,
Realization creep into me,
With a question,
'Am i worth this life?'
Men have found answers
For all the unsolved equation.
A sailor still finds his treasure,
Even if takes years on the ocean,
But still the question,
'Am i worth this life?'

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2015

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A Prayer For the One

Well! somebody’s got to fill up these empty spaces,
            Hollowness inside me that keeps growing on,
            Silence screams and curses me,
            ‘Damn you! You’ll never find a way out.’
            But have I got anything to lose?
             When all I won was sorrow
            And pains that I took in debt from you.
            I don’t want to pay you back
            With dollar and dimes and erase the blame,
            The reality is that pain and sorrow are my drugs,
            I can’t afford to lose them.
            Miracles occur only in fairytales
            And I’ll take this verdict with me,
            To my coffin and bury them along.
            Maybe my sons and daughters will be happy then,
            Maybe you’ll be able to live a life
            Where you’ll find eternal happiness and sunshine,

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2015

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Well its ok, its fine,
No reasons needed, no need to define,
Season changes, the days pass by,
You go on dreaming with wide open eyes.
If this is what you call 'love',
If this is how its meant to be,
If it promises the freedom of doves,
But tame you within those written boundaries.
Then i don't need any of these,
These were never my ways,
I don't need your pathetic reasons,
To justify the words that I say.
I am mere emotions, I demand to be free,
Run the wild open spaces
Contemplating the beauties of mystery,
Change my ways, the way I want,
Whenever I feel like, like the wind
And a brown leaf's magical dance.
Sail the waters, stormy or calm,
Piercing those waves, breaking your charm,
And even if I perish, if my sun don't shine,
Its ok, its fine...

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2015

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Journey To You

Don’t take yourself away; I can’t bear the pain,
With you by my side, it’s sun but without, it’s rain,
Only rains like bullets are for a soldier,
As you pass by, I feel the warmth ceasing and life is colder.
Let me fool myself, let me see roses in desert,
Let me feel the coziness of the sun at night,
Let me breath underwater, let me walk all alone,
On this lonely road thinking it leads to your home,
Which it doesn’t and I know I’m walking towards a grave.
This road is dark with no street lights, full of pitfalls,
But I can’t stop because my legs follow my heart
And my heart towards where it hears your call
Can’t prevent knowing it’s false,
And I’m not moving on with ‘maybe’ on my mind,
I’m not walking on ‘just incase its true’,
Known about the closed door and lights off,
No, I won’t come up and give a knock,
Where you are happy and smile freely, it’s my home.
With you lying beside me I dream,
And it’s so real and intense I scream, I get awake,
Don’t find you beside so again I close my eyes.
I’ll live fooling myself you are mine when you are not,
I’ll smile thinking you are happy,
I’ll sleep assuming you are dreaming the sweetest dream ever,
I’ll survive knowing you are living a life which I could never.
Even if my road ends at your home and my eyes
Sees the open door with the lights on,
I’ll not knock, no, I’ll never,
I’ll be at ease and rest for the first time
I’ve found my destiny,
You are happy…
  					-Abhinandan Hang Limkhim

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2018

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A screaming silence,
Shouts so loudly,
Still unheard by the masses,

"Are you the only one?"
Asked the inquisitive me,
"Yes," He answered,
And continued "Let it be."
And I agreed.

Copyright © Abhinandan Subba | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things